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edward m asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

I'm conservative but I am coming around to the liberal idea of getting out of Iraq ASAP.?



Mr White, flattery will get you everywhere. My wife will be glad to know I am now a liberal.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Actually a lot of conservatives were against the war and are still against it. People like Pat Buchanan and tucker carlson no lefties by any strech of the imagination have been adimit against invading Iraq. Also many moderate republicans have been for a strategy to get the troops out of iraq

  • 1 decade ago

    The question needed to be asked before Bush attempted to make the UN relevant. Now the question is what will it take to have the Iraqi people better off than they were under Saddam?

    If you think that they will be better off if we leave the terrorist's 5ht column has done a good job on you. The 1st world's economy will clearly be worst off. It is likely the country will self destruct just like Lebanon & Yugoslavia did. The difference is the 1st world's economy does need their oil. & the environment don't need the oil just inflames in that area.

    Are you going the challenge the terrorists 5th column to be Laeders or not? The 5th column is the 1st World's Press corp. They claim they are on no one's side. They can only assert that if they don't think about the consequence of their actions!

    If they were truely leaders & cared about the people they would be challenging the Iraqi people to take a vested interest in their country's wealth creation. As long as they are more interested in retalleation for pasted wrongs outside instigators can needle both sides into a civil war.

    Also the world press has a vested interest in the war going on! Their ratings go up as violence goes up. In many ways they are the salesmen for the world's arms dealers! Of cource they would disagree, but as said earlier they don't think of the consequences of their actions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, you're wrong. I really doubt you're a conservative

    to begin with tho. As the # 1 super power of the world,

    we really can't just wave the white flag and surrender.

    Our servicemen have not been giving their all in Iraq

    just to have us "cave". They want victory just as much

    as Bush and other conservatives do. Terrorists attacked

    us, so it is right and just for US to go after them. Iraq did

    indeed have wmd but moved them to Syria during the big

    long wait on the weapons inspectors from the U.N. to get

    there and check them out. So, no more saying Bush lied

    about wmd. Clinton also said Iraq had them, I"ll remind


  • 1 decade ago

    You are right to think so. We should have bombed them to begin with to show we meant business. Shot Hussein and left as soon as we started. Now we are in the middle of a civil war and no one can win in that situation. I used to be conservative too, but then I think of Clinton and we did not do much better with him so I am for no political standing at the moment and my opinion is all politicians are just plain corrupt. We just vote for the lesser evil and hope that the leaders we vote for have our best interests in mind, but the majority of time they do not.

    So who do we vote for bad turkey number one or number two?

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  • Harry
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    We wont really know if you are wrong or not until history teachers start talking about this war fifty years from now.

    But, personally, I don't think you are wrong. As a matter of fact, I would like to thank you for joining the other 70% of Americans that feels the same way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We need to pull out of Iraq immediately. And yes i am a conservative.

  • 1 decade ago

    Getting out of Iraq isn't a "liberal" idea. It's the best thing for our country. Its a patriotic idea.

    And spending billions more dollars and killing more troops and Iraqi civilians is not the "conservative" thing to do. Its the NEO-conservative thing to do. If you are in fact a genuine conservative, you need to run from those Neo-Con-Men as fast as you can.



  • 1 decade ago

    I don't see a solution to Iraq. Besides, there were no WMDs, no al-Qaeda-Hussein links, no Iraqi threats, and no or little terrorism in the country back in March 2003. Moqtada al-Sadr and al-Qaeda got a reason to fight in Iraq after the war broke out. Yippee! You just gave them a reason to fight. Iran chipped in as well, with weapons and men. You took out both their m,ain enemies in the ME (Iraq & Afghanistan). Now Iran is more powerful than ever, and a REAL threat to other nations.

    Source(s): Me, Internet, news, Iraq Study Grouo
  • 1 decade ago

    No you're not. I voted for Bush twice and I realize that he's one of the biggest idiot/liberals there is. How the hell are we "defending freedom and democracy" in Iraq, when we're allowing 3 million illegal immigrants to stream across our southern border every year? I could sneak thousands of elderly, morbidly obese Al Qaida women across that border. That's how ridiculous this is!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, but you're wrong that it's only conservatives who want to stay and liberals who want to leave.

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