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Has your man ever said this to you?? (IMPORTANT)?

On Saturday night, me and my boyfriend (5 months) went out to the bar, we were meeting some friends up there. He was pretty intoxicated by this point. While we were there, he turned to me and said "I am an a s s hole, and I never want you to give up on me EVER. I will never cheat on you - I haven't imagined being with anyone else. I love with all my heart now and forever..and ever!"

Now, when I heard these words... my heart and my soul totally lit up with this blinding light... I can't even begin to describe how I was feeling. But it was a happy time!!!

My question is.... has anyone ever heard something similar to this... and even though he was intoxicated should i still believe his words are true?? I believe that he told me that when he was drinking, because he is very inhibited and i wouldn't say cold... but he is just standoffish.

Also, when I talk about us getting married one day and having a child of our own (he has two.. prev. marriage)he smiles and seems happy about it


Do you guys think that this man is in love with me?

Any answers or enlightenment are/will be APPRECIATED!!!

Update 2:

he has told me plenty of times before that he loves me.... but what he said the other night was just different... it was more in-depth and just perfect!! i really think that this man is in love with me... would you agree?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes because sometimes when a man is intoxicated he lets out his true feelings and yeah I think its true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would take it with a grain of salt. Some people argue that people get more honest when they are drunk & with some people it is true. However it is just as easy for some people to say things that they don't entirely mean when they are sober.

    Then again, you've said that when you discuss long term future goals he lights up. That's a good sign. Talk to him & get him to say it when he is sober or it is meaningless. You may want to discuss his standoffishness. Is this something he can work on? If not, then you need to examine yourself & see if you are the type who is happy with that or if you need a more affectionate guy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If he does love you then he will tell you that he loves you when he is not drunk as well as when he is drunk.

    This is just me, but I would want the first time he told me he loved me to be when he wasn't intoxicated.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's hard to say! but isn't this what man always say when they are in love, no one can predict the future, its up to both of you to work it out yourself!

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  • 1 decade ago

    ♥ It's hard to say although many say that Drunken words=sober thoughts! :-) I'd wait and see how it plays out.. let him prove that he met what he said. Good Luck!

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