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Lv 32,460 points

Jennifer S

Favorite Answers16%
  • Anybody know how to make candles, gift baskets, & smell-good soap? PLEASE READ~!!?

    I was thinking about making my little sister a Large gift basket with some things in it... and I was looking for a little advice. I would like to know how to make soap and candles! Let me know if you can help!

    8 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • I want to adopt a dog but I was wondering what breed would fit my lifestyle! Any suggestions?

    I have plenty of love and attention to give!! I live in a medium sized apartment and we are allowed to have pets under 20lbs. I need a small breed - I would also like to have an older dog. I would like him or her to prefer the inside! However, I go to the park almost everyday - so exercise would never be a problem. I understand the cost and the effort behind having a dog - and I am responsible enough to have one. I was just wondering if anybody has any personal experience with any of the smaller breeds! Which one is the most calm and relaxed?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I am searching for a SMALL dog to take into my home! Is there anyone in the Richmond, VA area?

    Is there anyone in the RICHMOND, VA (23234 area) or a website that I can go on to find a precious little bundle of joy (Small/Tiny/Toy DOG)? I promise I can offer this beauty tons of attention and affection. My boyfriend and I have a medium sized duplex and are looking to open not only our Home but also our Hearts to a precious little dog!! Please send me a reply if anybody has any suggestions... I don't care about whether or not it is full-breed, female or male, my only REQUEST is that it be tiny - please send me a picture!

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Anyone out there like big girls?

    Anyone out there like curvy voluptuous women? Why, what makes them attractive to you?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Has your man ever said this to you?? (IMPORTANT)?

    On Saturday night, me and my boyfriend (5 months) went out to the bar, we were meeting some friends up there. He was pretty intoxicated by this point. While we were there, he turned to me and said "I am an a s s hole, and I never want you to give up on me EVER. I will never cheat on you - I haven't imagined being with anyone else. I love with all my heart now and forever..and ever!"

    Now, when I heard these words... my heart and my soul totally lit up with this blinding light... I can't even begin to describe how I was feeling. But it was a happy time!!!

    My question is.... has anyone ever heard something similar to this... and even though he was intoxicated should i still believe his words are true?? I believe that he told me that when he was drinking, because he is very inhibited and i wouldn't say cold... but he is just standoffish.

    Also, when I talk about us getting married one day and having a child of our own (he has two.. prev. marriage)he smiles and seems happy about it

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • MEN: After what age does your sex life seem to disappear?

    If you have a spouse or significant other... at what age do you start feeling like you don't want to do it nearly as often as you used to? I have a boyfriend who is quite a few years older than me... and it just seems like it's almost a little hard to keep up with me! I love him and I'm willing to make it work... but do you think that things will keep getting worse. I mean don't get me wrong, we have a wonderful sex life... it's just it's not as OFTEN as I'd like it to be..(everyday.. haha : ) i have the sex drive of a 16 yr old boy)

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What are you having for dinner tonight?

    I'm going to the grocery store in a couple of hours and was really wondering if anybody has a good recipe for dinner tonight.... I was thinking CHICKEN... but other recipes will come in handy.. and they might just make me change my mind. PLEASE HELP!! THANKS!! RECIPES please!!

    17 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Have you ever gotten a REALLY ACCURATE HOROSCOPE?

    If so, what was it... can you describe it??

    What are you and your partner's signs... does that ever affect your relationship??

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How important are HOROSCOPES to you, and what are you?

    I am a virgo, what are you?? My man is a Sagitarrius, we have a wonderful relationship b/c I know what his personality is like because of his sign... do you believe in choosing partners based on their 'sign potential'??

    27 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What birthday present would you want for your 21st birthday?!?

    What type of birthday present would you want for your 21st? I mean I am really excited about it being here and everyone keeps asking me what I want for my birthday.... so what did you get or give for your or their 21st birthday?? What did you get from your boyfriend/girlfriend? their family? your family? friends?

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Could you look at my ebay postings & tell me what ya'll think??

    Don't click the link.. you have to copy and paste the entire http: in other words COPY & Paste this:


    3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know where I can find GOOD FREE Samples - without having to do a zillion surveys??

    Does anyone know where I can find GOOD FREE Samples - without having to do a zillion surveys?? My little sister just found out that she is pregnant... and the baby is COMING SOON... so I'm looking for anything free I can get her for the baby's arrival.

    11 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Is a 38 yr. old Man TOO OLD TO DATE a 20 yr. old Woman?

    Is a 38 year old man too old to be involved with a mature 20 year old woman? We are both interested in each other... but should I be... I mean he's almost twice my age?

    15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I broke up with my man and I'm super interested in his close friend.. what do i do?

    Well, me and this guy had been dating for about 2-1/2 months and about 1-1/2 months ago he introduced me to his friend. Almost from the beginning I felt a slight sexual tension with him - and I later found out that he too felt the same way. For about 2 weeks I had been talking to his friend via email and he would come over to the house and hang out with him. We knew that we couldn't act on our feelings at the time - so we didn't. I finally let my boyfriend know that I no longer wanted to date him. The same day his friend called me and asked me to talk to him. I had something to say anyways so I agreed. We met at a park and sat on the picnic table talking. The first thing I had to say was "If you want to date me, we can go out on dates - but I'm not really up for anything less casual" he was like that's okay. and we sat there and talked for two hours. the same thing happened the next day.. and not so much as even a french kiss. i absolutely love hanging out with him... what am I to do??

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend's friend has been flirting with me... What to do??

    He is flirting with me and I'm not saying that I haven't flirted back.. and I'm definitely not saying that I dislike it. I am totally PHYSICALLY ATTRACTED TO HIM! I know it's wrong, but I just can't keep my eyes off of him and I'm pretty positive he has undressed me with his eyes... what should I do? Should I take the chance to have some ravaging wild sex, or should I stay with the man I love and am comfortable with? It's not fair to have these feelings... please tell me what to do!!

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago