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Is Head Start as good as other more expensive preschools?

My husband has been out of work for a year now and we cannot afford to send our son to the preschool that we wanted to...we were looking into a Christian private preschool. From what I understand, Head Start is mostly for children wirth delays, or don't speak English. Neither one applies to our son. but since he was a preemie I do want to make sure that he has a good base for learning. I'm not sure if Head Start is going to be right for him. Are there any other programs (We live in Washington state) that would be better for him?


Saying "It's not so bad" is not very encouraging. I don't want my son getting lost in the shuffle, or getting forced to learn another language when he doesn't have a grasp on English grammar yet.

Update 2:

Thank you. I am calling them tomorrow to see about signing him up. The 2nd and 3rd answerers gave great info.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Head start is not so bad. You can go in your area and see if you like it.

    Source(s): Parents advice group:
  • VAgirl
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Head Start is a state based program that takes in kids with developmental delays, physical handicaps, and low income at risk. You have to be referred to the program by a intake location (typically doctors, outreach workers, social service worker, or the school system). They are located in schools mostly and follow school guidelines. The quality of the program will depend a great deal on who is running the program and how much funding the grant has in that community and what the schools involvment is. I have monitered very nice programs in HS and I have monitered some pretty bad ones that I recommended for review and possible closure. It depends too on how much the parent's stay involved-a number of good programs had active parents. The bad ones tended to have kids who had no clue who might pick them up that day or where they would stay that night (the parent involvement regs don't always accomplish the goal-many clients are great at being someplace for a appt, not so great at day to day). I would advise looking into it a bit more. The program is designed to give at risk children a chance to attend a early learning program that will but them at an even pace with the students in Kindergarten who were able to attend preschool or had invloved parent's.

    Source(s): Worked for the state with day care resource center.
  • 1 decade ago

    Head Start is not just for kids with delays. Eligibility is based on a number of criteria, including income. The quality of Head Start programs varies from place to place. There are national standards but how they are followed is different. As with any other program you need to go visit, observe in some classrooms and ask lots of questions to see if it is the right place for your child. Be aware that most Head Starts expect some parent participation and there is a Social Services component that some people find intrusive. If your child is 4 and a year away from kindergarten you might also want to check and see if there is a free Pre K program in your school district.

  • 1 decade ago


    I live in NY. I dont know if your Headstart is different than ours, but my daughter has been in Headstart last year, and is in the Headstart school right now for UPK. Our Headstart is not only for kids who dont speak English or who have delays. It is for those who have delays, are low income, are in the school district, or who just want their children to attend. I can honestly say that my daughter has learned more while attending Headstart than this boy i babysit for who is only a few months younger than her (almost 5 months to be exact). She is learning more than i ever did at her age. It might be because now a days, its more about learning than playing.

    Headstart is a WONDERFUL program for any child. I would strongly recommend it to anyone. The teachers are great, the staff is very kind, and not only that, they assign a 'family advocate' to every family. This is just a person that comes to your house (or you can meet them at the school). They help you make and reach goals for your child or whole family. They tell you what your child has been doing in school. They help you get any help that you might need. This past Christmas was especially hard for us. I was let go from my seasonal job, and my fiance was only making minimum wage, with hardly any hours. I have 2 children and was afraid that i wouldnt be able to give them the Christmas they deserved. Not necessarily presents alone, but still. Presents are nice for kids. We were able to go to the Dollar Store and pick up a few small things for each child, but not too much. Our advocate had put us on the "Christmas List" and we were "adopted" for Christmas. The organization that "adopted" our family had asked us what we wanted for Christmas, regardless of price, for each family member. My 5 year old daughter was dead-set on that stupid Fur-real Friends Parrot (Squakers McCaw) and she got it. Along with books for everyone, toy cars for my son, bed sheets, curtains, clothing for us all, and much more. We also received $75 each for my fiance and i in the form of Wal-Mart gift cards, and $25 each for the kids (Wal-Mart cards as well) which was a tremendous help in getting us the clothes that we needed.

    Headstart is just a wonderful program over all. We took advantage of the free screenings that they offer. I wanted to see if my daughter had a delay with her speech because she was having difficulties with certain words. They evaluated her and found nothing out of the ordinary. Just some suggestions for us to use to help her practice those words she had trouble saying.

    They also helped make sure that my daughter would be enrolled in our school districts Kindergarten program. For the last month, they have been working with all the kids on getting them ready for Kindergarten. It has been nice.

    Have an open mind and take a visit to your local Headstart. Ask them if you can spend a day, or at least an hour, in a classroom so you can get a feel for what they do and what they teach. Im sure you will find it to be in your liking.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!!

    Source(s): *ADD ON* In some aspects, VAgirl is right, but not in every aspect. My daughter is attending UPK at Headstart right now, and it is through our school district. Its just held at the Headstart building. But, we were not referred to the program at all, by anyone. We saw fliers posted up in our neighborhood and at local grocery stores and decided to give them a call and try to get her in (this was for her first year, the actual Headstart program-2006-2007 school year). I do remember someone coming to my house and asking alot of questions to determine her eligibilty. But, if you are putting your son in the UPK program, then what the actual Headstart program does doesnt affect you. The UPK has to follow the school districts guidelines such as what they learn (better counting skills, better color recognition, writing their name etc) and they have to follow the curriculum as far as what the theme is for the week. Last week was dinosaurs for my daughters class, the week before was community. Even with that said, its great because your son will not be treated as if he is disabled, or anything like that. As for what EC Expert said, its not Social Services that comes into your life with this program. Its the Family Advocate, like i said earlier, that helps to help your family achieve goals. If your husband is out of work, a good Advocate will look into the job market and call you up, or send letters home with your child, with jobs that were similar to what he was doing previously with all the details. Like pay rate, hours available, a detailed description, etc. Mine had helped me to get into the "Early Caregivers Training" class that Headstart was offering. Which is a 8 hour class that talks about the rules of Headstart, what is expected of the staff, how to handle emergencies, among others. After completion of the class, you are then asked to do 12 hours of volunteer work in the classrooms, which afterwards, you can fill out an application to work there. I did all of that, and am currently a teachers aide in my daughters class room. So, not only was i unemployed and struggling to make ends meet, my advocate had helped me to get a job that i love and have extra money to buy the things we needed, with out struggling or sacrificing anything.
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The history commencing place is a infamous real wing team this is biased in its study. look for another study. Head initiate isn't proper besides the shown fact that it does do what it says this is going to-supply young ones a Head initiate. the concern is that the academic outcomes do no longer final previous approximately third grade. there are a number of reasons for this besides the shown fact that it boils right down to all the pressures on low income young ones besides as a results of fact the standard of the colleges in poorer neighborhoods. yet in spite of if the academic outcomes do no longer final the youngsters have had nutritious nutrients and the families have get admission to to all forms of help and suggestions. Head initiate is a federally funded application. mother and father are no longer predicted to pay. besides the shown fact that, some Head starts off additionally grant day care to families that want extra beneficial than 0.5 an afternoon and that they do value for that. by ability of how, the excellent study on the long term outcomes of a reliable high quality early young little ones application is complete by ability of the Perry Preschool undertaking in Michigan. look it up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Head Start is GREAT!!!!!!!!! We are from southern Minnesota. My daughter attended Head Start for 2 years and learned so much. Not only is it good for the child but the parents are also involved. She was accepted into the program because my husband lost his job and money was tight! They do so much with the child and teach them manners. She attended the morning class, she got breakfast and lunch. They learn to dish up their own meals, and brushed their teeth every morning. Head Start is NOT only for children with delays. My daughter just finished Kindergarten and was top reader of her class. I would say Go for it, give it a try. Head Start is great! GOOD LUCK!

  • 1 decade ago

    I love head start my daughter just graduated her first year there... she went in as a shy 3 year old and now she can write her first and last name and knows the entire alphabet.. I was talking to a social worker the other day and they explained to me that they actually teach them witha kindergarden curriculm.. because they are trying to get them ready for kindergarden.. they also show them how to be independent.. such as clean up after them selves serving them selves their lunch and snack.. they also give them weekly class room jobs.. I HIGHLY RECCOMEND HEAD START IF YO QUALIFY..

    Source(s): Mother to a child in head start program
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