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Ryan's mom

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I am a mom of a 5 year-old boy, who was a 29 week preemie. If you have any questions regarding preemies feel free to email me. My husband and I also lost a baby girl at 21 weeks in Aug, 2006 (One day after our son's 2nd birthday). Kimberly Ann was laid to rest next to my Maternal Grandmother. My son attends a private Christian school, so I am working 3 jobs in order to pay his tuition.

  • What's up with women and young girls thinking tax payers should take care of them?

    If you have no money and no job don't be going out and having sex and then expect hard working tax payers to take care of you! If you can't take care of your baby put them up for adoption instead of turning them into another generation of welfare recipients.

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting10 years ago
  • How to replace a solenoid D in a 1999 subaru forester. Is it an easy fix or does it need to be taken to?

    a transmission shop? I have found solenoids online for a little over $60, but can't find info on how to replace them.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Does anyone know how well Fixio PC Cleaner works. Is it worth paying for?

    Someone on my email contact list downloads everything under the sun and it sent out emails with a virus. It has wreaked havoc on my computer. Right now Fixio has a deal for their gold membership for $39.95 ($10 off). Has anyone ever used it and has it worked for them?

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • Downtown Seattle Cheesecake Factory: Prices?

    Does anyone know what the average price is? My husband and I are supposed to go tonight to a birthday dinner, but we don't know how much it costs. The menu online doesn't list prices because it varies by location. We can't really afford to spend a lot of money, but would like to attend.

    2 AnswersSeattle1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of my son's HORRID breath!!!

    My son breaths through his mouth AND he has seasonal allergies (Both culprits for bad breath). Even after brushing his teeth and his tounge his breath STILL smells bad. He has nothing to eat or drink after brushing his teeth at night, other than plain water and his breath this morning about made me gag. We just took him to the dentist a few weeks ago and she said other than a couple of soft spots on his 2 front teeth (He was a preemie and has enamel deficiencies) she said everything looked good. What else can we do to combat this? I don't want to give him mouth rinse because he might swallow it.

    7 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • How to get rid of aggressive crows?

    We have at least 30 crows around our house. They have been attacking smaller birds (I had to rescue one the other day when a crow broke its wing) and they have been chasing my step-daughter and pooping EVERYWHERE. One of the stupid things pooped on the trunk lid of my car when I was trying to open it, so it almost pooped on my head. I want to get rid of these nasty birds, but don't really want to hurt them. Is there a non-lethal way to get rid of them?

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Is Head Start as good as other more expensive preschools?

    My husband has been out of work for a year now and we cannot afford to send our son to the preschool that we wanted to...we were looking into a Christian private preschool. From what I understand, Head Start is mostly for children wirth delays, or don't speak English. Neither one applies to our son. but since he was a preemie I do want to make sure that he has a good base for learning. I'm not sure if Head Start is going to be right for him. Are there any other programs (We live in Washington state) that would be better for him?

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Why does WIC no longer give vouchers for soy milk?

    A friend of mine has a 2 year-old that is allergic to dairy, but she is on WIC and they no longer will give vouchers for soy milk or cheese. With all of the kids that are now allergic to dairy why would they choose to take that away? The mom is disabled, as are both of her kids so she can't work. Soy products are expensive and puts a big dent in her food budget.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Parents of newborns/expecting moms: I have some important info:?

    I am not sure if you have read this report or not, but it is definately worth looking into. There was a study done last year on babies that died from SIDS and every baby in this study had the same problem with their newborn hearing test. I am providing the link (This is from the Seattle Children's Hospital website) so you can read the study for yourself and know what test to ask for.

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Do you think Yahoo answers should require people to be 18?

    to be able to answer/ask questions on here? I am so tired of kids playing on here. I'm 12 and I'm pregnant, yea, right! They could require a credit card (Not for payment, but for age verification), since you have to be 18 to have a credit card (Even a Visa check card thorugh a bank).

    38 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Why are people so gullible as to believe some of the obvious?

    TROLLS on here? The person that said that their baby drank a whole bottle of cough syrup and couldn't afford to take their baby to the ER because they spent their money on meth. Do you really think that someone would actually post that question if it was real? The only way to get rid of these people is to report them and get them banned and not answer their asinine questions.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Obituary etiquette?

    I was reading my hometown newspaper online and was checking the obits and saw one that was kind of odd. This woman passed away and her PARROT and her sister were listed as surviving her before her own kids....of course her boyfriend was listed first. It makes me think that he didn't like her kids and prefered her parrot over them. What do you think?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Has anyone eaten at the Chipotle Mexican Grill in Lynnwood, WA?

    How is the food? Is it very expensive?

    3 AnswersSeattle1 decade ago
  • Why do parents blame Hollywood for?

    not setting good examples? They should be doing it themselves. There was a story on the ABC news website that was talking about how Miley Cyrus and her dad wer not wearing seatbelts in her new 3-D movie. A bunch of parents threw a fit. Sorry, but it is YOUR job to instill values, morals and common sense into your children, not Hollywood. People that blame Hollywood should not have kids because it seems like they are too lazy to do their own job!

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Scared to try again?

    My husband and I lost a baby girl in Aug, 2006 when I was 21 weeks along. Has anyone else on here had the cervical stitching, not have to go on bedrest and gone full or close to full term? I have a 3 year-old son and he is EXTREMELY active and I just know that I cannot do bedrest and I would go crazy sitting in bed all day long. I have some ideas of what I can do if I DO have to go on bedrest (Microwave, small fridge, laptop, TV/DVD player in the bedroom), but I can only stand watching TV for small amounts of time, on the computer, etc. I really want to have one more baby, but need to talk to some women that have been through this.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Have parents read this article on the Seattle Children's hospital website?

    Please check it out. It was published several months ago, but I think it is worth posting again. If your baby has had this problem with their hearing test talk to their doctor about the SIDS link and risk.

    4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I am having a hard time with the news of the Christmas eve shooting?

    of the 6 family members here in Washington state. I live just 2 towns away from where this occured. My son is the same age as the little boy that was killed (Age 3). The daughter of the two oldest victims had her boyfriend shoot the boy and his 5 year-old sister because she "Wasn't up to it." I cried all the way home from work after reading how he shot the little boy in the head while he held his hand out to him after watching him kill his mom and sister. I got home from work and went into my son's room and watched him sleep. What in the hell can make someone so cold as to shoot children like that? The Prosocuter is deciding whether to go for the death penalty or not. These people deserve to rot in hell. What is this world coming to? After learning that he might get the death penalty the man was quoted as saying "I have a new respect for life." Too little too late for that. Should have thought of that before pulling the trigger.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do nurses blame being tired on making mistakes?

    I was reading the article on about Dennis Quaid's newborn twins being given the wrong dosage of Heparin in their IVs. Nurses were commenting about how tired they were. Does being tired mean that they can't do their jobs right? I work 4 jobs and when my son was sick this week I could still manage to give him the correct meds and the correct dosages. It just seems like it is too conveinent to blame being overworked and overtired. If someone can't handle the long hours they should quit before they kill someone. When my son was in Children's Hospital in Seattle (He was there for 10 weeks due to being almost 3 months early) the nurses NEVER gave him or any of the other children medication without double-checking with another nurse AND the parents. It should be common practice in ANY and ALL hospitals!

    9 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Do you think that Yahoo answers should have a delay on questions for say, 5-10 minutes?

    so they can have moderators delete rants, like abortion questions, ranting about breast vs. bottle feeding, circumcision, etc? When the question only serves to stir people up it could be deleted before even being posted.

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago