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Prophecy buffs: Pls describe all references to "the False Prophet"?

Hey all R&S prophecy students: other than the refs in Rev 16:13, Rev 19:20 and Rev 20:10 - do you know of any other references to the False Prophet in other scriptures? I know there is much about the "Anti-Christ" in numerous books of the OT and NT. How about the False Prophet? Any others?


Hmm. Interesting - the Assyrian. I'll take a look at those. I had assumed those were refs to the Anti-Christ.

Any others? Serious answers please.

Update 2:

I appreciate the ref to the "spirit" of the false prophet who is Satan. That I know. I'm more interested in the person himself. It has recently become more of interest to me, as I have been studying more prophecy to understand this important character. And YES, I think it is fair to include any false religious figures who may have claimed to be from God, but whom the OT does not authenticate - such as it does for Christ.

Update 3:

Hmm. More good answers.

Atum, I have to contend a bit with your's however, since you ID yourself as an expert. John was old - agreed. But, how can you call him senile? He so eloquently interprets the OT prophets, and synthesizes the data? If you reject his visions as real, then the only other conclusion is that he evaluated the entire Tanakh and developed and wrote a fully integrated thesis to prove Christ fulfills them - in a language and culture not his own. Quite a feat!

Thats completely impossible for a senile man - trust me, I have experience with them. Either he did have a vision from the Lord Jesus, or he was as mentally sharp as a razor blade.

I actually vote for both. I would challenge you to come up with a thesis using the same background material and use it to validate any other person in history as the person about whom it was written. Just pick anyone you like other than Jesus.

Option A still stands - maybe he did have the visions from Christ.

Update 4:

Swindled - Good "typology". I'll use that for sure. But, what about actual references to the FP, whether veiled or otherwise.

Update 5:

Biblepro... you have a lot of info, but you have kind of lost me there. You initially mention 3 entities, but have ascribed the False Profit to being "the king" and one or two of the beasts of Rev 13.

Can you please edit for clarity?

Update 6:

Any further considerations?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It would take a book to fulfill your request.

    Daniel has many.

    Isaiah, has the type in the Assyrian.

    Jeremiah, has the type in the king of Babylon.

    Joel has lots to offer.

    Satan is the false prophet and yes I know many are not aware of this. Satan has numerous names and plays many roles.

  • Theban
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    As one of "faith," and a Philosopher (PhD), in the Jewish Tanakh is no mention of false prophet(s) or antichrist(s). In the New Testament, "11" verses mention false prophet(s) and only "5" mention antichrist(s), "directly..........." Much of these references are used towards those who "used" belief for their own motives and others who rejected belief..............The Apostle John's "Revelations" is a book of his frailed delusions in senility (was around 90 years old when he wrote the book), and his last attempts at gaining "status," having been of the least of the apostles, along with his brother, James, THOUGH many gullable christians take his words literally. Jesus himself said of John and James that they were people who sought status and to please authority, and the rest of the apostles didn't like their selfish ways.......

    Source(s): Book of Levi (Matthew), the only book not influenced with hebrew or greek interpetations......
  • 1 decade ago

    John chapter 10 verses 1-6. If anyone has trouble I will explain.

  • 1 decade ago

    The False Prophet -

    End-time prophecy is confronted with THREE separate and unique evil entities (Re.16:13 below), the dragon (Satan), the beast of Revelation 13:1, and the beast of Revelation 13:11.

    The beast of Revelation 13:11 is the false prophet.

    The false prophet is a king; he will sit in the temple of God showing himself that he is God; he will exalt himself, and magnify himself, and he will prosper till the indignation is accomplished. (2 Thess.2:4, Dan.8:11, Dan.11:36-37).

    He is the son of perdition (2 Thess.2:3-4, Re.17:8,11), the "another beast coming up out of the earth" (Re.13:11-17), the little horn/false prophet (Dan.7:20, 24-25, Dan.8:9, Dan.8:11, Dan.8:22-25, Dan.11:36-38, Re.16:13).

    His identity will not be known until he ascends out from the bottomless pit (Re.11:7, Ps.28:1). The bottomless pit will be opened at the Fifth TRUMPET, the First Woe (Re.9:1-2, Re.9:12). Upon this earth, the spiritual opening of the bottomless pit is in the Dead Sea, as it will be in the “new” earth (Isa.66:24).

    The false prophet will not regard the God of his fathers (Dan.11:37 below); he will honor a god whom his fathers knew not (Dan.11:38 below). This appears to me, then, that he will come out from the Jews (1 Cor.10:32).

    Trumpet events follow Seals events, followed by Plague events.

    Re.16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the DRAGON (Re.12:9, Re.20:2, Re.9:11), and out of the mouth of the BEAST (Re.13:1-8, Re.13:18), and out of the mouth of the FALSE PROPHET (Re.13:11-17).

    2 Thess.2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he (the false prophet) as God sitteth in the temple of God (Rev.11:1 below), showing himself that he is God (Dan.11:36-37 below).

    Dan. 8:11 Yea, HE (the little horn – Dan.8:9, Dan.7:8) MAGNIFIED HIMSELF (Dan.8:25, Dan.11:36-37 below, 2 Thess.2:4 above) even to the prince of the host (Dan.8:13), and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away (Dan.9:27), and the PLACE of his sanctuary was cast down (Dan.8:13, Dan.11:31).

    Dan.8:25 And through his policy also he (the king – Dan.8:23) shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and HE SHALL MAGNIFY [HIMSELF] IN HIS HEART (Dan.8:11, Dan.11:36-37, 2 Thess.2:4), and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes (Re.19:19, Dan.12:1, Dan.8:11); but he shall be broken without hand (Re.19:15).

    Dan.11:36 And the king (Dan.7:8, Dan.7:24) shall do according to his will; and HE SHALL EXALT HIMSELF, AND MAGNIFY HIMSELF above every god (Dan.8:11, 2 Thess.2:4 above), and shall speak marvelous things against the God of gods, and SHALL PROSPER TILL THE INDIGNATION BE ACCOMPLISHED: for that that is determined SHALL BE DONE (Dan.7:21, Dan.7:25).

    Dan.11:37 Neither shall he (the king) regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: FOR HE SHALL MAGNIFY HIMSELF ABOVE ALL (Dan.11:36, 2 Thess.2:4 above).

    Pat (ndbpsa ©)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Forget about that,I'm telling you it's this guy who lives next to me. He built a fence on my side of the property line. I mean,how do you like that. If that ain't the antichrist what is.

  • 1 decade ago

    Does islam as a false religion count?

    Source(s): islam was founded by a madd man and an angle, Christianity and Jadaism where founded by God.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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