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Lv 619,673 points

NCIS ♥ Addict

Favorite Answers17%

♥ 23 years old ♥ Engaged to the love of my life [[Danyell]] ♥ I have a degree in Medical Assisting, but work for a pharmaceutical company as an Administrative Assistant ♥ I am a complete NCIS & Tiva Addict! =] ♥ I also love Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Criminal Minds, Law & Order: SVU, Secret Life, Pretty Little Liars, House, etc. ♥ I love photography! ♥ I love the color pink & I love glitter! ♥ I love the Slots. lol ♥ I love smiling! :-) ♥ I love meeting new people & making new friends! Anything else just feel free to email me. :-)

  • Ipod Questions, Please help!?

    Okay , so my brother asked for an Ipod for Christmas and since my mom isn't really techy she asked me for help. Problem is I don't keep up with all the new phones or Ipods either, my Ipod shuffle works just fine. We tried to pin down whether he wanted it for just music vs videos, but I'm think he definitely wants to record videos as he has an MP3 already. Is the Ipod Touch better than the Ipod Classic? I found a Ipod Classic 160gb on for like $300 ish. They have a Touch for 8gb or 16 gb as well. Which is better & why?

    Extra notes: His phone is touch screen & he likes all that techy stuff.

    3 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • Convert youtube videos & making videos on WMM?

    I have been trying my hardest to figure out how to convert youtube videos into files to use in making a video on Windowms Movie Maker. I downloaded the DVD Video Soft program and tried downloading it into mp3's which I realized was only audio and then someone mentioned MP4 for Ipod. I don't know if I'm choosing the wrong option or what.... can anyone who is knowledgable please help?

    12 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Why aren't my headphones working in my laptop?

    I plugged them in & they didn't work. So I tested them through the control panel (sounds folder), it said they were working correctly. I retested them with a youtube music video and they are still not working. The sound is playing through my speakers on my laptop, not through the headphones. My fiance has the same laptop (just a different color) and they work fine in hers. Can someone help with whats going on?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why aren't my headphones working in my laptop?

    I plugged them in & they didn't work. So I tested them through the control panel (sounds folder), it said they were working correctly. I retested them with a youtube music video and they are still not working. The sound is playing through my speakers on my laptop, not through the headphones. My fiance has the same laptop (just a different color) and they work fine in hers. Can someone help with whats going on?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Travel & Bridge Question....?

    I live in Northern NJ (Clifton to be specific) and am traveling to Rocky Hill, Connecticut at the end of October for a Halloween Dance. I don't travel much except to Delaware to see my family so I wanted to know if I have to go over any bridges to get where I am going. I tried to mapquest it, but it doesn't tell you if you go over any bridges or not. I am terrified of bridges... and just want to quelm any fears before Halloween. Thanks for any info!

    3 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • What kind of cookware do you consider "baking dishes" to be?

    I have a wedding to go to (my aunt)... she didn't do a registry & I'd like to give something a little more personal than money so I asked her what they needed. (Besides a beautiful wedding photo frame I'm getting them). Since her & her soon to be husband are already in their own house & have many things I wasn't sure. She said she could really use some baking dishes. So my question is what is considered baking dishes? I'm sure you can tell I don't do much in the kitchen. lol. Is it things like cake pans? cookie trays? etc. Or something else.

    Thanks for the input! **Also, wasn't sure if this was the right category since it doesn't have to do with recipes... but it does have to with cooking.**

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Question about bail & getting out of jail?

    Okay... here's the story. This man had a warrant out for back child support. He was with his son in the car (his son was driving) and they were stopped for non seatbelt. Before the cop pulled up any information the man told the cop he had a warrant out & they arrested him. The judge set a $1000 bail. The bail was put up on Friday. His mom got the receipt & was told she had to pick him up at the jail. So she went to the jail & they would not release him b/c they said he had another charge. The courts were already closed so his mom has been on the phone with them all morning today. They said that he had another charge in another court with a seperate bail and thats why he was not released. This wasn't shown on Friday when they posted the original bail.

    Why did this happen? Is this legal? Were they supposed to release him?

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Brought a Kodak C913 (in pink) digital camera ...?

    I've fiddled around with it and taken photos but the color seems really off to me. Like jaundiced almost. Does anyone else have this problem?

    I don't know if it's something I should send the camera back over & go for a different one. I have played with the settings, it didn't seem to help. I even took the same picture with my old camera (an HP) and my new camera and I honestly feel the old one took a better photo & its got less mgp. I'm afraid to use it and then "lose" all the pictures essentially if I don't like the coloring.

    Any opinions, suggestions, etc?

    PS- I'm not a professional obviously, just an amateur trying to get a little more experience and also just love taking photos!

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • Friend of 2 years getting married... Bridezilla!?

    I have a friend who got engaged March 21, 2009. Since the very next day she has been planning her wedding. They've already booked everything from the ceremony/reception place, ordered the favors, etc etc etc. The list would be long believe me. She's been a pretty good friend of mine for 2 years now and we've always talked about when she got engaged how I'd be the planner (since I LOVE planning stuff & am good at it). Well her daughter decided to take over completely and even had her change her wedding color just because she wanted to use it when she got married later in life... (her daughter is 19). And the bad thing is she has totally let her daughter do this & I've been left out of the planning. She did ask me to come dress shopping with her yesterday, but was upset because we couldn't get there right when she wanted to because my fiance had a job interview and I was working. I already was taking off for her, driving 20 minutes out of my way in the complete opposite direction to pick her up and then driving an addition 25-30 minutes to pick her mother up and doubling back. The driving took foreverrrr and I barely got a thanks out of it. And she only tried on like 4 dresses because she was set on the first one she tried on (which is great, but she should have experienced a few more styles). Then today she is texting me while I'm at work every 3 seconds giving me another email address to send the pics of her trying on the dresses to someone else, or to call the honeymooon place for her since I'm "better" at it, or to do this or that... I'm freakin at work!!!! [[And to make things worse its my cousin's 22nd birthday... he passed away almost 3 years ago & we were close.. its a tough day for me). Anyway, she said I'm definetely helping her with the invitations but that for sake of no arguement I have to have her daughter approve everything. She's always been a bit of a user, but this time I feel totally taken advantage of. I've spoke up and told her how I feel and she blows it off. What should I do?

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Friend of 2 years getting married... Bridezilla!?

    I have a friend who got engaged March 21, 2009. Since the very next day she has been planning her wedding. They've already booked everything from the ceremony/reception place, ordered the favors, etc etc etc. The list would be long believe me. She's been a pretty good friend of mine for 2 years now and we've always talked about when she got engaged how I'd be the planner (since I LOVE planning stuff & am good at it). Well her daughter decided to take over completely and even had her change her wedding color just because she wanted to use it when she got married later in life... (her daughter is 19). And the bad thing is she has totally let her daughter do this & I've been left out of the planning. She did ask me to come dress shopping with her yesterday, but was upset because we couldn't get there right when she wanted to because my fiance had a job interview and I was working. I already was taking off for her, driving 20 minutes out of my way in the complete opposite direction to pick her up and then driving an addition 25-30 minutes to pick her mother up and doubling back. The driving took foreverrrr and I barely got a thanks out of it. And she only tried on like 4 dresses because she was set on the first one she tried on (which is great, but she should have experienced a few more styles). Then today she is texting me while I'm at work every 3 seconds giving me another email address to send the pics of her trying on the dresses to someone else, or to call the honeymooon place for her since I'm "better" at it, or to do this or that... I'm freakin at work!!!! [[And to make things worse its my cousin's 22nd birthday... he passed away almost 3 years ago & we were close.. its a tough day for me). Anyway, she said I'm definetely helping her with the invitations but that for sake of no arguement I have to have her daughter approve everything. She's always been a bit of a user, but this time I feel totally taken advantage of. I've spoke up and told her how I feel and she blows it off. What should I do?

    11 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • I am an amateur photographer and am looking for a camera...?

    Okay I don't do pictures professionally, but I am constantly taking photos for everything from family functions, to my neices/nephews, to nature, engagement photos for friends, etc. One day I do hope to get into it professionally, but for now I'd just like an affordable camera with good potential. I've looked at several, but would like a photographers opinion on this. I was hoping to find a camera that has the capabilities to focus on a certain aspect and blur the rest. I'm not sure what its called, but basically its like the bouquet of a wedding being the focal point at the front of the picture with the background being blurred (where the bride & groom might be standing).

    Here is a photo that pretty much resembles what I'm looking to do.

    So please give some suggestions. Also, I'd love to get photoshop but its approx $700 which I don't have. Is there somewhere to get it cheaper?

    Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersCameras1 decade ago
  • I am an amateur photographer and am looking for a camera...?

    Okay I don't do pictures professionally, but I am constantly taking photos for everything from family functions, to my neices/nephews, to nature, engagement photos for friends, etc. One day I do hope to get into it professionally, but for now I'd just like an affordable camera with good potential. I've looked at several, but would like a photographers opinion on this. I was hoping to find a camera that has the capabilities to focus on a certain aspect and blur the rest. I'm not sure what its called, but basically its like the bouquet of a wedding being the focal point at the front of the picture with the background being blurred (where the bride & groom might be standing).

    Here is a photo that pretty much resembles what I'm looking to do.

    So please give some suggestions. Also, I'd love to get photoshop but its approx $700 which I don't have. Is there somewhere to get it cheaper?

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Werid Period?

    I've been doing the 6 week body makeover program for 2 weeks now and doing well. It's a great program and is healthy & safe. However, it is making my period weird.

    I was originally supposed to have my period at the beginning of June, but did not have it. Late in the month I did have it for approximately 2 days... and then it stopped. Now for the past two weeks I have been bleeding, but very inconsistently. For example: one day I won't bleed at all, the next I won't bleed in the morning, but will in the afternoon for a couple hours then stop again, or I'll just have real light spotting throughout the day with a quick heavy burst sometime during the day. This is getting on my nerves, and I'm afraid something may be wrong. I know that this program [[cutting out soda, salt & sugar along with other things]] has thrown my body off. But how long will it take before it is back to normal?

    I hope it's corrected before 2 weeks... I'm going on a week vacation at the beach and would not like to have to keep a pad on the whole time since I can't wear tampons.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Teen Mother doing drugs [[details included]]?

    I've asked a question before about my younger cousin who was pregnant and doing drugs/drinking. It's been a quite a while since then & she has of course had the baby. McKenzie is now 11 weeks old and is a beautiful baby!

    However, honestly she is a bad mom. She does work, but she spends all her money on drugs like weed, ecstacy or prescription drugs, etc. She gets mad at McKenzie when she crys, doesn't buy her diapers, throws the carrier down, and much more bad behavior. I've been looking for a number to contact Child Protective services, but am afraid I'll never see my neice again. I love her with all my heart. What should I do?

    20 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My little cousin is 18 w 3 days pregnant. [[Details included]]?

    Today my cousin went and got her sonogram. She's having a GIRL! I'm sooo excited, but I'm so worried too. Shes soo young [[turned 16 in April]] and her bf took off to Florida and swears he'll be back. She believes him & shes so naive, cuz he's not coming back. Also she drank at her homecoming and smokes weed pretty reguraly. She says her mom smoked it with her and she came out fine so her baby will come out ok as well. We've tried talking to her and she doesnt wanna take care of herself or the baby, but she says shes a proud mommy to be. I dont know what else I can do for her... I'm so excited about the baby and especially excited its a girl!!!! :-) But i'm super worried that she'll hurt the baby... any suggestions...??

    **No rude remarks or suggestions plz. I know she is young, I know she shouldnt be in this predictment, she wanted to take the responsibility for having sex, etc. I just want nice suggestions. We're all adults here. Thank You in advance**

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • ♥What do you think about the show Tila Tequila? And who do you think she will pick?

    I'm really hoping ♥ Dani ♥ will win! She's such a hottie and sooo nice! Shes on my top friends on myspace.. ahhh!! :-) My fiance thinks shes super hott too!!

    So newayz just wanted some opinions on who you think should win as opposed to who you think she'll pick. Thanx in advance!

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Question about Photoshop?

    Ok so I have been looking to buy photoshop and all the photoshop programs seem to be a bit out of my price range [[$650 and up]]... is there anywhere that I can get it for cheaper? I really want this program! I love taking pictures and can tweak it using other programs, but not the way I could if I used this program. Thanx in advance for your help!

    8 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Proxy's that are NOT anonymous!?

    While I'm here at work I generally play on Y!A since they blocked everything, but I was hoping to get onto a game. ALL anonymous proxie's are blocked, private homepages, etc etc etc. So... does anyone know any proxie's that may work for me?

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • AOL and banks!!!! ..... Long... but plz read...?

    I spent half the night argueing with aol last night. Aol was not working. We clicked on it and it said to reinstall it if the message saying "AOL cannot start" kept appearing, then when you could get on it froze up & kicked you off. Basically we couldnt use AOL so I called for Tech Support. They proceeded to tell me that we are under a "free" aol plan & cant get tech support over the phone. Well that pissed me off right away because we've been a paying customer for 6 1/2 years. Its been taken out of the SAME bank account, etc all this time. Then they tell me we havent been paying since March or April. Well I pulled the first bank statement I could find which was June 2007 and low & behold there were the charges from AOL taken out of the account. Not just the $14.95 we're supposed to be paying, but $19.95 AND $22.37. I was pis*ed! I finally got to a supervisor. They said unless I have proof [[which I do]] then there was nothing they could do cuz they had no record of it being taken out.

    7 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • I've had a migraine for two days now....?

    I was diagnosed with [[Chronic Daily Migraines]] when I was 14 [[I'm 19 now]]. I've been on many different medications but they all stopped working after a couple of weeks... a doctor gave me pain killers to for my really bad ones... but I hate the way they make me feel.

    Yesterday I suffered through work & went to college to take my test [[then I skipped the rest of class]] to go home. I took a long hot shower, ate dinner and layed down a little before 9 pm. The room was completely dark, I had a hot washcloth over my face [[I think I may have a sinus infection that is contributing to the migraine]] and I tried to sleep. The night before I took Tylenol PM Cold & Sinus [[yes it put me to sleep but the migraine was worse in the morning]]. Anywho... I have class tonight and I'm suffering through my work day. What else can I do to make it go away???

    7 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago