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Why is everyone only attacking Christianity?

I mean their are zillions (over exaggeration) of other religions out there and yet atheists and other people from other religions see fit to mainly attack the Christians. What did we ever do to you? I mean yes their are some hot headed idiotic Christians who attack atheists but that's not everyone.

Why can't people just get along, it is possible you know.

also, when you answer this please be nice, I am only seeking an answer not an insult. And please don't diss what I believe in. Thank you.

34 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    your religion is under constant attack because your religion is a constant threat to freedom.

    they try to legislate their morality. they try to force their beliefs on everybody. they try to re-write history (and are largely successful) to make themselves look like they are always the good guys when in fact they are responsible for more genocide than most warlords cold ever imagine.

    this is not all. but the vast majority of the vocal Christians.

    when i see a christian coalition lobbying for Homosexual rights then i will belief their message of love. until then they seem to be a hotbed of controversy and hypocrisy.

    and that is why they are attacked.

  • 1 decade ago

    okay here is the deal, many christians, george bush being one, believe that all people should follow the christian way of life.

    looking first at abortion,

    It is my belief that the mother always comes first. This means aborting a fetus to save a mothers life, is most deffinately with out a question the right choice. But beliefs aside, it is an undisputable proven fact that with out legalized abortion, crime rates sore to unbelievably high levels. It is also a fact that in the recent supreme court abortion decision, a 5-4 decision, all 5 justices voting pro-life where catholic. Obvoiusly religion came into some affect in this ruling (maybe not for all 5 but atleast a few). So why is it okay that if i think abortion is okay, and you think it is not, that you impose your will on me. I am not hurting you in making my own choices, and you are not hurting me with your choices. In a free society we should both be able to do as we please with out hurting one another.

    Gay marriage. Why do christians care? If people choose to get married and love one another. This decision in no way affects anyone but the two people in love. If they burn in hell for this oh well, that is something for them to consider in their own quests for spirutality. How can anyone stand up and reasonably say, we have seperated church and state, when gay marriage, lets face it, is a religious issue. What goes on in some one elses home is their business.

    prayer in school. Go pray, just not as a class, and not disrupting the class. We dont need the ten commandments in school. As the son of teacher in the innercity i can tell you that parent involvement not the ten commandments is what would make the biggest difference.

    I guess the bottom line is, the united states should be a country based on freedom. Where you can do what ever it is you want as long as you are not directly hurting another human being. And to better define that, you need hard evidence that an action will hurt other people. (not like the crap suppoerting anti-smoking bans, which is some pretty flimsy inconclusive biased work at best). I want to do as i please, and i want you to do as you please. I want to live in a place where freedom means something, not just a word written on a 250 year old piece of paper. This is why i ressent christianity. In my opinion they force their beliefs upon people, taking away the freedoms that make this country what it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    You must understand, it is not that people hate you. They hate what you stand for. From the beggining of time all religions have been targeted by someone. You cannot single your own religion out as the victom of all the hate. Instead of sitting at your computer complaining about it, you need to get up and take a stand.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe simply because Christians taking other people's opinions as attacking rather than friendly discussions. Once you believe what you are believing is the absolute true, there's not much room to discuss about, right?

    Source(s): my belief
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  • 1 decade ago

    "No man can serve two masters..." That is two say, you serve God or Satan. It wouldn't make since for other religions to attack any but Christianity. If they did, it would be like darkness trying to take over the night sky. It already has it.

    Allow me to put it another way. In war, it doesn't make sense for troups to attack their own military. It doesn't matter if it is a different branch. They all serve on purpose. To fight the common enemy. For all other religions, Christianity is the common enemy. If people turn from Christ unto any thing else, they win that battle.

    Source(s): Holy Bible
  • 1 decade ago

    You gotta be tough if you play with the big boys. Some have a need to make others feel stupid. This is a controversial subject because I've seen Christians bash other religions and atheists. I've read questions that were nothing but ranting about "you are going to hell if you don't confess, blah, blah, blah. I am a Christian, and I think it appalling this happens.

    And "la buena" wrote that Christianity is being forced on people, but yet we are having Creative Design and Evolution forced on us. I do not think any of this should be taught in schools.

  • 1 decade ago

    Speaking for myself, I live in America, where Christianity is the dominant religion, and as a former Christian myself, the religion with which I'm most familiar. That being said, I rarely post questions meant to 'attack'. I'm here mostly to goof off and have a few laughs. If I've ever offended you, I apologize.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because, in the US, it is assumed everyone around you is a Christian, so maybe those who "attack" Christianity are trying to prove that there actually ARE other beliefs in this country. Christianity should not be the default and our country should not govern by the Bible's guidelines, because it's not the only religion.

    And the fact that the government does try to direct policy in that direction is irritating and unethical.

    Non-Christians can be good people, too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because it is entirely acceptable to the site-master. The same verbiage directed toward Jews would be unthinkable. Or Wiccans or Heathens; that'll get you quickly deleted. It's being run by a bunch of atheists who obviously think of it as a place where their people can go to denigrate Christians.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Christianity draws a huge backlash because it is one of the only religions that judges humanity as fallen and evil. The rest teach that humanity is basically ok and just needs a tuneup to be great.

    Jesus said that if you choose to follow him you would be hated by the world, because he testifies that what it does is evil as do we.

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