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Are you embarrassed for people that make excuses not to serve their country?

Those who choose not to serve their country are pathetic human beings that do not deserve the freedoms for which others have paid the ultimate price. Go ahead and try to convince yourselves that this is not YOUR war, that you will not be treated fairly upon return, blah...blah...blah.... these are all excuses that clearly separate men from boys. Men serve their country - period.


Yeah... I said it. I watch with pride each time my husband returns home from war and see other men hang their heads in his presence - fact. If you want to be a man - then act like a man and do the right thing for your country.

Update 2:

Who said I didn't serve my country? Is than another assumption or excuse that men want to make for not serving?

Update 3:

I am cracking up at all of the males suggesting that women should take up arms!!! That is EXACTLY my point! This is what America is raising - sissies.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    not embarassed for them.

    Sickened by them would be more accurate.

  • Nick F
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    how is the Iraq war helping the USA?? The only war we've participated in over the last 100 years that was actually necessary for the defense of the USA was WW2

    how is the the Iraq war serving the USA in any way?? Iraq was a dirt poor middle eastern country that in NO way threatened the USA

    Do you really think I have an obligation to join the military so some politician can LOOK GOOD on TV?

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh! I see, Terrie! You're a WOMAN so you don't have to serve your country. Put up or shut up. Either you march straight down to the recruiting office, right now and sign the papers, or knock off the self-righteous crappola.

    Thinking you're making a sacrifice because you're husband is doing the marching doesn't cut the mustard. You're definitely pretty smug for somebody who is so comfortable. You need to breathe sand for a few years.

    Beyond that, there are a lot of people who would be perfectly willing to serve if the war in question wasn't a complete stupid waste. I don't need excuses. Your war sucks. It's stupid. It's pointless murder. I ain't goin'. Men don't BLINDLY serve their country. They weigh the situation and do what's appropriate. If you buy all that stars and stripes crap, then that's YOUR delusion, sister. If you do, then the military has plenty of opportunities for people of your sex, so stop making EXCUSES and get off your butt and join and do your duty and serve your country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you in the forces? If not, by your reasoning, shouldn't you be? My husband is also military (Canadian) and I was as well (for 6 years); I left the forces to be home and raise my children. I am proud of my husband and the job he does, but I would not put down others for not doing the same job. Everyone has different beliefs, unless they are hurtful or spiteful to others, I say live and let live.

    * EDIT: In response to your additional details, I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you may be serving as well, although in your question "Join the Military!?" you confess that you are not due to various...reasons, so I think you are being a little hard on everyone here.

    Anyways, since you seem to be rather intolerant of ideas and opinions that differ from yours, I am going to go ahead and assume that I am not going to get "Best Answer"!?

    In any case, this must be a very stressful time for your family. I wish you and your husband the best and I hope that he makes it through this time safely.

    Source(s): Mom of 2, and military spouse who knows how stressful it can be...
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  • 1 decade ago

    My husband is in the Army but he doesn't have a superiority complex about it. In China they are forced to serve their country. I live in the United States of America where it is ones choice to proudly serve.

    My husband would never have the audacity to call someone a coward for not serving. To him it is a privilege to serve. I am thank full he has class.

  • Vegan
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I see.. When did you serve?

    Please don't give me the excuse that you're a woman. Women are able to serve in the military now.

    There is no obligation to be a mercenary for the government. You're delusional (and hypocritical) if you think that there is. It's just an occupation like any other.

  • MI
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    not embarrassed for them at all. Not impressed with them either though. Not only do men serve their country but women also! Go Army!

    edit to add: When are you enlisting?

  • 1 decade ago

    good for you!

    BUT if a man has a reason to not go to war, such as they dont want to have to KILL someone just because someone told them to, then Id prefer they be allowed to stay out and do their part for their country in their own way... You dont need to be a soldier to be a patriot.

  • Jose R
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I think there are many ways you can serve your country without joining the military.

    BTW I served.

  • 1 decade ago

    No not embarrassed at all but feel bad for you being so angry.

    Your husband is doing what he feels is right and just and I would not put him down so why are you putting others down?

  • 1 decade ago

    Didn`t serve in Vietnam and damn proud of it.

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