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How is this fair?

This couple I know (well I only the guy as he lives in the appartment above me, and I babysit his neice) got pregnate. She was on the needle (some form of Birth Controle) so obviously it wasn't supposed to happen. Now, she's on her way to have an abortion. He doesn't want her to have one, he wants to raise the kid. They broke up a couple weeks ago, and she told him today that she was pregnate and was going for the abortion. (so what really was the point in tell him?)

Now since the FATHER wants the child and the MOTHER does not, should the mother be able to have the abortion.

And please people one agruement I will not stand for is: "Her body her choice" because it can be challanged with "THEIR child THEIR choice." If she doesn't want the child, let him raise it.

31 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If we are all seeking gender equality then the rights of the father need to be taken into consideration. We will never have equality if the rights of men are dismissed just because we cannot give birth. After all, the fetus would not exist if it wasn't for both parents.

    The argument about "en-slavery" is way too extreme, and stinks of right wing feminists rhetoric. Pregnancy IS NOT slavery and her choices (and his for that matter) were made at the time of conception. ABORTION IS NOT A METHOD OF BIRTH CONTROL.

    PS. The answer that suggested to give the aborted fetus to the man is just sick!! There is definitely something wrong with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    The difference is that the pregnancy will irrevocably change her body, not his. Under the law, forcing someone to carry a child is a form of enslavement until the baby is old enough to have a separate identity outside the mother (which is why abortions are illegal after viability). Additionally, realize that it is never as simple as just letting one parent raise the child. The law requires people to support their children.

    I'm not saying that it is right or fair, but that is the reasoning.

  • 1 decade ago

    "Their child, their choice.."

    Yes, but you see, that would require that the woman essentially be placed in temporary servitude, a type of slavery for nine months. Her body would be used as an incubator against her will. She would be reduced to an object, a vessel, with no rights, no free-will. THAT is why it must be HER choice...because in the absence of that choice, there is a complete stripping away of person-hood, for the sake of an entity that is not yet a person, or for the wishes of another. WHY, because he wants a child, should she be made, FORCED, to bear a child, support an organism in her body? Why should she be MADE to "incubate" a potential human, at the expense of her own humanity?

    What if there are complications? What if her health, or her LIFE, were at risk, 8 months into it? What then? Should she also be made to sacrifice her very life so that he can have the baby he wants? As others have pointed out, pregnancy is a huge risk, even for healthy women (who WANT to bear a child), why are the wishes of the father, and the life of the POTENTIAL human child more important than her liberty, her LIFE?

    Even less than that, what if it just simply affects her job, her livelihood? There are circumstances that can arise that allow an employer to fire an employee if she cannot return to work within the allotted time. If she had to be put on bed rest for most of the pregnancy (again, remember, this is entirely against her will in the first place) then she would certainly lose her job, in many cases.

    And lastly, would we even think to ask a man to give up his personal freedoms in this manner? Does our biology necessitate that women are somehow "less than human" because we can bear children, and must therefore submit to becoming nothing more than vessels for potential humans?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    So a person should be forced to go through a pregnency and have the unwanted child of someone she is broken up with?

    Would you want this for yourself? Or would you rather look into your own heart and make you own choice? Do you want to have this child because it is your choice to do the right thing or because you are forced to and have no choice and get no credit for doing what you think is the right thing?

    Would you want to be the child born into this situation?

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  • but the argument "Her body...her choice" still stands! It is her choice...why must she be subjected to a child she didn't want..there are plenty of examples of children out here who have parents that don't want them...and yes even though the dad wants the child...said child will always be in her life no matter what! The child would just become a burden to both of the was not is not wanted!

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a hard question. First he would have to find a lawyer, and maybe they could work something out with the woman. Kind of like a surrogate pregnancy, where she would sign over all parental rights. I don't think a court would be able to stop her from having an abortion, even if he is the father.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because HE isn't the one who's going to go through 9 months of hell. Forcing someone to go through a pregnancy is like a type of slavery.

    And don't forget that pregnancy can be life threatening, even perfectly normal ones. Pregnancy is dangerous. Are you saying that you believe women should be forced to go through pregnancies, forced to risk their lives, just for random men? You really must be a woman hater, if you want to reduce women to only fetus incubators.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "The case of Chantale Daigle (Tremblay v. Daigle [1989] 2 SCR 530) is one of the most widely publicized cases concerning abortion in Canada after the law regarding abortions was thrown out by the Supreme Court of Canada. It went before the Supreme Court of Canada in 1989. Daigle's ex-boyfriend obtained a restraining order against her having an abortion. While the restraining order was issued in Quebec, it was legally restricting Canada-wide. The case came before the Supreme Court of Canada, which ruled that only the woman could make the choice; the father had no legal say in a woman's choice to terminate a pregnancy or carry it to completion."

    The court ruled the fetus is not recognised - and thus not protected - as a 'person' under either the Canadian or Quebec Charters. It's not a person - it merely has the potential to become one. The court (correctly) ruled that it is entirely the woman's business.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its not fair. There is no argument for it.

    But this is what happened when people have casual sex or sex with people they are truly committed to and/or do not have the same goals and beliefs. Is sad the consequence of these people immoral and childish actions are put on an innocent child and they do not have to take any real responsibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because she will have to go through with the pregnancy. She will have to endure that for 9 months, and endure the changes it leaves her body with for the rest of her life. Pregnancy should be consensual. If he wants a child, he needs to find a willing partner.

    But actually, Wendy G said it perfectly.

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