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★Roshni★ asked in SportsCricket · 1 decade ago

Is God on Australian's Side??

I have seen Americans, saying (in other forums)"God is on America Side and thats why we are the superpower in the world"....Just wondering If God is with Australia too in Cricket they are also kind of superpower in cricket! everything goes in their favour right from the begining.The toss, problems for the opposite team e.g Srilankans bowler could not perform well in final, though their batsmen did their best but if target was somewhat limited , then the situation would have been bit different ...and then weather and light problem had made the situation even worse for Srilankans ..Well i admit Australians are simply awesome and they deserved this win !A very well earned win though.But I think luck was also with them...and wanted to see them as winner only, "God help those who help themselves' but even Srilankans did put a great effort in this torunament !but luck didn't favour them... Am i wrong??


balaGraju, Sorry i should have mentioned 'for those who believe there is a God" and Atheist can give their own logics..Thanx!

Update 2:

brissy_006, You are right honey, I know God loves everyone...He even loves my team who could not qualify for the super eight even... just want to know 'The Luck factor' in this final' !

Update 3:

TS !! how can i deny you , thanx for stoping by !!Bless you!

Update 4:

LOL, Hafiz, Good one!, Well i just tried to fit a "famous" saying here, becuase it pinches me alot when people say so!luck is always a factor...But I agree from the core of my heart that this WC belonged to Australia from the very bigning..everyone wished it to comeout somewhat different(including me)...but as some people said before this Final "Heart says Srilanka but the Brain says Australia" and i believe brain has an upper hand over heart !! No one can deny Autralian's effort..but i feel luck has its own way of proving it...Ahh , i think i should stop this philosophy here !lol, its getting too much !

17 Answers

  • Hafiz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With due respect to sis Roshni and her acumen in this cricket game's intricacies, I beg to differ with her on her premise as posed in the form of Q above.

    If this question or statement is made in lighter tone then it's okay. We sometimes need to laugh away our frustration those build up when things do not go our way (lol).

    I am sure that most of the spectators who witnessed the game would agree that the game was fated to be controversial one right from the beginning when the total overs were cut down from 50 Overs to 40 overs (which ultimately revised downward to 38 Overs due to subsequent stoppage for rain). But nobody in wildest dream could think that the Australians would have to celebrate twice for the win in the same game (lol).

    What a joke that was that would be remembered for years to come. But, if jokes aside, we are asked to believe that some overt or covert foul-play was behind the Australian win then it would be great injustice to the players who sweated on the field in all of their 29 matches leading to the final of 28th April 2007, and won each and every encounter decisively.

    I think it would have been good had Sri Lankan won the match since the Asian subcontinent was deprived by God when both India and Pakistan were deprived from His blessings and they were eliminated from the first round (lol).

  • 5 years ago

    'Punish Australians' ? would desire to that remark be interrpruted as 'racist'? Get a grip mate. God isn't vengeful. considering whilst replaced into this a non secular difficulty? i'm sorry, however the Indian's are behaving like babies following yesterdays result.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can't say if god was on any of the teams' side, but I did pray to god to help Australia win, when the Sri Lankan batsmen were blazing away & just two balls after that Sangakkara got out to Ponting! lol

    I've got one due for Sri Lanka too, when they play the 2011 WC final ;-)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Americans being superpower today, but it doesn't mean that it will be till the end of the world. ( killing innocent people in other countries in the name of this the superpower tag they carry themselves ?...ok leave this. This is other issue ) No one knows what is going to happen tommorow except God.

    God is on those side who are dedicated & commited in their good works. Also Luck play a little role. Well done Australia... superb planning strategy...

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  • 1 decade ago

    GOD definitely help them who knows to help self cause, who knows to empower self, so god will be with hard workers, look at the Aussie system of making cricketers, they have at least 36 players of International class. that is all most equal to three teams. their prime minsters eleven so many times have defeated so many international sides, that is the class, they have class, motivation, passion, and most important hunger for victory (not just win). so no wonder if they go on winning even after Mc'grath, Hayden, Gilli, and Ponting as they have a set of players like Clark, Hussey, Hodge, Tait and so many.

  • 1 decade ago

    If at all there is god he must be with the aborigines of Australia not the cricket team.

    (after five hours)I am sorry too for being irrelevant.I just felt this forum is only for cricket and sports.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well your definitley not wrong. I also thought that Sri Lanka put much effort into coming to the finals but i guess as you say that 'luck wasnt on their side'.

    but i know one thing. steve bucknor the umpire is surely on the australians side. He never does his job properly. always supports the Aussies...

    ok umpiring may not be easy but seriously if umpiring is ur job get it right steve!

  • 1 decade ago

    no , they are playing to their capacity and self confidence with them so they are winning the world cup from last twelve years

    there are many great players in the australian team who thinks that self confidence can make every thing

  • Lamya
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    yes, but only a bit...the thing is, they have the talent,money and equipments to make a great team, and they are using it properly..i know it was sad about the SLs, but don't worry,some day, they'll get what they truly deserve..we'll only have to a bit more patient..

  • 1 decade ago

    God loves winners Aussies...and God Loves Tryers..Sri Lanka...Amen. and your wrong!

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