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Cancer Men and Taurus girl?

I am a Taurus girl and have been told I am a good match with Cancer men. I have always really got along with Cancer men and have been good friends with them. However, in the dating area even though I like their personalities it never works out. are they a good match for Taurus girls?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Of course it can be, however, Cancer is a water sign and will a bit emotional for you. As well, they are a cardinal (action) oriented sign, and you may bit a tad boreing to them.

    Taurus Female:

    The Taurian female is considered an earth mother, a living doll. Out of all the signs of the zodiac, the term "hippy chic" was, most likely, coined from a Taurian female. Taurus feels her purpose is to create a little bit of heaven right here on earth.

    A fun loving character who approaches life with childlike enthusiasm. She possesses a carefree sensibility and offers amusement to many. She can be likened to Snow White romping through the forest with bluebirds singing around her head.

    She is ruled by the planet Venus, the Goddess of Love. Her signs planetary symbol is the Mirror of Aphrodite, thus the name for my blog. Her zodiac signs symbol is the almighty bull. Sextrology considers her "The Ideal." The feminine ideal. She most certainly will simply ooze with femininity. Adorning herself with all of the spoilings of a "girly girl." Bangles, toe rings, earrings, fashion handbags, scarves, and nary a hair out of place.

    Being an earth sign, she will be fond of the outdoors, gardening and the like. Being the only fixed (immovable) earth (grounded, stable) sign in the zodiac, she'll also tend to be a homebody, someone stubborn, and will proceed through life slowly and deliberately.

    Taurians are likened to the age range of 7-14, thus proceeding through life as if a teenager, experiencing everything for the very first time. Her house is The First Quadrant, which is one of self and individual awareness. Her number is 2, a number of unity and sympathy.

    In general, Taurians enjoy the domesticity in life. They enjoy cooking, taking care of others, gardening, a nice house, etc. They are a peaceful, docile, bunch. Until you've crossed the line and ignited that notorious Taurian temper. Did I say temper?

    I meant rage. . . . .

    Read the rest in the link below.

    Cancer Male

    The Cancer male - Prince Charming. A gentlemen, polite, well spoken, essentially tailor made. He's the epitome of a traditional male. Moral, earnest, and ladies - he's the marrying kind.

    The male crab likes to nest and become a good provider. He's an artistic one and very creative. His spirit must be allowed to flourish. A hopeless romantic whose head is full of daydreams and visions of happiness. The ever so happy family man, he's the perfect lover, husband and boyfriend. And sex is an act of worship to the male crab. He's the sign of sexual potential.

    Unlike his counterpart, the female crab, who is a bundle of raw emotion, the male crab is more centered and cool. His emotions are not worn on his sleeve like that of the female crab who is a notorious well-spring of bubbling emotions. The male crabs Fourth House is one that rules the general public at large. It's no accident that the most successful leading men on screen are Cancerians.

    And ladies, here's the great part - our male cancer was born under the Mother Principle. Because of this, he views life from a matriarchal point of view. In other words, he recognizes the feminine power as the supreme ruler of the cosmos. He kindly answers to the females direction.

    Our male crab's age range is that of 21-28, which represents a time in life when a young man is teetering on the brink of maturity - and at the ripe age of marrying, ready to embark on a life of togetherness with his female ruler. He's seeking his Cinderella. Similarly, a male crab may even go so far as to "save himself" for marriage. He's romantic and traditional - the chivalrous man.

    He's conditioned through experience for his future. Our male Cancer is a cardinal (active) water (emotional) sign and his planetary ruler is the moon. A planet which has an intimate, yet sympathetic, relationship with mother earth. A planet which represents moods. . . .

    Read the rest in the link below:

  • pfarr
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Taurus Woman Cancer Man

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Cancer Man Taurus Woman

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a Taurus as well and read at many places that Cancer is a good match for me, however I was married to a guy for 5 years (he was a Cancer) and it did not work out. It's really hard to tell, if you meet someone you are really into, just give it a try. Now I'm married to a Libra and even though I never heard about Libra-Taurus being a good match we are doing just fine.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Cancer+Taurus=Both signs favour home activities, and enjoy themselves there to the exclusion of the rest of the world. Cancer's immagination can keep this relationship from being boring.

    In short form= You are a good match for a the people born under the Cancer sign.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    as a cancer male i can say this is good match about 75% of the time. I like my women independent with a job and her own life so the not liking independent women doest apply to me. Hell most men want women like that.

    What i dont like is loud women! I find some women are a bit much and dont know when to shut up. Sorry if i offend anyone but maybe its just me. Dont get me wrong i like a talkative woman but let me talk sometimes too. Some men who come across as shy are just waiting for you to ask them about them sometimes instead of talking about yourself!

    I have dated two Taurus girls and although the relationships didnt pan out we are still good friends. If notihng else you will probably gain a good friend for life.

    Source(s): my life
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

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  • 1 decade ago

    plp say they are a good match and they could be but u have 2 look at the person itself. just because he is a cancer he could have a attitude like a scorpio. im a taurus myself and take it from me just because the sign fit together dont mean the plp do. try other signs im datin a scorpio right now and everyone knos these signs dont fit but im actually lovin the relationship. just test the water girl!

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Tell him you want to wait and if he really wants to be with you, he will wait. Good luck! For the record, Taurus and Cancer for the most part are good if you base things off of sun signs. Hopefully, his Mars isn't in Aries.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

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