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Lv 7
Zain asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 decade ago

How may I copy a still from CD.?

Can I able to copy a still from the CD while watching on my pc. Please advise how to do it.


Thank you cowmav. It is a video, but not under preventive measures for copying. I am using jpg supported software program. Please give me some more details.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Need some more information on what it is? A video?

    For most things you are viewing that has preventative measures from copying...

    If it's a picture or something do this:

    hit print screen...

    open paint in accessories....

    edit/paste, then select the area you want to copy...

    then cut (or copy)

    then paste again in ms photoeditor (or some other .jpg supported softare program)

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