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windows vista vs.xp???

i am looking to buy a desktop and i am not bothered about the cost of vista,i am a hardcore gamer and i found the minimum requirement of most games was win xphome /xp proffesional.

my question is whether software(mostly games or others like burners ,etc and other multimedia softwares )that work in xp also work in win vista or not???please i need u r help from choosing between the two!!!!!!!!

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would have to say that most programs will work. However, some require a patch from their manufacturer and/or changing a quick setting in Vista to make them work.

    Without listing exact applications/games, I can't tell you which does work.

    However, I will tell you, if you're purchasing a new computer now or in the very near future, with all due respect, you'd be a fool not to purchase Vista. The reason being is XP won't be offered after the end of this year and thus software/games and updates will slowly dwindle for it. Windows Vista is what everything is being written for now. Essentially, if you don't get on the bus, you're going to be left behind very fast.

    Hope this helps.

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