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Cara B
Lv 4
Cara B asked in PetsBirds · 1 decade ago

At what age can I start offering my hens scratch grains? They are 8 weeks old now and ranging outside in a pen

4 Answers

  • Helena
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They can have a small amount as a treat every few days, but their primary food MUST be grower pellets because otherwise they won't grow properly.

    Source(s): Keep chickens.
  • 1 decade ago

    Just to differ from previous posts, its not the fact that they can peck at it now, its the fact that at young age they aren't able to digest it. Scratch grains should only be given as a treat and never as a feed ration. Scratch has very little nutritional value.

    Source(s): Poultry Science Major (University of Arkansas) and I raise and show poultry
  • 1 decade ago

    Any time now is fine. They are old enough to pick at things, I feed mine what ever they will eat after the starter feed. Also they like ground oyster shell (It good for layers)

    Source(s): Farmer
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How to feed your laying and breeding hens scratch grains...

    Scratch (grains)

    Chickens love to scratch. They use their feet to disturb the litter or ground to find various seeds, greens, grit, or insects to eat. Feeding scratch grains can promote this behavior, which gives the birds exercise and keeps them busy. However, feeding scratch to chickens is not necessary when they are receiving a complete diet.

    Scratch feeds usually are cracked, rolled, or whole grains such as corn, barley, oats, or wheat, which are relatively low in protein and high in energy or fiber depending on which grains are used. When fed in concert with prepared feeds, they dilute nutrient levels in the carefully formulated diets. Therefore, you should provide scratch sparingly. A general rule of thumb is to feed only as much scratch as the chickens can consume in about 20 minutes, or about 10 to 15 percent of their total daily food consumption.

    When feeding scratch, also provide an insoluble grit so the birds can grind and digest the grains properly. If the birds have access to the ground they usually can find enough grit in the form of small rocks or pebbles. Otherwise, you can purchase grit. Oyster shell cannot be substituted for grit because it is too soft to aid in grinding.

    Feed consumed by the laying hen is used mainly for

    body maintenance. Nutrients in excess of those

    necessary for maintenance can be used for egg

    production. Research results of many investigators

    have been used to determine levels of nutrients

    needed to permit the laying hen to produce

    optimally. A poultry feed must supply the necessary

    protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins

    in their proper proportion. A major cause of

    problems in small flocks can be related to improper

    nutrition. The laying hen of today has been

    genetically improved and as a consequence is

    unable to live and produce eggs efficiently on the

    same type of feeding regime that its ancestors were

    fed 30 years ago.

    Feeds are composed of a variety of feedstuffs. This

    allows a nutrient deficiency of one feedstuff to be

    offset by the nutrients of another feedstuff. The

    palatability of feedstuffs must be considered in

    formulating rations for poultry. If chickens will not

    eat the feed, the palatability is suspect.

    Diets for poultry vary depending upon their intended

    purpose. A feed designed for laying hens is not

    adequate for optimal growth in broilers, nor is a

    broiler feed proper for laying hens. Rations are

    manufactured in a feedmill as mash, pellets, or

    crumbles. Pelleted or crumbled feeds are generally

    used in meat production, seldom in egg production.

    Pelleting reduces feed wastage, reduces the

    presence of salmonella organisms, and minimizes

    selection of feed ingredients by the chicken.

    Environmental temperature can alter feed intake by

    the hen. Cold temperatures of winter will increase

    feed consumption because of the hens’ increased

    need for energy to maintain body temperature.

    Warmer temperatures on the other hand will

    decrease energy needs and thus, feed intake,

    because less heat needs to be produced to maintain

    body temperature. Because of these changes in feed

    intake, it is important to insure that the hen is

    receiving adequate protein, vitamins, and minerals.

    It is best that a diet be fortified with more protein,

    vitamins, and minerals in the warmer summer

    months. Adequate calcium is extremely important in

    the summer. Calcium is needed for shell strength

    and bone formation. If inadequate calcium is in the

    diet, you may notice poorer shells, eggs without

    shells, or hens developing leg problems.

    Laying mash should be at least 15 percent protein.

    Higher protein levels are of value during hot weather

    when feed consumption decreases. When pullets

    are coming into and reaching peak production,

    nutritional requirements are higher and it would be

    best if higher protein levels of 16 to 18 percent were

    fed. After the birds have peaked, the protein level

    can be decreased.

    An ALL-MASH FEEDING SYSTEM is most often

    used for laying hens. Mash rations are commercially

    available at local feedmills and have been

    formulated to provide in proper amounts all the

    necessary nutrients for the hen. The laying mash fed

    to commercial-type egg birds should be free choice.

    If broiler-type breeders are used for production of

    eggs, a restrictive feeding program must be utilized

    to prevent obesity. If scratch grains are used, they

    should be fed in conjunction with a mash containing

    a higher level of protein than that required when an

    all-mash feed is used.

    If a conventional MASH-SCRATCH SYSTEM is

    composed of 50 percent scratch grains, the mash

    should be 20 percent protein. If a greater portion of

    scratch grains is desirable, a higher protein mash is

    necessary. Whatever the ratio of mash to scratch, a

    minimum of 15 percent protein should be


    Mash to Scratch Used Percent Protein in Mash

    1:1 20

    1:2 25

    1:3 30

    1:4 35

    1:5 40

    Home-grown grains can be used in a mash-scratch

    system when economically feasible. Scratch grains

    may include wheat, oats, barley, or buckwheat.

    Wheat is a good source of energy. It is high in

    carbohydrate and low in fiber. It has a relative value

    of about 95 percent that of corn. A wheat-based diet

    generally lacks the pigments which favor the yellow

    color found in yolks. Barley contains less energy

    than corn or wheat, and more energy than oats. If

    barley is fed as a scratch feed, it should not

    constitute more than 75 percent of the scratch feed.

    Barley is not as palatable as other feeds and needs to

    be introduced to the hen gradually. Oats are a good

    protein source but are a low-energy feedstuff.

    Heavy, thin-hulled oats have a better feed value than

    lightweight oats. The higher fiber content makes

    oats less palatable. Oats are generally not used in

    excess of 50 percent of the scratch grain mixture.

    A scratch mixture composed of at least two grains is

    usually best for the performance of the laying hen. It

    is usually fed in late afternoon. It may be scattered

    on top of the litter or placed in separate hoppers.

    Overfeeding of the scratch will lower the feed intake

    of the mash and thus decrease protein intake by the

    hens. The decreased protein intake can result in

    management problems and/or lower production.

    Different environmental temperatures require

    different feed energy levels. The energy requirement

    of the hen is greatest during the winter, and rather

    than altering the amount of scratch fed, it is better to

    alter the type of grains in the scratch feed. During

    winter increase the amount of high-energy grains

    (corn, wheat, milo) in scratch feed. During summer,

    when energy intake needs to be decreased, use a

    scratch feed which utilizes primarily oats or barley.

    The availability of oystershell and granite grit is

    desirable. The oystershell will ensure that the hens

    are receiving an adequate amount of calcium for the

    manufacture of good egg shells. The grit, while not

    necessary if an all-mash system is used, is necessary

    if a scratch feed is used. The grit will help to grind the

    whole grains and will result in better utilization of the

    feedstuff by the hen.

    If your hens are on range or have access to the

    outside, it would be best to continue to feed a

    balanced ration. Little is to be gained and much lost

    when the hens are left to scavenge for feed and are

    unable to receive adequate nutrients.

    The contents of an egg are the sole source of

    nutrients for the developing embryo. Thus, if you

    plan on taking eggs from your backyard flock and

    incubating them, the hens’ diet needs to be

    considered. Ideally, a breeder diet would insure that

    the embryos will have sufficient nutrients to result in

    optimum matchability. If you feel you need to have a

    fortified diet for your breeders, contact your state

    extension specialist for advice.

    One of the most important and most often

    overlooked nutrients is WATER. It is imperative that

    clean water be available to the birds at alI times. This

    may be difficult during the winter, when water can

    freeze, but every effort must be made to

    accommodate the hens so that production will not


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