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Teen Mother doing drugs [[details included]]?

I've asked a question before about my younger cousin who was pregnant and doing drugs/drinking. It's been a quite a while since then & she has of course had the baby. McKenzie is now 11 weeks old and is a beautiful baby!

However, honestly she is a bad mom. She does work, but she spends all her money on drugs like weed, ecstacy or prescription drugs, etc. She gets mad at McKenzie when she crys, doesn't buy her diapers, throws the carrier down, and much more bad behavior. I've been looking for a number to contact Child Protective services, but am afraid I'll never see my neice again. I love her with all my heart. What should I do?


Ok let me clear up the situation of whether McKenzie is my neice or cousin. She's actually neither. The teen mother is someone I grew up with, our families have always been close. So close that we used to call our self cousins, then as we got older sisters... so there is no blood connection. I've just known this teen mother since she was 4 years old and she's 17 now.

I'd love to take the baby and raise her. I've thought about asking her, but I'm afraid. I have consulted a custody lawyer & I will be calling CPS. I've struggled with myself over & over about if I'm being selfish because I want to see her. Thank you for all your answers, I will pick a best answer soon.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well first and foremost the baby will go to her father, if he's not there or for whatever reason does not want her then the Grandparents can take custody it goes so forth until someone from the family wants to adopt her. Child Protection Services would rather have McKenzie living with familiy instead of living with foster parents.

  • 1 decade ago

    Even if you dont see that baby again, You can live happily knowing you have done the best possible thing for that child. But, I highly doubt they will just march right over there and remove the baby, Firstly they will asses the situation then offer the help needed, If that doesnt work thats when they will take the necessary steps to take the child, In most cases they prefer a child to be placed with a family member, Have you though of offering yourself to bring up the child if the baby does get removed from the mother?

    Id give them a call, All you see is what this woman does in front of other people, What does she do to that poor child when shes alone with her? Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    This IS a tough position to be in, but you have to think about what is best for the baby involved. I know it's hard thinking about not seeing the baby again, but think about whether or not she would be better off with parents who would take proper care of her.

    Call CPS and tell them the situation, they will ask you some questions and most likely make a visit to see how things are for themselves. They will not reveal the name of the person who called, I can assure you that. They will just take a closer look at the situation at hand and intervene if necessary.

    It's gonna be hard, but think of the fact that the baby could be abused if you don't step in and get someone involved.

    I will pray for your situation. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    These are tough battles to choose from, but honestly the idea is to keep McKenzie safe. You may never see her again, but how does that compare to seeing her suffer? Tough decision. In my state, social services almost always tries to place children within the family instead of foster care. Call and ask questions, that doesn't hurt. But secondly, talk to McKenzie's mom and tell her what her options are. If you want to take the little girl, offer that to her you never know she may take you up on it. Addicts are selfish people, they want it all and want it all right now, so remember that in your conversation with her. she may agree, but plan on having her change her mind and change it often, so there is a totally new battle for you. good luck and you know what you need to do.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    have you thought about you or another family member adopting her? that might be something you want to look into more.

    here is a site that lists all the states with the numbers to child protective services:

    make sure that you let them know what is going on. document everything! and you can request to stay in the babies life. def. talk to your family members and see if one of you can adopt her instead of her going into the system and getting foster parents.

    what your cousin is doing is so wrong, and someone should smack her upside her head.does she throw the carrier when the baby is in it? cause that i wouldnt stand for and be calling the cops asap! i cant believe as a mother of ever doing something like that. i love my son more than anything or anyone in this world... it disgusts me to no end that someone would do something like that.

    Source(s): mommy of a 7 month old boy
  • 1 decade ago

    Family ALWAYS has the first option to take the baby. BUT IT IS NOT fare for that baby to go threw the abuse that she going threw just because you think you wont be able to see her. YOU should call and if you want to take her then tell them that. I`ve worked in this field for a very long time, It`s not fare for the kids im giving you 7 business days to make a report of i will turn this into my boss and they will take it to you county It is not hard to find out where you live and your personal information, the field i work in the GOVERNMENT is on our side. Pleases do the right thing because if we do it you or your family members will not have the opportunity to take the child because you let this go on.

    Source(s): Sincerly, Alicia Jones "LCSW"
  • gillie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ***you ll do your best by your neice mckenzie needs your support right now ***and if you see that she isnt been cared for properly, she ll thank you for it one day ,and if you have a number i reckon you know in your heart what your going to do just do the right thing for your neice xxplus you have seen the news lately where the child sadly didnt have a chance in life through neighbours not even reporting neglect well i think its time everyone start to watch over our little ones its so not fair ,how people walk around with their eyes shut now x

  • 1 decade ago

    ok if she is your cousin then her daughter is not your neice... she is your cousin too....

    anyway maybe you can try to go for custody or someone else in your family, she is obviously not a fit mother, at 11 weeks that baby is still very young and her mother is being very selfish indeed that poor thing, my heart goes out to her, I am raising my sister in law's son because she is a drug addict and selfish and all that comes with it...... we didn't want her last child to go to the state when the other 5 did, so he lives with us now, and gets to see family still.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would contact your local Department of Children and Families. This baby is at a high risk for abuse and needs to be protected. Unfortunately you have to put your own feelings aside and help this baby before something devastating happens. Think how you would feel then. Calls to DCF can be anonymous..Call now!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Call CPS immediately. You should have whe she went in the hospital then they would have tested the baby for drugs in the system.

    They usually like to place the child with family in situations like this.

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