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What has feminisms done for ME lately?

I've read so many answers to questions were feminists quickly put in 'well you can thank us for your right to vote.' No we can't. Unless you're over 100 years old you did nothing to give me the right to vote. And technically in my country women got the right to vote because the government said "Hey if you go to war your wife/mother/sister/daughter can vote," in WW1.

Wage gap: the only wage gap I know of is within different jobs, higher paying jobs are, yes, usually given to men. But its for a very good reason. The higher paying jobs are more dangerous (like roofing), or the working needs more strength, and men have testorone which makes them stronger then women for such jobs, so why would an employer give the job to a women who would take almost twice as long to complete a job then an equally qualified man?

So, what has feminism done for me (and all women) lately?



It was an example my family studies teacher used when talking about how her daughter had to get a lower paying part time job while going to collage because of this 'wage' gap.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are now so equal that you can be just as selfish as any man. What has feminism done for YOU. YOU, YOU, YOU. And no one cares that you are a woman, you can be selfish as a person. You don't have to be selfish as a woman just to prove you can be selfish and a woman together.

    So well done, feminism. You have created a bunch of thankless women. Just as thankless as us men.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no idea. I don't know where you live (apparently it's someplace where "roofing" is considered a high paying job). Maybe where you live feminism hasn't affected the culture much at all. But it has done a lot of good for a lot of women throughout the years, and in a lot of different places all over the world. So, does it HAVE to benefit you, specifically, for it to be valid? That's a bit self-centered, isn't it?

    Anyway, can you honestly say that you are not better off than women were 100 years ago?

  • 1 decade ago

    Sweetie, nothing's more dangerous than teaching in an inner city high school! And I don't know if you've taken a good look at many roofers, but they aren't all in the best shape. If I enjoyed that type of work, I could do it in circles around most of them!

    Ask not what feminism has done for you, ask...

    well, you know the rest.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well sir, it provides for law demanding that women can't be treated as second-class citizens.

    Suffrage was won only after a long-term struggle against the government. The government has never willingly done anything decent for the public. It is only after much struggle and demand that the government ever acquiesces. This is due to the fact that the government is controlled by the wealthy-elite and the interests of the wealthy-elite are diametrically opposite to those of the working class public. You can bet that if no law existed protecting women's rights, women would be earning substantially less than men in virtually all jobs. As such, in order to maintain that economic advantage for the super-rich, women would not be allowed to vote.

    The fact that you would ask such a question indicates that you don't understand that politics is largely the struggle between rich and poor. The super-rich don't care who they exploit. History has shown us that they will exploit women, children, Blacks, Hispanics, Iraqis, Filipinos, Haitians, etc. All are fair game.

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  • 1 decade ago

    What did feminism do for me in the US, and by default, you today, that happened in my life time?

    Sex Ed: When I was 15, abortion was made legal, but sex education was so poor, that no one mentioned birth control or abortion during high school. If it was left up to my parents and school, I wouldn't have had a clue on how to protect myself from pregnancy. Luckily, some feminists wrote "Our Bodies, Our Selves" and I could find out something about female reproduction other than what ovaries were. Now with the "Abstinence-Only" Sex Education in schools, once again, students don't learn of ways to protect themselves from pregnancy. Guess who's fighting for better sex ed today?

    Male Only Want-ads made Illegal: In 1969, after years of feminist lobbying, the EEOC ruled that sex-segregated help wanted ads in newspapers are illegal. This ruling is upheld in 1973 by the Supreme Court, opening the way for women to apply for higher-paying jobs previously open ONLY to men. I got a job in 1983 in a male-dominated occupation, computer programming, which wasn't a career suggestion made by my high school guidance counselor, I assure you.

    Family Leave: If you ever have a family, and want to get time off, thank a feminist. In 1993, feminists and allies got the Family & Medical Leave Act made into law, based on the research and policy initiatives prepared by the Women's Law and Public Policy Fellowship class of 1985-86.

    Marriage and Rape: 1976 was the year the first US state made it illegal for a man to rape his wife. The last US state to do the same was in 1993, and I live in the last state to make it illegal, NC, where my state representatives were saying things like "no woman can be raped if she doesn't want it". Feminists had a lot of work to do to get that law changed. If you marry, are raped by your husband, you can do something about it, thanks to feminists.

    Feminism gave me the opportunity to learn more about sexual reproduction and birth control, gave me numerous opportunities for different types of careers, gave me opportunities to take care of my family and protect myself, and you're benefitting from the work of feminist's from the last two decades as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    So maybe it's done nothing for you. But it's done at least one thing for every woman who identifies as a feminist, and many other things for past generations of women. Don't be so selfish.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You get out of anything what you put into it. Methinks your head is stuck too deeply into another part of your anatomy to understand this. Happy New Year.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good point in observing that feminism likes to take credit for so many things. A lot of what feminism takes credit for are natural progressions anyway. Some claim rape is illegal because of feminism - b/s... feminism wasn't around in Roman times, but men found guilty of rape were castrated. So unless feminists have devised a time-machine, it's really nothing to do with them.

    It has, however, given you the right to get away with murder of men as long as you blame a man (preferably the dead man, so he cannot defend himself from your allegations). It's given you the right to murder & abuse children, as you will be defended by feminist organisations such as NOW.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Universal stength and respect, just by empowering themselves. If every woman was like they were about 100 years ago, then you wouldn't get much chance if you wanted to be who you want to be.

    Hopw about, instead of thinking 'what has that person done for me??' think instead, 'what can I do for somebody that needs help/support'

  • 1 decade ago

    Women's rights have enabled me to get an education that is equivalent to any that a man can have. I make more a month than most men, and it isn't roofing. So I think what it comes down to is what can you do for yourself? You don't wait around for others to do it for you. I can vote in an election, have a bank account in my name, am allowed to own property and dress pretty much as I please. I own my home and car that is already paid for. So I think I am doing okay for myself. Too bad you are so bitter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing... Not a dang thing. Lilith Fair is so over.... but I'm still an empowered woman. So what are you getting at?

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