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edward m asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

I'm a conservative but I am coming around to the liberal idea that women should have the right to choose.?


40 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    simply, yes. I had my son delivered about 4 months ago, and, there is no possible way in hell that you can tell me that the living, moving person I saw in our first ultrasound was not a human. The "right to choose" enables a woman to only choose the right to commit murder on a baby. Sugarcoat it any way you want, to end that life is to end the life of a baby, which is the definition of murder. Think about it, youll know I'm right.

    sweetecim... I do not have a uterus, your'e right. However, to say that one requires a uterus to make a choice to end a life is a logically flawed argument. Think of it this way, you are the size of a grape, and I accidentally eat you (I know it sounds stupid, but bear with me.) I go to the doctor one day, and he tells me that I will go through all sorts of pain to get you to vacate my body, but that there is an available method to end your life to make the suffering easier on myself. Do I have the right to end your life to make things easier on myself? Kind of makes sense when you put it in a different perspective.

    Roxanne... your argument is also flawed. You argue that human life requires unassisted breathing to be considered life. If you hold your breath for 2 minutes, are you not considered to be a living thing for those 2 minutes?

  • 1 decade ago

    Not all conservative feel that it is not a woman's choice. I feel that politician parties are trying to make the public take an all or nothing stance on political parties mainstream ideas that they want to force on people. I also feel that some issues are over used while main issues that the general public should be worried about are down played.(How do you get a few quick votes have a strong stance either pro or anti abortion that keeps the public busy while bigger issues slip by such as providing better education, and reducing government spending.)

    Bottom line: It is time people got out of other peoples bedrooms. If two consenting adults chose to do something under the sheets it should be them that answer to the piper. Congrates you took the pill now listen too what every one is saying and vote for the person that has the answers that you are looking to hear.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if you are wrong, but I've always wondered if there is a type of Conservative who is conservative only about their own affairs. I feel like I"m that way, but I don't want to interfere with choices that other people make. It's OK to think you have the right answer on something, but on this one about women's right to choose to me is not something I can decide for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    When did restricting the rights of an individual become a conservative idea? Upholding the rights of an individual has always been at the forefront of conservative thinking. But somehow restricting the rights of individuals has become at the forefront of modern conservative thinking. So by believing in women's choice your showing that you are a true conservative, no matter what Rush would have you believe.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well untill the repuke take that freedom away, right now its your choice to choose how you beleive.

    For some reasone no one wants to comprimise on any issue, like abortion, you know in some cases I am for it, but it should not be the easy answer by no means.

    If a women is raped, or is going die, or the baby is going to be born with extream birth defects, then abortion should be a concideration but with some kind of couciling.

    But the chice should belong to the women, not some old fart standing and preaching to the world its ok to judge and fight in gods name.

    Source(s): Life
  • 1 decade ago

    First, I don't think you should ask others in such a forum about your particular beliefs. You can't possibly get the feedback that you really require.

    Second, Choice doesn't equal Abortion, it is just giving the woman a right to choose. I don't personally believe in abortion, but I am glad that when my brother was 17 and his girlfriend got pregnant they were able to choose what was right for them. I have 3 nieces and nephews, but they didn't come until after he got out of college.

    Finally, I think the other thing to consider is if you force a woman to have a child she doesn't want, can't afford, and won't love, what is the impact will that child make on the community as a whole?

    Just consider it.

    Good luck and Peace!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's up to you. No one here can give you anything bu their own opinion- let your own conscience guide you, this is the worst possible place to ask if you are wrong or right. don't hang on to something you don't believe in just because of your political affiliation.

    I won't say whether I am liberal or conservative. It doesn't matter.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, you are not wrong at all.

    The pro-choice issue is only about WHO gets to make the decisions -- the individual or the government.

    There is a difference between allowing people to make the choice for themselves to keep the child or not, and the govt forcing them (one way or the other).

    Also, don't forget that the freedom of choice laws are the only thing stopping states from mandating abortion or forced sterlization. If the right to choose goes away, the govt can pass any laws it wants, just like China. Do you really want that?

    Freedom of choice is not a minority position, just because you happen to disagree with the choice someone makes

  • 1 decade ago

    I've never had an abortion but I'm glad the option is there if I needed it. I doubt I ever will. I don't think your wrong, carrying a child then giving birth to it if you didn't want it is wrong. I believe life begins when the child takes it first breath outside the womb without assisstance. All this crap about heartbeats and conception is crap. So a fetus with a heartbeat born at lets say 10 weeks is life. I don't think so. Not without life support.

  • 1 decade ago

    Liberal women or conservatives?

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, it is all fine and well to have you own beliefs, whether you think abortion is right or wrong. However when you start enforcing those beliefs on society as a whole we start to have trouble. Abortion is an issue of morality. It is a resolved issue, and although many of us may not agree with it's legality it is soley for moral or spiritual reasons.

    Freedom is about choice within the bounds of the law.

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