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Have you ever gotten a REALLY ACCURATE HOROSCOPE?

If so, what was it... can you describe it??

What are you and your partner's signs... does that ever affect your relationship??

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wouldn't go on a date with an Aries man - too violent. Taurean men are bullies (excuse the pun). Pisces and Aquarians are nuts. I don't know about the rest because only the above four signs have ever asked me out. My horoscope in a local paper was so accurate that it was scary and I rang the paper and talked to the man who wrote the column and he said it made his job worthwhile to hear stuff like that. The spookiest tho was when I went to Asia and a man read my aura and my travelliing companion's aura. This man had never met us before. We paid $5 and went in and he started speaking immediately. Everything he said about our lovelife and homelife and worklife was true. Hugely detailed. He knew what we did for a living and he knew what was going to happen to us on our arrival back. These were not general things that could happen to everyone. This man was in a department store. They had a READING AURAS section, like any store would have a cosmetic section or a book section. The consultants all wore suits and sat at desks. I consulted a WISE WOMAN once over a problem I had with some people and she said to me NAME ONE THING YOU HAVE IN COMMON WITH THOSE PEOPLE. And everything became clear from then on. I have seen those books that help you to develop your intuition but so far I haven't studied any yet. But I plan to. It is all very interestiing, this mystic business. I did a course in horoscopes but the teacher fixated on one pupil and only spoke to her at length so nobody went back after the 2nd week. Except these two.

  • i always check my horoscope at and almost everyday its completely correct. [[ is based off the same astrology]]. i dont really know how to describe it. a lot of times though i wont really understand what they meant until the next day or somewhere else along time... [[sometimes i'll write it out and look at that day in the near future and what impacts came from that day]]. signs go along together in relationships as well. i believe that some signs will never quite be as happy together as others but i guess its in all of what you learn and what conecpt you accept to believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    no not really. Horoscope is more like a placebo

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I doesn't work.

    make your own future it will always be better.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not from a newpaper. ;-)

  • 1 decade ago


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