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Lv 5
Tiff asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Argh... dog food question... help, please...?

I have a lot of questions, so answer as many or as few as you can...

I just switched my dogs from Nutro Ultra kibble to 3/4 Nature's Variety Kibble, 1/4 Nature's Variety Raw (about a month ago)...

But now I am considering keeping the NV Raw and switch the Kibble to Solid Gold ("Just a Wee Bit")... but my JRT had a few days of upset tummy during the last switch (yes, we switched gradually) so, is it worth it to switch? I like that Solid Gold tells you EXACTLY where their ingredients come from & have NO affiliation with Menu Foods. I also like that the "Just a Wee Bit" is 28% protein... but that brings me to my next question...

That much protein? Good or bad?? I've read both!?! I have one extremely active dog (no off button) and one moderately active dog... I've read that active dogs should have more protein, but I've also heard that more protein is the cause of hyper-activity... what do you know?!?

This is for a 15lb 5 yr. old Jack Russell x and an 18lb 2 1/2 yr. Westie

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I feed my pets Innova ( They love it and seem to do very well on it. You could also try home-cooked meals, if you have the time and patience to avoid any possible contaminated dog kibble. Dr. Strombeck, DVM, wrote an excellent book ( on the subject, complete with dozens of recipes (even recipes for pets with special needs, such as diabetic pets or pets with kidney problems).

  • DP
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    That is a high protein ... I personally wouldn't feed 28%... Alot of times when people call saying their puppy is acting like a brat, and you question them about the food and the protein, you find that they are feeding a high protein. Not only does it make them act hyper, but it also can cause problems with hot spots, etc.

    We tried the Chicken soup .. a few years ago and I found that the dogs weren't too keen about it and it made them VERY gasy.

    The Nutro, I have heard people switching to it and finding that they had to switch over very very slowly or their dogs ended up with loose stool.. Even having to start all over and switch over even slower..

    With a breed that can tend towards high energy to say the least, I would go with a lower protein level myself. That particular food you mentioned too has high fat.. 18% I think it was.. That is pretty high itself.. Your Westie might end up to be a real fatty if you aren't careful.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are so many opinions on pet nutrition (even amongst "experts") that it will be difficult to get a good answer to your question. Just choose a food regimen that you are comfortable with, and one that your dog is doing well on.

    Any strong, healthy dog is probably eating the best diet for him, although that might not be the best diet for the dog sitting next to him. Some dogs live long, healthy lives eating what you might consider to be inferior dog foods, while other dogs don't do so well. The same holds true for foods you might consider to be good. I know this doesn't really answer your question, but I'm not too sure anybody here can offer you a really good answer. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I personally would not feed a kibble at all, as I raw feed my dogs. Too much protein is not, imo, the cause of hyper-activity. It is the additives, and the colourants in the food that causes such problems......just the same as children. Feed kids rubbish, and you get hyper kids.....feed them fresh food, and they calm down. Find a food with less colourants and additives, as opposed to less protein.

    Source(s): Behaviourist and trainer who has changed hyper dogs from dog food with additives and colourants to one without.....problems gone.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    check out the CANIDAE website you may find that this is a better choice. higher protein could sometimes make them wilder.. not always the case,, usually working dogs require higher protein count.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have no idea what you just said, but do not swith foods that frequently! It upsets dog's stomacks, and sometimes can result in bloating. Stick to a food your dog likes that keeps him healthy and he'll be fine!

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