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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 1 decade ago

Friend advice?

Its along story but my best friend of eight years asked me a question she didn't like my answer now she won't talk to me and when asked why she won't talk to me she says because I'm a bltch. I didn't even say anything mean to her. I am really upset and don't know what I should do. I still really want to be her friend. Any advice on what I should do?


Okay since you peeps really want to know the convo here it it. OKay Tina went out with Tim three times he broke up with her everytime. She claimed she hated him. Then he moved to our school and claimed that he changed and loved her. She said Kayla should I go out with him and I was like no. She was like why? I was like fine don't call me crying when he breaks up with you. Then I said are you mad I said that. Then she was like no but I gotta go. And we never talked after that.

Update 2:

And another thing. Yeah friends argue but our friendship wasn't like that. We were basically sisters in it together and we hated drama. It was just me and her together and no one else. Then she started hanging out with stacy and maria and then it all went downhill from their.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it is really hard to say,you are a true friend to tell her the truth and if can not handle the truth thats on her.(sorry to say) hopefully in time things will calm down. Would she rather you lie to her? FRIEND ARE THERE THROUGH THICK AND THIN!!!!

  • susie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Maybe you should have been a bit more tactful. You might have said something like....It is up to you but I would personally not go out with him again. Remember how he treated you do you know it would be any different now? You should not have came right out and said No..and not to come crying to you about it when he breaks up with her. Tell her that you are sorry for how you sounded and ask her if you can still be friends. Also if she has made other friends and things have not been as cool between the two of you I would just let it go and make new friends. With the information you gave this is the only things I can think of as to how to handle the situation. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sometimes friends don't want honesty, sometimes they want encouragement or sweet white lies. Its part of life's great game to try to work out when this is.

    Sounds like you got it wrong, so you should apologise :-)

    On the other hand, maybe she was looking for an excuse to ditch you as a friend, so nothing you do will get her friendship back. In that case you need to prove to her you are a friend worth having, or make her look really bad in front of everyone else for ditching you as a friend over this.

    You havent listed your question and answer so presumably you know it was wrong.

    I think there might be something else going on here which you haven't realised. Try to think about anything that might have changed her opinion of you. A good start is to apologise. You can always burn the bridge later.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just goes to show you, never ask a question you don't want the answer to.

    Your answer was just what she didn't want to hear.

    I agree it's hard for us to tell without all the info. But it sounds like you didn't tell her what she wanted, and now she's blaming you.

    She has a little growing up to do.

    I know it's hard, but you should let it, and possibly her, go.

    You don't deserve to be treated like that for having an opinion.

    Just read your update. You were totally right. Now she has to figure that out for herself.

    I hate that on-again-off-again-oh this time he'll change crap.

    They broke up, repeatedly, for a reason.

    It's not for you to worry about now. Don't be the third party to it. Just back away, maybe she'll realize she owes you an apology. But be prepared for her not to.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only reason shes pissed at you is cuz u gave her an answer she didnt like, sit her down and tell her you were being honest wiht her becuz u care about her as a friend,let her know that you had no intentions of hurting her, if u need anymore help email me

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would help a lot if you told us what the question and answer were.

    Keep trying to talk to her about it. Show that you want to fix whatever affected her. But if she still stays closed off, let her be. She'll come to her senses eventually and come back to you if this friendship was really meant to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    If she is actaully your best friend she will forgive u and my boys get in fights all the time.....eventually we get over it and forget about just give it some time but dont push her into forgiving u right away and dont not talk to her have to find a median between the two.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell her if she didn`t want our opinion she shouldn`t have asked.This happened to me and I never got her back as a friend, it really annoys me when people ask a question then fall out with you because of your answer.

    I spoke to her about her reaction and said I would never have hurt her on purpose but she wouldn`t listen. I fretted for months but eventually moved on. She then wanted me back but I avoided her. Her loss, I have lots more friends.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell her you were trying to give her an honest answer because that what you would want from her if you needed advice and that you were not trying to be a ***** and that its not fair for her to be mad at you because of it.

  • mikey
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Let her go.

    She will realize that a real friend will tell you the truth,even if they do not like the answer.

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