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Do you think Yahoo answers should require people to be 18?

to be able to answer/ask questions on here? I am so tired of kids playing on here. I'm 12 and I'm pregnant, yea, right! They could require a credit card (Not for payment, but for age verification), since you have to be 18 to have a credit card (Even a Visa check card thorugh a bank).


There is no way to verify if someone is 13 (Which is what the minimum age is), or 16. Anyone can say that they are 16, but with a credit card they have to be 18. If they steal their parent's credit card, they need to have their butts whooped! I would NEVER have "Borrowed" my parents credit card or stolen money from them because I was brought up with morals and values!

38 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would probably be beneficial to all the trash that gets posted on here!

    I don't think yahoo cares though since they set it at 13 to begin with. There aren't even any sections for the young ones really. Except for adolecense and that is mostly parents talking about theres!

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont see why kids are on the parenting section. I mean a 14 year old does not know how to parent, they dont have children, they dont know how to raise them. I think they should have a Yahoo Q&A for people under the age of 18. That way they can all go to that one, while adults (with the credit cards which is a good idea) can come to the Adult Yahoo Q&A.

  • 1 decade ago

    That sounds so good wooping!!!!! The people in this world today just do not consider that word at all. The state has people now scared to correct , and make there own children behave. There's a difference between abuse and wooping , I willtell anyone including the state im rasing these kids there not love them to the end but like you said we have to give and teach them morals and about the right and wrong things to do in this world. So to answer your question ((NO)) they should not allow anyone under 18 on here hey, they have there friends they can i m or e-mail. Then theres still the phone they dont need to be here telling the school made up stories!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I can definitely see your point.........BUT... I also happen to think that this is a great forum for the teens to be able to express themselves and maybe get answers to some questions that they wouldn't feel comfortable asking of a "live" person. Knowledge is power and although some kids are just using Yahoo answers as entertainment, some are actually gaining information and insight into issues that concern them.

    HAVING SAID THAT.......I, being 33, would be happy with a separate Yahoo answers for adults. The credit card verification could be one way in which to verify age. Although there would still be minors who would circumvent the requirement, I don't think they would be as interested in what us "old folks" are talking about as they would in their peers' forum.

    Good question :)

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  • Carmen
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Not necessarily 18, although I do see where you're coming from. I'm 17, and I've found many other "children" to be just as mature and accurate as a thirty year old. There are people over 18 that ask ridiculous questions like that, so you can't just pin this on kids. They could always require an IQ test to be taken.. that would save everyone a lot of time.

    : ]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i think you should be 18 too. I just dont know about the credit card thing because even people who are 18 might not have credit cards. But they should do something because some of the questions and answers i see from the little ones are ridiculous.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tons of kids have credit cards. I had a check card at 16. My parents were cosigned, but it was my account and the card was in my name. Clearly you are outta the zone about finances and todays kids.

    Second, yes, there are a lot of preg 12 year olds. The media insists on sexually children, and parents refuse to educate their children about sexual issues and how to prevent pregnancy because like you they are too naive to believe that kids really are having sex and getting preg at 12 years old!!!!

    Beyond that, while yes, some of the kids on here are trolls and do make crazy posts.... Sometimes it is refreshing to hear the teens point of view, especially when that teen is mature enough to talk in a level headed manner. Sometimes we as adults forget what it was really like when we were that age. We forget that they look at things completly differently.

  • Alex
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I dont think that Y! Answers should be restricted to just 18+ I mean, Im 16 and i find it a great resource. It is not just adults who have problems and questions. Sometimes there is no one to ask these sorts of questions --- hence they feel more comfortable because they won't be judged. If we take the pregnancy thing, there are heaps of underage pregnancies. I think it is unfair to stop these people from getting advice. Answers has recently helped me fix some serious friendship issues (and i mean really serious) - what does age have to do with this?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there should be a way to block questions from under 18. The other day I was answering a question and before I hit the submit button I noticed the question was from a 14 year girl. Since I am an adult male, I felt kinda creepy if I would of answered.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    obviously most people agree that we all get a little irritated over middle school whiners, and i really think these kids need a place to vent to other kids without interfering with adult questions. but on the other hand i wonder if there are some confused kids who really need adult advice and cant get it anywhere else? why doesnt yahoo make a answers page for kids? it wouldnt mean that NO teens would post immature questions on the adult site but it would give them their own place. PARENTS NEED TO WATCH KIDS!! then we wouldnt have these pregnant kids posting online. and for the 13 y/o who answered this question- where the heck are your parents anyway? dont be mad at everyone because you made a mistake and got knocked up- its not our fault.

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