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What birthday present would you want for your 21st birthday?!?

What type of birthday present would you want for your 21st? I mean I am really excited about it being here and everyone keeps asking me what I want for my birthday.... so what did you get or give for your or their 21st birthday?? What did you get from your boyfriend/girlfriend? their family? your family? friends?


PEOPLE... I NEED to know.. what I should get my chick friend for her birthday.. we have the same birthday.. so I'm asking for me and for her... so please some birthday GIFT/PRESENT suggestions!!! Thanks!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    have a party and invite all your family and your best friends be around those you care about.

    have fun.

  • Laurel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I really hate gifts, Id rather go out. So for my 21st me and my twin went out and had a drink at the bar in this mall. After the drink we played video games and then watched a movie.

    So I would say by her a drink or a ticket to where ever you guys are going. Try miniature golf or something silly that you guys might like.

    Make it an event or make her something crafty(maybe a scrap book of memories you share).

  • 5 years ago

    I would say scuba diving because I would love to see the fish and the water. I had a horrible 21st. I had a horrible BF and a bad time with my family. I do not even remember getting a gift. I think I had lentil soup and biscuits out of a can because my mother offered them to me and my BF when he was going to take me out. He wanted to be polite to her so that is what we had. My father ignored me so I left the room. My BF did not want to be rude to my father so he called to me and my mother tried to tell my father I left. It just sucked. Other people talked about how great their 21st was. I have no clue what happened with mine except that it sucked. Pretty much anything that is what the person would like and focuses on the person would be great.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is 21 so you have to go out drinking. Somewhere insane with everyone you know that you can drink with.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a whole lot of love n affection

  • 1 decade ago

    a car... gives alot of positive effects

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