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I've had a migraine for two days now....?

I was diagnosed with [[Chronic Daily Migraines]] when I was 14 [[I'm 19 now]]. I've been on many different medications but they all stopped working after a couple of weeks... a doctor gave me pain killers to for my really bad ones... but I hate the way they make me feel.

Yesterday I suffered through work & went to college to take my test [[then I skipped the rest of class]] to go home. I took a long hot shower, ate dinner and layed down a little before 9 pm. The room was completely dark, I had a hot washcloth over my face [[I think I may have a sinus infection that is contributing to the migraine]] and I tried to sleep. The night before I took Tylenol PM Cold & Sinus [[yes it put me to sleep but the migraine was worse in the morning]]. Anywho... I have class tonight and I'm suffering through my work day. What else can I do to make it go away???


I have been to a specialist [[which diagnosed me]], they had me keep a trigger diet, write down my sleep patterns, write down any stress, etc... they found no pattern to when I got a migraine. As I said I've been on MANY medicines from Topomax, to sumitriptian, to relprax, etc etc etc and they dont work. I've also checked into the jaw thing, and they said it was aligned correctly...

Anything else?

Update 2:

Garrety: Sry if I spelled that wrong... There are studies saying that sex does help headaches, but I'm not sure the same goes for migraines... [[plus I've tried it before and it didnt work...lolz]]

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    speak to your dr about preventative medications. i have been on these for close to 9 years and it made my life bearable again. i had 2 year old twins when my migraines came back with a vengence and being down for a week was not an option. i had chronic a-typical (no pattern no reason) migraine. the preventatives made me productive again. i still get a few break thru migraines but not nearly as many and they are not as severe. i would try and keep a diary and find your trigger there are many that are known and some that are not so well known. i have found i can have NOTHING diet as the artificial sweeteners are a trigger, the weather changes effect me also but i cant help that one.

    Source(s): migraine survivor for over 20 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I suffered from migraines also until I went for an appointment with an orthodontist who sent me to an orthomaxilary surgeon.

    What did they discover but that I had TMJ - temporomandibular joint disorder. Somehow my lower jaw did not line up properly with my upper jaw.

    What did they do (sounds gross BUT THERE WAS NO PAIN INVOLVED). They had to break my jaw, re-align it to where it had to be, wire my mouth shut for 8 weeks and VOILA no more migraines.

    Well actually - I had one once only because I was under EXTREME stress my husband of only 3 months was admitted with a blood clot in his lung or should I say multiple blood clots in his lungs.

    Also - until my surgery I also was on the really big pain meds (demoral) and I was told that you will get a withdrawal headache the next day.

    So try the tylenol pm (not cold and sinus), go to sleep the next morning take Aspirin (NOT TYLENOL).

    A migraine is when your blood vessels are constricted you need to open them up again and aspirin is an anticoagulant that allows blood to flow more better.

    Hope it works.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Try putting an ice pack on your temples. Also, lay down with a fan blowing over your face. If you have long hair, wet it and as it cools it should help. Basically, dark, cool rooms is what you need. You could try wearing sunglasses while working. Good luck PS- this comes from a long time migraine sufferer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try accupunture. Many insurances will cover it and you will be amazed at how well it works. Also if you go ask the Doctor about pressure points. Many of them can give you temporary relief of migraines enough for the medicine to kick in and do the rest.

    You have tried the west, now try the best! Alternative medicine, not just for hippies anymore!!!!

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  • Barbiq
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    If you haven't already checked into it, you might want to watch your diet for "triggers" . I used to work with a girl that had daily migraines...she went to a migraine specialist in total desperation. She was put on a very strict diet for about 6 weeks. Absolutely NO CAFFEINE of any kind and low processed sugars. Within the 6 weeks she actually became pain was incredible. It turned out that caffeine was her trigger. She used to constantly snack on chocolate and drink Coke, Pepsi and coffee. She cleared her body of all the caffeine and now can drink the occasional cup of coffee or bottle of coke with no ill effects, but if she over does it she will be in pain.

    Check everything you take....even some pain relievers have caffeine in them. This suggestion may not help you for tonight, but it may help you in the long run. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know this will sound crazy but if you give yourself an orgasm or if you have a lover who will give you one you will release the tension that causes migraines. Your sexual tension is stored in the same place as your medulla and needs to be released. Just try it and I promise you will start to feel better. I'm not telling you to go sleep with whom ever, you need to get off. Remember its all about you. Tell me how it works for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Excedrine Migraine is the only thing that works for me ...

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