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OK now anti-feminists are always complaining that...?

feminists are always complaining about 'North America's' problems with women, though their are obviously none left any more. Yet never worry about women in other countries who actually are oppressed. While yes it is true that it doesn't seem that they really care about women on the other side of the world, only what affects them here. What exactly have we as Anti-feminists and/or Equalists done to bring equality to those oppressed in other countries? I don't think it’s fair to lay all the blame on feminists (no matter how easy it is.)

(though that is a two way street. We should stop blaming them for our problems and they should stop blaming us for theirs).

So just what are we doing to help the oppressed women in other countries?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm an anti-feminist. Although; I can't speak for women in other parts of the world; I can speak, somewhat, of the women in the ME. They come in all shapes, sizes and beliefs just like the rest of the world. Now the truth is they don"t see themselves as being oppressed; many of them do have jobs, many of them do own businesses; what's more they never give their husbands their money, unless they really want to; the thing is they don't have to. It's their husbands job to provide for the family; whereas you have to pay half of everything, so who's more of the slave here you or them? An Arab women works to please herself; in many cases she does not have to, she wants to, most of you because of the way the American economy is the women in the states are forced to work.**I lay blame on feminists when they say anyone who does not think like them is oppressed. **As feminists it is none of your business how other people live in other countries; they have their own codes and systems by which they live. In other words keep your brooms handy and make sure your own back porches swept.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hmmm looks like a lot of excuses for anti-feminist inaction when it comes to helping people oppressed in other countries...interesting how the only ideas put forth for helping others are from those calling themselves non-feminists or feminists. Can't you'all even come up with one thing you can agree that you'd like to address in other countries, if everything is so equal here in the West?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what an Anti-feminist is.

    That being said,

    Women's plight in the rest of the world if far worse than it is here. Funny it would almost seem to make more sense that the US spread democracy to places like Iraq and Afghanistan, if one feels that way. I actually do feel that way.

    I'm not sure what an Equalist is, either, I suspect the problem with equal of anything is that equal rights does not mean equal anything else, some of life will always be catch as catch can. That being said, sure I support equal rights.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow. You don't think women's representing 51% of the population and a dismal SEVENTEEN percent of the Senate is a problem? And what about the fact that this "greatest country on earth" has yet to elect a female to its highest office? Or that the frontrunners of one of the major parties consistently argue in deabtes about who would be best at making private medical decisions for women??

    You DO know that the definition of "feminist" is "an advocate of equality for women", right? And yet you're PROUD to call yourself "anti-feminist"? WTF....

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  • 1 decade ago

    Feminism knows that it has lost the war in the West and is now in its death throes. People have seen through its socially subversive lies and its hypocrisy.

    So feminism is flailing around desperately looking for new 'causes'. Feminism really doesn't give a **** about people overseas but it sees them as a fresh source of recruits to be exploited.

    There is enough social chaos here in the West and the last thing we should be doing is exporting it all abroad by interfering in other countries' affairs.

    [Elizabeth] Percentages and quotas don't matter because here in the West we use Democracy as the guiding principle. It wouldn't matter if the legislators were all 100% men or 100% women as long as they set out to represent ALL the people without favouritism towards men, women, blue-eyed people, people with red hair, or whatever.

  • 1 decade ago

    " I don't think it’s fair to lay all the blame on feminists (no matter how easy it is.)"

    Easy to what? Ignore our contributions to international women's issues?

    um ok nevermind the Feminist Majority Foundation, AWID, Global Fund, NOW, DAWN, WIDE, WEDO, RAWA, SIGI, TFN, WICEJ, etc, etc, etc.

    "What exactly have we as Anti-feminists and/or Equalists done to bring equality to those oppressed in other countries?"

    Yes. What indeed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, as Conficious say "Tend your own walkway instead of badmouthing your neighbor's roof" or something like that. I take it to mean that it's easier to tend your own garden than your neighbor's. If we create a better and better situation in the west, they'll hear about it in other countries and more will leave and rebel against oppressive situations. I have no idea what I can do for oppressed people in other countries, whether it's women, male slaves, or factory workers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I always choose fair trade products when they are available and I support corporations with responsible policies overseas. I also donate to a few charities, including UNICEF, involved in helping poor children and families. I vote for candidates who don't try to gut our foreign aid or make it conform to a religious agenda. I also have been involved in projects to bring inexpensive computing and Free Software to people in the developing world.

    I'm not anti-feminist though. Just offering some things others might consider and looking forward to their answers as well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Feminist organizations and human rights organizations are everywhere in the non industrialized world trying curb violence against women in the form of genital mutilation, persecution and legal battery.

    I think it's important though for us to toe the line, between offering help or even insisting on changes and infringing on the affairs of other sovereign nations. Westerners need to work with African activists in pursuing those goals rather than trying to work on them alone.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are sadly mistaken that there are no longer inequalities in North America, not only with women but minorities.

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