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My little cousin is 18 w 3 days pregnant. [[Details included]]?

Today my cousin went and got her sonogram. She's having a GIRL! I'm sooo excited, but I'm so worried too. Shes soo young [[turned 16 in April]] and her bf took off to Florida and swears he'll be back. She believes him & shes so naive, cuz he's not coming back. Also she drank at her homecoming and smokes weed pretty reguraly. She says her mom smoked it with her and she came out fine so her baby will come out ok as well. We've tried talking to her and she doesnt wanna take care of herself or the baby, but she says shes a proud mommy to be. I dont know what else I can do for her... I'm so excited about the baby and especially excited its a girl!!!! :-) But i'm super worried that she'll hurt the baby... any suggestions...??

**No rude remarks or suggestions plz. I know she is young, I know she shouldnt be in this predictment, she wanted to take the responsibility for having sex, etc. I just want nice suggestions. We're all adults here. Thank You in advance**


Parenting classes sound like a nice idea... I can't go with her because I live a state away from her. And I dont think she'd be into the idea, because shes so stubborn. I will suggest it though. :-)

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would encourage her to take some classes on babies....on how to be a mother and what to expect.....maybe go with her or something if she does not want to go alone!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ooh tricky situation as she is so young and stubborn and does not want to listen to any suggestions,have u tried explaining to her that ur worried about her and r only giving her this advice as u love her.she should be fine as long as she doesnt over induldge in the weed but nowadays there is more evidence that this can cause learning difficulties,

    can u invite her to stay for a while?that way u can look after her for a while and get ur point acrossu could buy her some parenting magazines these give all sorts of tips and pictures of babys in the womb which might make her feel guilty!!there are also pregnancy magazines i got these 4 my wife wen she was preg with r first really help prepare u 4 motherhood give u a wee insight!!

    i hope everything works out ok for her and that she has a safe delivery goodluck i bet ur counting the days,congrats its good that u care so much 4 her and the baby shes really lucky.

  • 5 years ago

    For one, you are not an adult Hun. You're 16, big difference. Now, as far as this goes, you can't help her. She is the only one who can help herself. I had I cousin who is now off drugs but smoked meth when she was pregnant, nothing happened to the baby, she came out on time and perfectly healthy. So maybe that will help help you have a little peace of mind. Best of luck to both of you plus baby. And as far as the baby daddy that sounds like a douche, she'll figure out one day.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes you have to be extra hard with family members that won't do whats right. If you really know she is doing these things and she won't listen to reason, your only option may be to call the child services. They can have her tested when she shows up at the hospital. The damage will already be done. Your only other option is to call the police if you know when and where she is doing these things. It won't make you popular, but it may save a baby! My cousin has a son who's mom used drugs. I don't know for sure what she used, but this kid will never be normal. At 4 he barely speaks and they have told us not to bother trying to potty train him because it is more stress then he can handle! Best of luck, you are in a bad spot!

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  • 5 years ago

    I cant imagine the frustration you and your family must have, especially if you have kids of your own, you know the responsibility and selflessness that goes into raising a child. It's going to take consistent intervention and a positive role model to change her heart and mind, t only about having a kid, but about staying in an abusive relationship. She needs to be around responsible, loving friends that can show her she is worth more than what she's giving herself. Are you willing to invest in her? What about your friends? Do you feel comfortable with her hanging out with you guys? Get her out of that enviroment!!!! I think the only thing you can do is continue to love her, unconditionally. You can share your heart with her, but if she chooses not to listen, then let the cards unfold. You cant force someone to listen to you, and heed your advice (unfortuanantly). Your cousin will grown up once she's forced to, unless everyone continues to baby her to eery extreme. Advice for your aunt: Make her do her own laundry!!

  • Sometimes it has to be spelled out for young kids as sad as that is. do research on effects of drugs on unborn babies and make her see the end results, there are sites for teen moms let her read some off thier stories about dads not sticking around maybe scare her strait

  • 1 decade ago

    you should research the topic of fetal alcohol syndrome and talk to her about it. there's no reason (young or not) that she should be this irresponsible. also let her know that they will drug test her and the baby at delivery and if there's any trace of thc in her blood she's up sh*t creek. not only will they take custody of the baby, the state can prosecute her.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell her that if the doctor suspects her of using drugs they will test her and the baby at birth and if it is positive CPS will take the baby from her

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with JW...she needs to go to classes with a supportive friend/relation....ask the doctor if he knows of any aimed at teen Moms to be...many places do them.

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