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Why are little girls so mean?

My daughter is in Brownies and takes dance classes. The little girls are so mean, and it's like they take pride in how mean they are. The put each other down, say nasty things, make fun of other girls. I'm shocked by how these girls talk in the dressing room sometimes. They aren't teenagers or anything, they are 6 and 7 year old girls. Most of them don't have older siblings so it can't be coming from there. Do little girls just naturally learn how to be mean or is this coming from the parents? My little girl and one or two others don't act this way and don't participate in their mean little discussions. I know girls are mean, I just didn't realize it started this early. I was expecting this from 11 and 12 year old's not Kindergartners and 1st graders. The Mom of the girl who has the worst mouth is so conservative and nice, she has no idea how her daughter talks and when someone does tell her she's really shocked. Has anyone else experienced girls being so mean so young?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Little brats! No, I don't think all little girls are naturally mean. It must be coming from somewhere else. I'm sorry your daughter has to deal with these tiny witches.

  • 1 decade ago

    My 6 yr old daughter sometimes comes home from school in tears because of the treatment of the "mean girls" in her class. These little six year olds are catty about each others clothing, hair styles, gappy teeth. They gossip about boys (!!!) and music. They dance like little hootchies. My daughter has no idea how to deal with them.

    At age 6 she just wants to run in the playground, play hopscotch and skip rope. She does not care about clothes, boys or popular music (thank God!). Neither she nor I can understand why the meanest whiniest girls somehow get to be the most popular.

    I try to tell my girl just to stick with her one or two best friends who like the same stuff that she does, and not to worry about growing up faster than she wants to. But the pressure on her is intense. It is so sad.

    I feel that it must be the family influence, because no 6 yr old is listening to Snoop Dog by themselves.

  • 5 years ago

    No, I was always a really gentle child and teenager - more inclined to associate with the various outcasts both male and female. I wasn't outcast by anyone or any club. I wouldn't join any cliques. I wouldn't have worn pink shoes to be in that sort of group even if I'd owned any. I was still elected sports team leader (and I wasn't very good at sports but we had a lot of fun). In primary school I started a theatre group and we'd put on little plays. I never thought of telling anyone who wanted to be in it that they couldn't be.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well T.V could be one of the problems. They could possibly be hearing it from television.

    Are these little girls using swear words? It could be the movies they watch or the music they listen to. ALOT and I mean ALOT of music that people are listening talks about sex and rephrases it in other words (i.e. Rap/Hip hop) Movies such as violence or rated R or PG-13 movies could be it.

    Parents. Some parents could be using swear words or mean words. They could also have a computer at home and be hearing it from the internet. Run these things past the parents and see what they say. If they dont just kindof video tape a little section of it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It all depends on the parents. Even if that mother is conservative, her daughter is obviously hearing it somewhere. Just watch TV for 15 min and you'll hear kids mouthing back to parents followed by a laugh track. Perhaps she isn't as involved as she should be when it comes to what her daughter is exposed to from other areas of her life and that is why she is shocked. If I were you, I would bring it to her attention. Any decent parent would want to know if their child is misbehaving.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I blame parents. This could happen a few different ways.

    1)parents do not put limits on how much TV their child watches

    2)parents don't stop their kids when they hear them talking in ways that is unacceptable

    3)the parents are simply not around to know what their children are doing.

    There many places a child can come up with this type of behavior, but its ultimately up to the parents to teach them what is and is not acceptable.

    Source(s): Im a mom of 4.. I have had to stop a few bad habits myself.
  • Mom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Oh yeah, little girls are incredibly catty and mean and it definitely starts full force in kindergarten (although I've seen it as young as 2 even!). The girls in my son's kindergarten class are brutal - they are very cliquey, already talk about "liking" boys in the class... and they are almost all first children, so they are not learning this from older siblings! I have two boys and one girl, and I'm telling you, the boys are a thousand times easier in that respect. Boys will play with anyone, as long as you're willing to run around like a maniac on the playground, hey, you're cool. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have worked in various settings with children, and I have noticed the same thing, little girls can be so mean to each other, they've never been mean to me, but the only thing you can do is try and correct their behavior, and tell them why it's not polite to treat people badly. They are not naturally this way, it has to be a learned behavior, they probably learn it from TV or movies.

  • Dave C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The girls probably picked up the habits from the parents. The most conservative mom is probably the one that talks about people behind their back and the daughter just mimics the mom.

  • 1 decade ago

    my daughter is 7 and the girls in her class (one in particular, there is always the ringleader in every group) - who is a real b*****y little thing. she gets on my nerves as much as she gets on my daughter's. but her mom, who i know quite well, is also that "type" , bossy, center of attention, loudmouthed, etc. so i really believe it comes from the parenting style more than anything else. and i agree with the first answer too, that parents think it's so cuuuuuuuuute!!! when their kids are little and they smart off to everybody. takes all kinds i guess.

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