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Atheists, how can you just blatantly deny that their is a God?

I'm not going to say that you have to believe in my God, but how can you just sit their and deny flat out that their is a God? Just look around you, if we were a little bit closer or farther from the sun, we'd die. If the earth was tilted just right our seasons would not work right, so food would not be their. The world would crumble if the balance of protons and nurtrons in atoms were not balanced like they are. Our amptomsphere is a one of a kind thing that sustains life, this doesn't happen on other planets. This doesn't just happen by accedent. None of that. Even scientists are saying their has to be an 'intelligent designer' because of how the world works and is. So how can you just say "Their is no God"?


OK first off people. I did not say which God I was refuring to (though I guess it is obvious). And I just want a decent answer that doesn't involve trashing someones religion.

even something as "Because -insert 'scientific' evidence here- or -insert your evidence here-" would be nice.

but not "-trash religion- -your reason- -trash religion-"

and I was just asking a question, please do not try and make me sound like a stupid idiot because I just want to understand how some people think, because not everyone thinks the same way.

thank you.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm not an atheist, but with as vast a universe we live in, it's not suprising to me that there's at least one floating rock that just happened to be where it was. Yes, it could have been placed, but really, until there is 100% undeniable proof (and low probability of us just getting a lucky break isn't proof), I can perfectly understand atheists. Also, I just want to say, I applaud the faith and conviction of atheists, it's tough enough at times being an admitted Pagan among Christians, but I think it may be worse dealing with the ignorant backlash that they get from "christains" who can't just accept the fact that without evidence, they will not convert to anything. Kudos to you, atheists.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is SO easy ...

    I deny that there is a god.

    I also deny that there is a heaven or hell, satan, angels, an after-life and a soul. All are fabricated by man.

    There ... no problem.

    I do look around me and I see nothing that suggests for one moment that an invisible, silent, apparently-powerless imaginary entity had anything to do with anything that I see. All that I see occurred without the helping hand of an imaginary being.

    Your view of this planet is so simplistic you are to be ridiculed, as you can see that you have been by the responses before mine.

    You think that your god designed this planet just for us ... if that's so, you god did a really crappy job of it. Most of this planet is of no use to us for habitation - too cold at the poles, too dry in the vast deserts, too wet in the even vaster oceans, not enough oxygen at the high mountains, earthquakes destroying and killing with regularity, volcanoes doing much the same, hurricanes equally as destructive.

    Then, it could all end tomorrow, when the next huge asteroid hits us and wipes us out totally ... all part of your god's plan?

    If that doesn't happen soon enough, the sun is expanding and will consume Mercury eventually. Even further along your god's plan, it will consume THIS planet. We are third in line for being consumed.

    Reputable scientists are NOT saying that there has to be an 'intelligent designer'. That is a fallacy. They are saying quite the opposite.

    Face it - despite the fact that you so desperately want the god/jesus story, with its cosy little heaven idea, to be true - just wanting it to be so will not make it so. It's all imaginary. It's all a lie, to be blunt, and most intelligent people, who have had some basic education, will be able to see right through it by the age of 12.

    You assume a lot but know so little. Such a lack of knowledge opens you to ridicule.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be interested in what science has to say about your assumptions, and you'll probably notice that there are many reasons to believe that life is not very uncommon in the universe, and that we might even be far from special as a species. Some say "they" have visited earth already, but I'm very skeptic about that. But not about the fact that there are most likely other lifeforms in the universe, maybe even more intelligent than we are.

    Also, science contradicts many of the assumptions that the bible makes about god. Quantum physics and string theory show that it's most likely that our universe is just a matter of coincidence, there have been, are and will be zillions of universes more. Maybe a god could have initiated this effect, or never ending process, but there's no sign of that so far.

    About 30 to 40% of western scientists are religious. They're not creationists, but they do believe in some sort of god, or that there must be a meaning to the mystery. So don't think that if science finds evidence or proof of a god, that they will not tell the world. Until that time, I stick to what we know, and that's that we're a matter of coincidence. What I can imagine doesn't really matter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually all those reasons you site, are reasons for why life developed and thrived on our planet. Given the immeasurable size of the universe and the uncountable number of stars in it, the odds are good that at least one if not more systems would have a planet that could support life. Odds are even better that there is life that is not like ours but totally different able to survive in a different environment than ours. So the question becomes not how can you blatantly deny the existence of God, but how can you blindly defend that belief. There is not one shred of hard scientific data supporting the existence of god. Just an old book written and compiled by MEN. Remember the universe is huge, and there are many great scientists that believe that this may not be the only universe. In that hugeness it is only logical to think that at least in one spot the conditions would be right for life to spring forth and evolve. Just look at the fossil record. I mean there are Christians out there that deny the existence of dinosaurs because they weren't in the bible. Even though you can put a dinosaur bone right under their noses.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    first off i am no Atheist.

    however there are several holes in your logic.

    first off the area of our solar system that can support life will allow for more than a little bit of movement back and forth.

    hundreds of thousands of miles if i remember correctly.

    second the axis in not so importent. it may mean that the seasons would be different. but life would have adapted (evolved) to function with the changes long ago. or would have developed with different conditions all together from the start.

    our atmosphere is not one of a kind. just the only one that we have found. and our sight and knowlege of this universe is extreemly limited.

    there are no reputable scientists saying that intellegent design is even plausable. they are "christian scientists" that are looking for a specific outcome. and when you look hard enough for something you will find it eventually.

    as for protons and neutrons. they split off all the time.

    the world has not crumbled.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1) We say there is not a shred of credible evidence that a supernatural God exists.

    2) Does that mean that god does not exist on the Trillions of planets that cannot support life?

    3) Nothing happens by accident, and athiest's don't claim that, they claim that everything happens according to the laws of physics and chemistry.

    4) The vast majority of scientists do not believe that intellegence or intent was required in order to create the world as we know it.

    5) You can say there is no God just as certainly as a Christian can say there is no Zeus. No credible evidence has been presented that zeus exists.

  • 1 decade ago

    scientists are deff not saying 'there must be an intelligent designer' or else they wouldn't be a scientist..

    and theres only 2 ways that everything goes... it either happens.. or it doesn't .. it either works.. or it doesn't . If our seasons were different.. then we would be too.. of course if we were closer to the sun we would die.. we are here b/c we are capable of being here.. so is everything else in this world.. plants and animals.. ect .. but if we humans were incapable of being here.. the world would still be here.. it would just be different..

    theres only 2 ways things can go

    and our planet is not one of a kind.. we have MANY similarities to others..

    Source(s): .. and Hello K is right on
  • 1 decade ago

    Even scientists are saying it has to intelligent design? And which scientists are these? Oh wait, let me guess, scientists at Pat Roberts University, that great center for scientific thinking.....LOL

    All those things you state is exactly what proves there is no sky daddy involved.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The fact that things are set up so that we can live only proves that we wouldn't be here to have this discussion if it were not that way.

    Considering the size of the universe, it seems likely that things would be "just right" somewhere.

    I can deny God's existance flat out because He doesn't seem interested in showing up and debating me.

    I'm pretty sure if He wasn't losing the debate by default, He could win by blowing me up or just making me lose the ability to speak.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree nature is perfect except every one is different and does not think the same way religious people do/....... for some people evidence is necessary.....

    I have been bought up religious so I believe in God (yes I do fully believe) but I also believe in Evolution....

    For some people Logical positivism is necessary... so in that case we should leave them alone and not judge..

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