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Why do feminists find it so hard to believe that...?

...we anti-feminists LIKE being stay at home moms and housewives? That we LIKE cooking, and cleaning the house, and taking care of our kids? That we KNOW we can do a better job at raising our kids then daycare?

And when you think about it, while feminists have their one (sometimes two jobs) the stay at home wives and mothers have lots. Cook, maid, taxi driver, referee, super hero, nurse/doctor, teacher, monster-get-rid-ofer and so on.

So why do they find it so hard to believe that we are satisfied were we are?

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think they're pissed off that they're finally realizing they screwed themselves into having multipul jobs and still with less pay lol

    Not only do they have their strong womanly 9-5 jobs that they get less pay for than men, but they still have to cook, clean and take care of the kids!

    Honestly, I will never understand the feminist psyche and I don't think it's a place I really care to go. I'm about to graduate college and go onto grad school for international peace making...but you know what? I CAN'T wait to marry my boyfriend and start a family. When I do have kids, I will be a stay at home mom and again, I can't wait!

    I applaud all you women who worked hard for you jobs.

    I applaud all you women who work your booty off staying home with the kids and keeping your house a home.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a feminist and I have many feminist friends who enjoy staying home as well. It is a choice. Feminists really don't care what does what as long as a person is not being forced to be a housewife or a mother against her wishes.

    Feminists cook, clean, bake, garden and do just about every single chore that you do as well. Some enjoy them and others don't. This is the same percentage of non feminist men and women.

    All feminists are not the same, but they do believe in equality and being given the opportunity to have a voice with regards to their own lives.

    There are many men and women who should never have been parents. Many that feel inadequate because parenting just doesn't come naturally. Should we penalize them and make them have children? That would make little sense since the children would be the ones that would pay.

    I hope that you can understand that I as a mother also do everything that you do, and I also have a profession that gives me a great deal of satisfaction. I don't know whether I could ever do what you do and chances are that you would not be able to do my job. That is what makes this world interesting; he diversity and difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since you are a woman and call yourself ANTI-Feminist, then more power to you. But while your at being an ANTI-Feminist, maybe you should stop being able to vote. Maybe you should give up all property that is in your name to your husband. Why not even give up all your possessions except for the clothes on your back (and yes that includes your children) and hand them over to your husband so he will have the right to do as he wishes with it all. Also forget all education you learned over the years, if any really.

    Then after you do all that...we won't have to worry about your voicing your opionions about how "All Feminist" don't like how your living, because you won't have the RIGHT to speak unless given permission too.

    It is sad how people like you bash the un-learned. So here is some advice, while you sit at home, cook, clean, and make your husband happy 24/7 take about 30 min of the day and read the history of what all these BAD feminists have done for you.....Education sweetheart, is the key to a more intelligent question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think that your view of Feminism is seriously out of date and based on a caricature.

    The mother is the most important person in society and the 24/7 task of bringing up and educating the next generation is the most important job there is.

    However, the unremitting work of mothers is largely undervalued by society at large. Feminists certainly respect your choice some Feminists even make the same one but it has to be a free choice and not enforced. I would call myself a matrifocal feminist that means that I would like to see women and children as the central focus of society and the work of mothers recognized and valued for what it is.

    Old African saying, 'it takes an entire village to raise a child.'

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    I have not got any difficulty with the 'organic feminists' that attempt for 'actual equality' with their fellow guy. I do have a controversy with their sisters who want not something below the ballzak of each and every male human outstanding from the closest highway lamppost. possibly explains the proliferation of battery speciality shops and the greater advantageous revenues of Harley-Davidsons regardless of the shown fact that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe that SOME feminists actually DO respect women who work IN the home rather than outside the home. I would surely hope so.

    But those for those who don't, I suppose it's like anything else: life is full of choices and trade-offs. We always wonder about the road less traveled. And perhaps some, unsure of the course they took must convince themselves that the other course would have been intolerable.

    However, I wouldn't even assume that. Sometimes it's as simple as this: I don't like mushrooms. I have trouble imagining how mushrooms could possibly taste good to someone else. I just find it inconceivable. yet, I know there are people who love them.

    Maybe if not liking mushrooms were a bigger part of my identity, I'd assume those who claimed to like them were pretending.

  • 1 decade ago

    Feminist has becomed a four letter word because extremist are in control of feminist groups; these extremist who I believe are a small minority are at the head of very influential groups that represents themselves has the voice of all women.

    They defend ideas that are very biased and often disliked even by woman. Unfortunately nothing is done to shut them up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This fighting is getting disgusting!

    " im a feminist so im better than a stay at home mom who isnt one..."

    " im an anti feminist so im better than a feminist because i put my family first"

    when the he!! will everyone learn that all this is complete and utter bullsh!t!

    d@mn! ppl sound like spoiled brats around here...

    yeah go ahead give me thumbs down. i dont speaking the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most feminists don't find that hard to believe. Most feminists are happy for you. Yes, there are some radicals who would deride your decisions to be a housewife, but it seems they are in the minority. Where I am from the ideal position for a women to be in when she has young children is a stay at home mom, so I don't understand why you feel so persecuted.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have a problem with any choice that people make, as long as it is a CHOICE. If you like being stay at home wives and mothers, and you choose to do so, than go for it.

    The only time it bothers me when someone is a stay at home mom is when they

    a) don't want to be there, but have no ability to get out of that situation

    b) feel they are fundamentally better than a woman who chooses to leave the home in order to pursue a career.

    Feminism isn't a bad thing, when it enables women to leave traditional roles for things that suit them better. However, feminism shouldn't

    a) force people into the workforce who don't want to be there.

    b) look down on people who make choices that are different than ours.

    Source(s): Choices are easy to make, even the most difficult of choices is made in the span of a heartbeat. It is coming to terms with the results of these choices which can take a very long time, indeed.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most radical feminists are influenced by events in their own life that leads them to believe men are evil. A lot of times the individual had a figure in their life that was a stay-at-home mom or the like and was either abused or mistreated. From their perspective, women need to be ALWAYS equal or (as is the case with extreme feminists) in a position greater than men. You can't reason with some of these people, but if you're confronted, just calmly explain "why" you'd like to be a house wife.

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