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abortion question?

i was just wondering why all the pro-lifers out there think its right to flash pictures of aborted fetuses at people! i am a server and once i had a kid cry because the abortion-mobil(the one with the pictures posted all over it) was parked in our lot, another time i had a woman give me pamplets strewn all over her table, all with pictures of fetuses. it is so rediculous, and so heartless to force your beliefs in that way onto people! so does anyone have any opinions? and i am sorry, i know i am offending people but i need to know why this form of advertising is used!

10 Answers

  • Brian
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's much easier to convince people that abortion is no big deal if they don't have to look at the results. I hope that child never forgets those pictures and remembers how ugly abortion is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, I don't think they should be places where children can see them, but showing them to other adults, I mean really, what is the problem? It goes on every day, grown people shouldn't just ignore it if the pictures are going to effect them in that way.

    My biggest problem with it, other then the fact kids often can see it, is that they don't label the age of the fetus... I mean they sometimes trick people into thinking that a 6 month old aborted baby is a 3 month old one.

    Anyways, other than that, I have no problem with the shock advertising being used when talking to other adults. It is a fact that this occurs, so if people are bothered by it, they should stop it from happening.

    Also, about the whole child living in the system thing, newborn babies rarely end up in the system. So many parents want to adopt them, there are waiting lists that take years!

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone here is right. The pro-lifers hope to shock and discourage. I am pro-choice, and there is nothing that changes my beliefs. And one thing they may not tell you is that not all of the fetuses were alive or in good health when aborted(born dead, miscarried, or sick from something that caused their death in utero). A group of them were gathered outside a women's clinic when I had gone in for a check-up, my daughter in tow. They handed my 3 yr old daughter a pamphlet featuring a dead baby and said that she should be thankful that I "didn't kill her like I was going to kill her sister/brother". This clinic based their fees on a sliding fee scale and it was what I could afford for a pap smear. I almost got arrested because, like a fool, I shredded the pamphlet and lunged at the fanatic that had handed it to my daughter. I know that is their beliefs, but it was the idea that they automatically assumed I was going for an abortion. If they had done their research, they would have known that the abortion procedures were only done twice a month and I was going in for an appointment inbetween these times, for something completely unrelated. I hate that they post their grotesque signs. No child should have to see that. My daughter was actually scared of me for a while, thinking I was going to "make her dead" like her new baby. That pap smear was how I found out I was pregnant with my 2nd child! And I am currently 7 mo along now!

  • 1 decade ago

    This practice disgusts me also. When the Republicans were driving around there Abortion Mobile next to my 5 years old daughters school anothe parent and I stepped out in front of it and yelled at the old man driver about little children seeing that. All those kids there werent aborted and they had no business seeing such stuff. Pro-lifers need to get there word out but find another way.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's all about shock value. The thing that I never understood is why someone would blowup an abortion clinic or kill a doctor preforming abortions. Isn't the whole purpose of their group to stop"killings"? N-e-way, I digress The point of the pictures is that they are hoping people will see them and change their mind. However if you're in the situation where you feel abortion is your only hope then....nothing will change your mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's shock value...they think that is the only way to get their points across..I went and visited and I'm sorry but it didn't move me to become anti-choice. I wouldn't personally have an abortion, but it's better than a child living in the system. It's a woman's choice and no one will ever convince me otherwise and I'm a mother of an 18 week old little girl.

  • 1 decade ago

    They think that showing people those shocking pictures will stop people from having abortions. I will also bet that they have never been put into the situation where they would seriously consider it. Nobody wants to be in an abortion clinic and anyone who who says abortion should be illegal is un-American and a hypocritical ***.

  • 1 decade ago

    i sort of had the opposite of thing happen to me today. i was at my college when a "pro-choicer" came up to me with a flier that was for the morning after pill and told me "it's not too late." she was still talking to me about my choices when i walked away. the reason this bothered me is because i am 8 1/2 months pregnant and it's pretty damn obvious. good for her that she is gung ho about her beliefs, but it is pretty damn obvious that i made my choice and it IS too late to change my mind! i think some people get so wrapped up in their beliefs they become totally inconsiderate of how they affect everyone else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is used sometimes to get a point across like it is really bad or something. but my opinion is all those people out there thinking abortions do good well they don't anyone who believes in them is a sick discusting ***hole!

  • lea
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i am totally 100% AGAINST abortion. however, i don't like it how people shove pamphlets showing aborted babies (yes, they're BABIES, not fetuses) down people's throats. there is another way we can get our point across.

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