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  • Besides headlice, what causes an itchy scalp?

    So for about a week or so now I've had an itchy head. Once I realized "hey I've been scratching more then normal" I went out, bought a thing of anti-lice shampoo, and used it. However when I was using the comb I noticed there were no dead bugs, no live bugs, and no eggs coming out in teeth of the comb. So the next day I combed my hair with the comb again, and again no bugs. I got my dad to check my hair, and no bugs. I went to the hairdresser, and she didn't see any (I needed a hair cut anyway), and now my head is still itchy!

    So besides head lice, what can cause your head to itch?

    7 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Okay so the four year old we babysit isn't potty trained yet and...?

    So this little girl we babysit (actually its my dad who babysits, not me but whatever) is four years old and still not potty trained. I've talked to her mother about it (we are semi-family friends), and she keeps saying, "oh she will be." And always sets dead-lines, by Christmas, by her birthday, by the end of summer. But then she does nothing about it. She doesn't put the girl on the potty, never asks her if she wants to go. The little girl doesn't ask to go potty, and if I ask her if she has to go, she says no and starts crying.

    The only thing her mom has done is try to put her in 'big girl panties' but then all the girl does is wet them and then take them off and put a pull-up on. Her mother just laughs when she finds out she did that and said, "I guess she's not ready yet." She's also quiet pleased that she can change her own pull-up when wet (although she's also stopped doing that now *sigh*)

    Is there anything I can tell her mom to get her potty trained soon? Because there is no why she can get into Kindergarten if she still wears diapers, or even into preschool like her mom hopes.

    15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • For the people who call men sexist pigs...?

    please read this article that was on Yahoo:

    Now, after reading that it's kind of clear to me that we women are sexist pigs to. *gasp* *shock* *oh the horror*

    Men are people, not dogs.

    19 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Why is it that when someone says?

    'Your can't have an abortion' half the population jumps on them and screams "you can't tell me what I can or can't do" or "my body my choice" or any of the other hundereds of other pro-choice slogans. But as soon as a bill is passed to protect mothers who are pregnate and WANT TO KEEP THE BABY these same people don't care and actualy protest against it?

    In Canada bill C-484 is in congress and I've seen so many pro-choice people protesting it, saying its a pro-life scam. But its not. It's very pro-choice. It is protecting the choice of the mother have her child?

    So are pro-choicers really pro-choice or just pro-abortion?

    12 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Has anyone read 'The Life of Pi'?

    And if so, did you like it or hate it? Personally I found it as dry as a burnt peace of toast in the middle of the Sahara desert in the middle of the dry season.

    And if you liked it why?

    If you didn't like it, why?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What has feminisms done for ME lately?

    I've read so many answers to questions were feminists quickly put in 'well you can thank us for your right to vote.' No we can't. Unless you're over 100 years old you did nothing to give me the right to vote. And technically in my country women got the right to vote because the government said "Hey if you go to war your wife/mother/sister/daughter can vote," in WW1.

    Wage gap: the only wage gap I know of is within different jobs, higher paying jobs are, yes, usually given to men. But its for a very good reason. The higher paying jobs are more dangerous (like roofing), or the working needs more strength, and men have testorone which makes them stronger then women for such jobs, so why would an employer give the job to a women who would take almost twice as long to complete a job then an equally qualified man?

    So, what has feminism done for me (and all women) lately?

    20 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do so many women hyphenate their last names now?

    I mean when a guy; no matter how rich or how poor he is; asks a girl to marry him he's basically offering her the one thing that he will always have that won't run the risk of crashing with the stalk market, that will always be his greatest possesion, and he's offering to share it (not only share but GIVE it) with her. And she is basically turning around slapping him in the face and saying "NO! Your last name is not good enough for me!" Why? I would feel honored if the guy I loved (who I have yet to meet) wanted to share his name with me. I wouldn't want to insult it by tacking on anything else to it.

    20 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Pirouette help?

    Every time I try to do a pirouette (either in Ballet or Jazz) I keep falling out of it. I can get almost always around but I lose my balance for the last quarter of it.

    How can I keep my balance so I can actually do a pirouette.

    8 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • How is this fair?

    This couple I know (well I only the guy as he lives in the appartment above me, and I babysit his neice) got pregnate. She was on the needle (some form of Birth Controle) so obviously it wasn't supposed to happen. Now, she's on her way to have an abortion. He doesn't want her to have one, he wants to raise the kid. They broke up a couple weeks ago, and she told him today that she was pregnate and was going for the abortion. (so what really was the point in tell him?)

    Now since the FATHER wants the child and the MOTHER does not, should the mother be able to have the abortion.

    And please people one agruement I will not stand for is: "Her body her choice" because it can be challanged with "THEIR child THEIR choice." If she doesn't want the child, let him raise it.

    31 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • OK now anti-feminists are always complaining that...?

    feminists are always complaining about 'North America's' problems with women, though their are obviously none left any more. Yet never worry about women in other countries who actually are oppressed. While yes it is true that it doesn't seem that they really care about women on the other side of the world, only what affects them here. What exactly have we as Anti-feminists and/or Equalists done to bring equality to those oppressed in other countries? I don't think it’s fair to lay all the blame on feminists (no matter how easy it is.)

    (though that is a two way street. We should stop blaming them for our problems and they should stop blaming us for theirs).

    So just what are we doing to help the oppressed women in other countries?

    10 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Why do feminists find it so hard to believe that...?

    ...we anti-feminists LIKE being stay at home moms and housewives? That we LIKE cooking, and cleaning the house, and taking care of our kids? That we KNOW we can do a better job at raising our kids then daycare?

    And when you think about it, while feminists have their one (sometimes two jobs) the stay at home wives and mothers have lots. Cook, maid, taxi driver, referee, super hero, nurse/doctor, teacher, monster-get-rid-ofer and so on.

    So why do they find it so hard to believe that we are satisfied were we are?

    27 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Fathers... Who are you more protective of?

    your daughters or your sons and why?

    11 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Since all these feminists are all uptight about everything being equal between genders shouldn't they....?

    Shouldn't they realize that according to the title of the Yahoo!Answers heading that they live under, they are not a part of the gender. No women is.

    I mean, 'Gender and Women studies' what, are we no longer a human? But a race all of our own?

    13 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Would you agree that....?

    if feminists keep trying to block and ban everything that is anti-feminism we will have nothing left in the world.

    For example there would be no more Shakespeare because Katrine's monologue at the end of Taming of the Shrew.

    We wouldn't have any classic romance type novels because they show females as being weaker.

    Most music would be banned because most singers; if you can call them that; aren't 100% respectful of women, so they gotta go.

    And children will hardly ever get to see their mothers, because aparently mothers who stay at home and cook clean and take care of the kids are being walked apon by their husbands instead of working.

    15 AnswersGender & Women's Studies1 decade ago
  • Foot cramp?

    This week dance started again. And last year I hadn't danced because the studio I was going to never sent me a schedule and I tried out for the school play instead. And before that I had one year of dance after six years of not dancing. And in my first class my foot cramped up on me, to the point I couldn't move my foot without pain. I'm sixteen and the last time my foot did that I just been forced to quit dance.

    Why did my foot do that, and how do I provent it from happening again?

    2 AnswersDancing1 decade ago
  • I have a question for Christians from a Christian...?

    OK, the other day I was at this amazing youth conference, and left being on fire and filled with God, wanting to be a better Christian. But it only really lasted for a couple hours. It lingered the next day, but then I was back to being good old normal me. Is their anyway to be constantly filled with that feeling? Thanks.

    33 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is everyone only attacking Christianity?

    I mean their are zillions (over exaggeration) of other religions out there and yet atheists and other people from other religions see fit to mainly attack the Christians. What did we ever do to you? I mean yes their are some hot headed idiotic Christians who attack atheists but that's not everyone.

    Why can't people just get along, it is possible you know.

    also, when you answer this please be nice, I am only seeking an answer not an insult. And please don't diss what I believe in. Thank you.

    34 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, how can you just blatantly deny that their is a God?

    I'm not going to say that you have to believe in my God, but how can you just sit their and deny flat out that their is a God? Just look around you, if we were a little bit closer or farther from the sun, we'd die. If the earth was tilted just right our seasons would not work right, so food would not be their. The world would crumble if the balance of protons and nurtrons in atoms were not balanced like they are. Our amptomsphere is a one of a kind thing that sustains life, this doesn't happen on other planets. This doesn't just happen by accedent. None of that. Even scientists are saying their has to be an 'intelligent designer' because of how the world works and is. So how can you just say "Their is no God"?

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My cat is really fat, and the diet cat food is not working. Why?

    I feed her the diet cat food as it instructs on the bag, and my cat is not getting any thinner. In fact I'd almost say she's getting fatter.

    9 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Why, to treat asthma, do some doctors give some people pills?

    I mean it would sound kind of pointless, don't you think? the medication would have to go to the stomach, get digested, into the blood stream and then go to the lungs, and by then you probably don't have the full dosage (I actually don't know). Where as with puffers the medication goes straight to the lungs.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago