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Why do liberals think people should be punished for being successful?

Questions for Libs -

Do you beat your kids for getting good grades?

Do you turn down a raise at work?

Do you watch the academy awards?

Should prisoners make the same money as the working class?

Think about what you are saying......


You guys are making my point! What makes lib's think that we do not pay taxes??? You are totally crazy!

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Liberals think that the rich got that way by some unfair method. They've been trained from an early age to think that all the rich people are just a bunch of old white men smoking cigars in a lit board room as they supposedly chuckle over poisoning streams... or some such scenario. In short they've been taught that wealth is unable to be accumulated by legitimate means, and anyone who got rich only supposedly did it by clubbing baby seals, giving unfair wages, causing severe pollution, or a combination of eco-unfriendly or socially unfair methods. The logical person understands there are many millionaires and billionaires that did not use any such unfair methods, nor were in any such eco-unfriendly industries. Musicians, actors, atheletes, the Johnson twins, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart, and many others never touched a seal pelt, and are still worth millions and even billions.

    Oil company chairpersons and tobacco company chairpersons are a classic example of this idea perpetuated in the liberal mind about big business being evil, even if the stereotype isn't neccessarily true (Look at Condi Rice, she was a member of the board for Chevron corporation). The automatic assumption is of course, that poor, disadvantaged, little people out there are too ignorant to understand the common knowledge about lung cancer, or that oil tycoons offer us fuel made out of petroleum rather than daisies because they just want to be mean to the earth.

    someone before me mentioned the hypocrisy of the situation as the Kennedy family doesn't fall under this, despite their money originating from mafia activity during the 30's. and it is mentioned here to demonstrate part of my conclusion.

    Liberals think people should be punished for being successful because they have been impressed from an early age to attach success and evil. If you can make yourself seem like you aren't in communion with their evils, then you can pass, all you have to do is pretend to agree with them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me guess this is about paying taxes. So your point would be the more successful your are the less taxes you pay. Do the rich really pay a fair share? Yes in the tax brackets rich have a higher percentages but how many credits are awarded to the rich? If you really look at the tax code you would know that the rich are always at an advantage, it has been written by the rich for the rich.

    You don't beat your kids for getting good grades but you don't write half of their paper either.

    You don't turn down a raise because you never get the raise that you should.

    Prisoners shouldn't make the same money as the working class thus you should write a letter to your representative to have pension payments for Duke Cannigham stopped.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's the responsibility of the people who make the most to pay the most taxes. I'm sorry if someone's going to have to get a BMW instead of a Porsche, but there are people in this country who aren't wealth and paying your share wouldn't leave them with enough to feed themselves.

    Shouldn't the question be: Should the working class make the same money as prisoners? (By the way, prisoners make below minimum wage in most prisons. Look it up.)

    Let me ask you this: Why is it that conservatives are always telling everyone to suck it up and stop whining until it's time for the wealthy to pay taxes?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't care how much money someone makes as long as they aren't getting special treatment from the tax laws when it comes to tax time. That I have a definite problem with, and so should everyone. By the way, not a liberal here, not a Democrat, and not a Republican, and doing fairly well in the success department. So much for pigeonholing.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Umm. Ditto on the "think about what you are saying part"... perhaps your hypothesis needs help?

    Why do I ever answer a "Why do libs...?" "Why do neo-cons...?" "Why does this group/that group, think/do/say something-absolutely-absurd?


    ADDED: Well, I am glad SOMEONE is making your point. I still don't quite get it. I don't even know who you ("we") are, but I would be amazed to find out you don't pay taxes.

    I assume you are trying to say that you are against raising the taxes at the upper ends of income. That's fine, but I can't believe that you can't UNDERSTAND how or why people might take a different approach... Nobody is that naive.

  • 1 decade ago

    I bet you watch Fox News, don't you? Have you also come to accept Rush Limbaugh as your personal Savior, and only path to salvation?

    Your question is too ridiculous to even bother with a serious answer. It's obvious that your not looking for a truly objective answer to your question. You're only looking to stand on a soap box and trash Liberals. Get real.

    Who would you rather have baby sit your children? A Catholic Priest or a Liberal?

    What kind of cop would you rather be arrested by? A Rush Limbaugh Nazi or a Liberal?

    If you lost your job and ended up on the street, who do you think would offer you assistance? Someone from a Conservative think tank or someone from a Liberal Service organization?

    I've wated enough time with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, toots, but liberals are much more successful on average than conservatives. Take a look at the average wages in California and New York, as opposed to Mississippi and Alabama. But liberals don't mind paying their fair share. I'm fairly well off, and let me tell you first hand, I sure as hell didn't need a tax cut from George Bush.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're questions make absolutely no sense. Since when do people think others should be punished for being successful.

    Are you telling me people who are successful should pay their fair share of taxes? They should be allowed to break the law anytime they want? Should they run the country to make sure no one else can try to be successful?

    Think about what YOU are saying before asking questions...

  • MSJP
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't believe that most Liberals or Conservatives believe that and personally I believe that you are the one who should think about what you are saying before you ask a question.

    By thinking first, your question will not be such a stupid question!

    There are good and bad on both sides and I know which side you are on...and I'm not thinking the good side!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are a bizarre bunch, those Libs.

    Look at AnthonyinKC who obviously does not have a clue. The top 1% of wage earners pay over 35% of personal income taxes, but that is not enough for Tony. I bet Tony Baloney has no clue that the upper 50% of wage earners pay 96% of income taxes. Hey Tony B., study hard and one day you just may have a clue of what is fair and just.

    The wealthy make this country go big guy. The few who don't pay their "fair share" are few and far between. Those who do not pay their fair share tend to be business owners and entrepreneurs who mysteriously report a fraction of their income and hide/spend the rest.

    What a shocker, eh TonyBinKC?

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