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Instead of complaining about Pres Bush, how would YOU solve all the challenges our country has had if you led?

The 911, terrorists, imigration problems, Katrina, Tornadoes, etc are not the president's fault. He can only deal w/ the situations by hopefully finding solutions - w/ assistance of people WE elected into Congress and the Senate - but people seem to think it is all the prez' fault, when the people on the hill (Congress/Senate) bicker &fight among themselves & try to positiion & play with the safety & security of our country by catering to special interest groups about things that make them look good and popular. We need to take a stand & call them on the carpet to answer for the decisions they make on our behalf. What is popular is not always right, what is right is not always popular.

Anybody care or am I talking to the wind out there?

What can we do to shake up those men and women who think they have cush jobs in Congress & Senate & that we are just dumb sheep who will listen & do whatever they say regardless of it being in our best interest?

NO party finger pointing please.


Serious analytical answers please - no jokes or double speak - keep it focused - how would YOU deal with all this?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think voters felt like they did do that this past November yet here we are no better off and to a certain degree worse off.

    I just don't have a good feeling at all about the direction of our country. I feel like we're heading in the direction of the Fall of the Roman Empire and I'm watching it happen helpless to do anything.

    Real change is not going to happen because there are too many special interest groups calling the shots and that is both sides of the fence. Until we get back to a country based on our original moral fiber and not just the crap the evangelicals spew but the heart and soul of our democracy we are going to continue on this train wreck until it crashes and burns.

  • 1 decade ago

    By listening to the people.They have spoken.Even if these tragic events and issues were not of his doing,he sure made it worse.You mentioned Katrina and tornadoes,all the money wasted in the Iraq misadventure could have done so much for those afflicted.What about those brave soldiers whose life have been taken in this pseudo war,while the real perpetrator of 9/11 still roams.By and large I am sure most nations still look to the USA for leadership against all tyranny but sadly Mr Bush has failed miserably.His administration is filled with people of suspect integrity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Immediately begin pulling most troops out of Iraq. Spend those billions of dollars within our borders on securing the country from terrorism. The troops that leave Iraq will be better able to respond to emergencies.

    Also, I would work on job-creation programs that create good-paying jobs rather than the low-wage jobs that Bush has created. Also immediately repeal tax cuts for the rich and spend that money on more pressing issues.

  • 1 decade ago

    Take the gloves off and hand countries that support terrorists their asses, secure the borders, grant illegals 6 month of ammesty before being deported, cut pork from the budget, and install competent non-partisan leaders in key positions, such as in the case with FEMA. For starters.

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  • 1 decade ago

    right now, you have to understand what bush is doing. it may be bad for all of us but maybe it has something good as a result. right now, at this moment, i must admit that nothing good has come out yet but that doesn't mean that our country's going to give up hope right? everything a person does has a reason and in bush's mind, he probaly has a good reason. many people will think that this will sound silly but it's not. you have to put yourselves into another person's shoes. or in other words, look at things in their point of view.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer lies within our own Declaration of Independence, which begins with this:

    " When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation......."

    Source(s): The Declaration of Independence, July 4,1776 United States of America
  • 1 decade ago

    The problem with bush wipes, they are blinded by their own faith in dubs. Dubs remains to impress me actually he depresses me. 9/11 writing was on the wall he could have better coordinated the intelligence agencies when he KNEW their was an imminent threat.

    Immigration problems? that's been an issue since we were born as a country. I don't think anyone can fix it. All countries around the world face the same dilemma. Having said that Dubs will probably build the great wall of the south shortly.

    Katrina, Abugharaib, FBI infringement on our rights, 9/11, all indicate the guy has a problem in attention . have you heard of ADD? think repugs need to get checked out.

  • First off I would tear a page out of President Franklin D. Roosevelts book and round up all America hating liberals and put them in internment camps like he did to the Japanese during WWII. At the end of the day liberals cannot be trusted and many will consort with our enemies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The sad thing will have many people who will ignore your question with any kind of objectivity.

    They don't want to face the realities that President Bush has had to face....because then they will realize that they will have to make a hard decision!

  • mone
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    nicely, unhappy to assert, inspite of the incontrovertible fact that that is fairly elementary for wars to be mismanaged. there's a bad precedent of it fairly in the U. S..i think of that is virtually each and every distant places war the U. S. has been in easily, WWI on, even constrained wars including Korea. the countless mismanagement is probable undesirable intel and a few of it is especially the phenomenon of "leaping the gun." militia leaders are services to oversell and placed forth ambitious proposals that at the instant are not supported by potential of the present technologies or pool of accrued intel. Or there's a loss of consensus between coverage makers and militia commanders in the sphere, ensuing in defective innovations-set. the present administration, and the subsequent, will ought to get to the backside of the source of mismanagement and inaccurate coverage: each and each minute, hour, day that passes without sound operational analysis will carry approximately extra casualties. The war in Iraq is one front in a international war on terror, inspite of the incontrovertible fact that it is easily the spearpoint. A democratic Iraq with sound and effective ties with the united states "could" be a enormous step in stability in the middle East. regrettably, that is a "could" state of affairs. If the U.S. and its allies at the instant can't include the sectarian violence, then they are going to ought to draw returned and re-study the Iraqi front, and that i do sense a timetable ought to be prevalent in this regard, with persistent periodic updates and tests of failure or success. The war on terror is the biggest situation here, i think, not that each and every thing else does not count, yet simply by fact the enemy has shown himself, undeniable as day, and declared war. So, in that mild, militia commanders in the sphere and coverage makers on Capitol Hill are going to ought to communicate, carry close and are available to words with the phobia subject, and boldly flow forward with good and effective initiatives involvind deadly stress whilst needed. each and each minute, hour, day of muddling could desire to fairly bleed the country dry.

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