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I broke up with my man and I'm super interested in his close friend.. what do i do?

Well, me and this guy had been dating for about 2-1/2 months and about 1-1/2 months ago he introduced me to his friend. Almost from the beginning I felt a slight sexual tension with him - and I later found out that he too felt the same way. For about 2 weeks I had been talking to his friend via email and he would come over to the house and hang out with him. We knew that we couldn't act on our feelings at the time - so we didn't. I finally let my boyfriend know that I no longer wanted to date him. The same day his friend called me and asked me to talk to him. I had something to say anyways so I agreed. We met at a park and sat on the picnic table talking. The first thing I had to say was "If you want to date me, we can go out on dates - but I'm not really up for anything less casual" he was like that's okay. and we sat there and talked for two hours. the same thing happened the next day.. and not so much as even a french kiss. i absolutely love hanging out with him... what am I to do??

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i think you should go where your heart belongs to.....If you are feeling your heart beating for the other guy,do not hesitate,go on......with my best wishes!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    admit that your a cheater and a lier and that you want to wreck there friendship forever and you want to see them fight over you.the truth is always the best way to go.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell your ex boyfriend

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