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I have a question for Christians from a Christian...?

OK, the other day I was at this amazing youth conference, and left being on fire and filled with God, wanting to be a better Christian. But it only really lasted for a couple hours. It lingered the next day, but then I was back to being good old normal me. Is their anyway to be constantly filled with that feeling? Thanks.

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You cannot live your spiritual journey by going from spiritual high to spiritual high. Eventually, you have to come down and apply what you learned. You do not want to KEEP that spiritual high, and in fact, Jesus and his disciples had a similar experience. He told them they need to remember to come down from the mountaintop sometimes. It is in the valleys that we learn. I am talking about the story of the Transfiguration. It's found in Luke 9:28-36. He told Peter, James, and John to come down from the mountain. On retreats, you are surrounded by other Christians and people on fire for God. It's an addicting feeling. But, it's in the valleys, in the world, outside of our safe churches and retreats that we learn how to apply what Christ taught us on those retreats and in those churches. Remember, you are always given the peace of God when you call upon Him. But, you cannot keep that spiritual high. Christ asks us not to do that very thing. We all grow in the valleys and in the areas of life that aren't always so pleasant. Don't dismiss those away. Those can be life-changing experiences as well. God can use the rough times as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand how you feel. It was that way when I went to Aquire the Fire and also to church camp. The thing is, it's not going to last unless you are totally in love with God and are willing to sacrifice your old habits for Him. Believe me, you'll know when that happens. That's why I hate going to youth conferences. All you do is get into an emotional state for a couple of days and then it wears off. There's a difference between the Spirit of God and your emotions. The music, the teaching, they all rile you up. Seek God in heart, if you want Him bad enough He won't let that fire die out, unless you cut off that connection with Him. Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope. It's called a mountaintop experience, and we've all experienced it at retreats and conferences and so on. It's awesome that you had such a great experience at your conference! It's a wonderful thing.

    But the body just isn't equipped to continue keeping us at that level of excitement -- it's physically not possible to have that all the time. We're not made to do that. So, yes, it's normal to have the post-mountaintop let down. Don't feel bad about it as it happens to us all.

    The goal is to transform that wonderful enthusiasm into real and lasting growth and faith that is stronger day by day.

    Remember: Slow and steady wins the race! The tortoise will beat the hare every time...

  • 1 decade ago

    Not until we're in heaven. Since the Garden Of Eden we live in a world full of sin. You can go to church regularly, especially Sunday School. Pray, listen to Christian music. Study your Sunday School lesson, and participate in things like the conference you went to. Make every effort to do Gods will for your life and you will be as close to what you want as possible. If you aren't doing Gods will there is no way you will be happy. Even if it seems like it might be otherwise. It might be something that provides instant gratification, but not long term.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This happens to ALOT of people! So, you're not alone. It happens to me also. Just spend time alone with God. Listen to some praise and worship songs and sing along with it. Actually mean it. It doesn't really matter what your voice sounds like. God is looking for your heart. Before you get into the TV or internet, spend time with God, just you and Him with no interruptions. Pray for Him to give you a fire and passion for Him like you've never had. Just think of how great He is and what He's done for you. I mean, He sent His son to earth just so you could be with Him one day in paradise. Isn't that COOL???!!!!! Go to and look up "Take It All" by Hillsong. It's a really cool song. If you ever have any more questions e-mail me at Hope this helped!

    Source(s): A daughter of the one TRUE KING
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You felt good because of the adrenalin pumping through your body, the same thing happens at rock concerts and football games, don't credit christianity for evoking something that is just a natural phenomenon taking place in your body, if you want to feel good all the time, then break away from the "mob" mentality, take control of your own life and you will gain authentic power and be liberated. This is what the verses of the "Narrow gate" in the bible is all about, you can only enter a narrow gate one by one, if you just stick with the crowd you will never get through the gate and just be stuck thinking and feeling whatever the mob makes you feel

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'll be honest with you. It's not an emotional "high" that we need to pursue as believers. It is the day in, day out slugfest that is otherwise called denying yourself, picking up your cross and following Jesus Christ. And by slugfest I mean, flesh warring against spirit.

    It's great to go to a conference or a retreat and feel so pure and washed and on fire, but that is something that, in this fallen world, is practically impossible to keep going. The world just presses in too much. Think more about the numerous choices you have everyday, to be a light for Jesus, to show others patience, to let someone else go first, all those things. It isn't an emotional thing, it is just step by step by choice by choice, day by day, following Him, whether you feel like it.....or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people will sometimes get a pleasant, 'high', or 'on fire' feeling from the Spirit, but Christianity is not based on feelings. It is a religion of truth that can be appreciated by the intellect without any holy rollin'. The purpose of being a Christian is to serve God, not to pursue a high. Pursuing a high is the purpose of being a junkie. So, you are very blessed to get that feeling from time to time, but I hope that instead of chasing it, you will continue to grow in the Word and discover how you can serve.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know what? God wants you right there where you are at right now. See He meets us right where we are at. See in religion we think that it's about how we feel and what we do but in a true relationship with God it's all about Him and what He can do. You will see how when you feel at your lowest God is doing His greatest work in you. There is so much God is doing in you that you will not realize until it's time for you to know. Also look at this point, you have recieved salvation. You will enter into the kingdom of God. Do you remember when you first excepted Jesus? Your feeling may have changed but Jesus, He never changes. I want you to know you will be okay. Just remember that you are the apple of His eye. He has a plan and purpose for your life relax and let Him show Himself to you. I will pray for you right now. Be blessed..

  • 1 decade ago

    Being Christian isn't looking for a good feeling, being a Christian is finding God. Whenever I'm Spirit filled, I feel a serene,calm and loved.

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