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  • Bleeding between period... is this an emergency?

    Since my period ended about 3 weeks ago, I've had a few days of break through bleeding. Last week, it was for about 3 days and it was light and the color was light. Then it stopped for 3 or 4 days. Then last night, after having sex, I started bleeding again, only this time it was heavier and hasn't stopped. It's not heavy now, just "spotting"

    I am due for my period in a week, but this is not an early period- the color is different and I have had NO PMS (I ALWAYS have PMS)

    Since it is Friday night, I cannot call my GYN until Monday... do I wait until Monday or go to the ER tonight? I'm open to other suggestions as well.

    And how worried should I be? From what I've read it could be anything from an infection to endometriosis to cancer...

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Vietnamese Translation?

    Can anyone translate Chà bông chay for me? Thanks!

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • JRT weird potty accidents?

    so, Pumpkin, my 5 year old JRT is just a weird dog... he's kind of nuts. He has a number of weird things that he does- if he hears a noise, he'll bark but won't stop when the noise is gone... he'll continue to bark until I redirect his attention. He also has some guarding issues- usually random things that he won't give up unless, again, I redirect his focus on something more interesting... he's a very intense little dog... So, I say all of that to give you some idea of his craziness... (he IS a JRT)

    Anyway... his latest thing is that if I'm in another room and he can't come with me, he poops in the house. Last night I took him out and he went just fine, I came back in and left him in the living room while I went in my bed room and closed the door... I came back out 15 or so minutes later and he had pooped on the floor (he'd just gone 20 minutes ago!!)

    Occasionally he has an accident while I'm at work (maybe once or twice a month) but I'm pretty sure it's because I'm late coming h

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can I use dish soap in the washing machine?

    I'm out of laundry detergent... is there any reason I can't use dish soap instead?

    Is it more or less concentrated??

    9 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Pain in arm, twitching?

    my left forearm is incredibly sore. There is some pain in my palm and my fingers. Rotating my arm hurts the worst... when I do that my wrist and elbow hurt as well... and a few minutes ago my hand started twitching. What's causing this? I'm a 23 year old female.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Pain in arm and twitching?

    my left forearm is incredibly sore. There is some pain in my palm and my fingers. Rotating my arm hurts the worst... when I do that my wrist and elbow hurt as well... and a few minutes ago my hand started twitching. What's causing this? I'm a 23 year old female.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • How do you feel about the Lymes vaccinations?

    I know some people are against them. What is your opinion and why?

    2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • God not answering prayers...?

    I've prayed for one thing for the past 4 years. ONE thing... and it's not I haven't received many other (undeserved) blessings... but I haven't asked for any of them... and I'd gladly give them up for this one thing... is there a bible verse that addresses this situation? I just don't understand... and I'm a little hurt. and frustrated.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How Many Calories in this Dog Food?

    Hi, it's July 4th, and I brought my pups to a BBQ w/out their usual food (Nature's Variety)

    After much label reading at the local Walgreens, I came across a can of Iams wet that was suitable for my Westie w/allergies. Not the best, but hey, I eat crap sometimes, too, right! =) And of course, she loved it!! =P

    I'd like to know how many calories were in that food, though. I can't find it from a google search, does anyone have a good link with this kind of information?

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How would you put this in an equation and simplify it?

    1. Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the Area code)

    2. Multiply by 80

    3. Add 1

    4. Multiply by 250

    5. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number

    6. Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.

    7. Subtract 250

    8. Divide number by 2

    Assuming your phone number was 234-5678

    9 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Help some girls out, please. Too much to pay at the mechanic?

    My friend's mechanic charges her $200 for these services and has her have this done every 15,000 miles.

    Good deal/bad deal/rip off entirely??

    -Replace Engine oil

    -Replace Engine oil filter

    -Inspect Disc brake pads and discs, front and rear axle boots and axle shaft joint portions

    -Perform Inspect brake lines and check operation of parking and service brake system

    -Inspect Clutch operation

    -Inspect Steering and suspension

    -Perform Rotate and Inspect Tires

    and, If I understand correctly, this $200 pays for the "inspections," but if anything is wrong, that's an additional charge.

    10 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Where to buy running shoes?

    What is the best place to buy running shoes? And what do I look for when buying shoes? Are there any good chain stores? Otherwise I live in the Twin Cities (Minnesota)

    5 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • How to train for a marathon from 0?

    I'd like to run a marathon, but I'm starting from scratch here... I am very out of shape and would be surprised if I could run 2 blocks.

    I'm giving myself 2 years and would like to work up to it...

    How should I start? Or should I just start running more and more every day?

    All suggestions welcomed!!

    4 AnswersRunning1 decade ago
  • Can you put a frozen roast in a crock pot?

    I have made roast before, but I am wondering if I can make it from frozen on low for about 8 hours?

    11 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Higher Protein Dog Foods?

    Some believe that higher protein dog foods cause hyperness... does anyone have a link that discusses this? Like an article written by a vet or a nutritionalist... not a message board.


    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do you housebreak a dog that's afraid of pooping?

    sweet young dog is afraid of pooping infront of people, so she poops in the house when she thinks no one is around... when I found it, she cowered (I didn't even react, just looked at it!!)

    She's being crate trained, but if she won't poop when I take her out on the leash, what do I do?

    If I catch her in the act in the house, she's too large for me to pick up and put outside and I wouldn't want to scold her for fear that might make it worse!! And sadly, I have no yard, so she can't just run free out there...

    [this is a temporary situation, she's in a rescue program, but I'd like to housebreak her before she finds a forever home]

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Argh... dog food question... help, please...?

    I have a lot of questions, so answer as many or as few as you can...

    I just switched my dogs from Nutro Ultra kibble to 3/4 Nature's Variety Kibble, 1/4 Nature's Variety Raw (about a month ago)...

    But now I am considering keeping the NV Raw and switch the Kibble to Solid Gold ("Just a Wee Bit")... but my JRT had a few days of upset tummy during the last switch (yes, we switched gradually) so, is it worth it to switch? I like that Solid Gold tells you EXACTLY where their ingredients come from & have NO affiliation with Menu Foods. I also like that the "Just a Wee Bit" is 28% protein... but that brings me to my next question...

    That much protein? Good or bad?? I've read both!?! I have one extremely active dog (no off button) and one moderately active dog... I've read that active dogs should have more protein, but I've also heard that more protein is the cause of hyper-activity... what do you know?!?

    This is for a 15lb 5 yr. old Jack Russell x and an 18lb 2 1/2 yr. Westie

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is the bratwurst still good?

    I warmed some pre-cooked bratwurst a few hours ago... one is left... can I still eat it if I warm it up?? whaddya think??

    3 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Do you like this name?

    How do you feel about the name Tara~Lynn?

    I'm not pregnant yet, but am considering it for my first daughter (if I ever have one)

    My mom's name is Carolyn and My dad's name is Terry, so I thought this was a cute and sweet way to honor them... not to mention that it starts with a "t," as does mine, so she could have the same initials as me (somewhat of a tradition in my family)

    But I think it's a little hill billy sounding... what do you think... also, I'm not set on the spelling, that could be played with.

    20 AnswersFamily1 decade ago