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Instead of complaining about Pres Bush, how would YOU solve all the challenges our country has had if you led?

The 911, terrorists, imigration problems, Katrina, Tornadoes, etc are not the president's fault. They can only deal with the situations by hopefully finding solutions - with the assistance of people WE elected into Congress and the Senate - but people seem to think it is all the prez' fault, when the people on the hill (Congress/Senate) bicker &fight among themselves & try to positiion & play with the safety & security of our country by catering to special interest groups about things that make them look good and popular. We need to take a stand & call them on the carpet to answer for the decisions they make on our behalf. What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.

Anybody care or am I talking to the wind out there?

What can we do to shake up those men and women who think they have cush jobs in Congress & Senate & that we are just dumb sheep who will listen & do whatever they say regardless of it being in our best interest?

NO party finger pointing.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    9/11....I would have encouraged an Independent investigation instead of delaying it for over a year in order to find all the answers to all of the still unanswered questions. I would have allocated more than $3million to do so as well. (We spent $80 million investigating the Clinton/Lewinsky affair, btw)

    Katrina...I would have had a swift federal response in order to help those people instead of waiting 4 days in order to make a "state's rights" statement while Americans died.

    Immigration/Terrorism...would have secured the borders quickly, and strengthened the military from within and use special forces/CIA to root out terrorism in the offending countries. It is laughable to fight wars overseas while our borders are wide open.

    Tornadoes---ummm...I don't know what he did wrong here, but I would make sure there would be federal help for those affected.

    Iraq---would not have gone in w/ weak (which they were aware of) and as we know now false intellingence to go in there. No need to spread our forces so thin at a time like this.

    This is why I am voting for Obama, we agree on everything besides securing the borders. He accepts $0 from lobbyists and PACs therefore making himself much more accountable to the people. He has passed bills in the Senate to decrease lobbyist influence in Washington. He's uniting rather than devisive. I urge you to check him out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, sad to say, but it's fairly common for wars to be mismanaged. There's a bad precedent of it especially in the US.I think it's just about every foreign war the US has been in actually, WWI on, even limited wars such as Korea. Some of the mismanagement is probably poor intel and some of it is mainly the phenomenon of "jumping the gun." Military leaders are prone to oversell and put forth ambitious proposals that aren't supported by the current technology or pool of gathered intel. Or there's a lack of consensus between policy makers and military commanders in the field, resulting in faulty strategy.

    The current administration, and the next, will have to unravel the source of mismanagement and erroneous policy: each minute, hour, day that passes without sound operational analysis will lead to more casualties.

    The war in Iraq is one front in a global war on terror, but it is certainly the spearpoint. A democratic Iraq with sound and productive ties with the United States "would" be a monumental step in stability in the Middle East. Unfortunately, it's a "would" scenario. If the U.S. and its allies are unable to contain the sectarian violence, then they're going to have to draw back and reassess the Iraqi front, and I do feel a timetable should be established in this regard, with continual periodic updates and assessments of failure or success.

    The war on terror is the main issue here, I believe, not that everything else doesn't matter, but because the enemy has shown himself, plain as day, and declared war. So, in that light, military commanders in the field and policy makers on Capitol Hill are going to have to communicate, grasp and come to terms with the terror situation, and boldly move forward with strong and potent initiatives involvind deadly force when necessary. Each minute, hour, day of muddling could literally bleed the country dry.

    Source(s): Plenty of books and my two cents worth. Hopefully, a dramatic change in fortune for coalition forces is under way. The U.S. and its allies can't afford to be static and the situation can't be allowed to stagnate. We would become sitting ducks.
  • sabra
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    by listening to the folk.they have spoken.whether those tragic activities and themes weren't of his doing,he useful made it worse.You stated Katrina and tornadoes,each and all of the money wasted interior the Iraq misadventure might have carried out plenty for those stricken.What approximately those courageous squaddies whose lifestyles have been taken in this pseudo conflict,on a similar time as the authentic criminal of 9/11 nonetheless and massive i'm useful maximum countries nonetheless seem to the USA of a for management against all tyranny yet regrettably Mr Bush has failed miserably.His administration is crammed with human beings of suspect integrity.

  • Mitch
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago're not supposed to ask that question. The entire issue is political in nature, so unless you take the politics out, you're always going to have this problem. Whether President Bush made the right decisions or not, the media will find something to say bad about him, while giving their hate-mongering cronies all the air-time they need, without challenging any of the ridiculous accusations and statements that are made.

    Source(s): Lived outside of Washington, D.C. for too many years.
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  • 1 decade ago

    I would surround myself with the smartest people I could find....My Secretary of state would be an expert on the middle east and not the Soviet Union...My Secretary of Defense would be a retired General who served as an enlisted man before his commission...My political ad visors would all be activists on polar opposite end of the political spectrum from each other...I would demand ideas instead of "Yes"...incompetence would not be rewarded...I would involve the VP and his/her staff in creating a special committee for filling Executive appointed positions in the Cabinet/Sub-Cabinet....I would play golf with the Speaker of the House and the Pro-Temp of the Senate once a week...I would go on and on but this would only get more boring

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