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Lv 787,305 points

Dave C

Favorite Answers42%

Three licks to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop. ~Mr. Owl 8 glasses of water a day is a myth. Animal Crackers and Vegetarians? Not again!

  • What do you think about a Vegetarian Magazine using Photoshopped meat photos?

    What do you all think about VegNews using meat photos that have been photoshopped to remove the bones as example results for their vegan recipes (vegan spare ribs)?

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Recession Bill Clinton's fault?

    I'm calling you Republicans out for the answer.

    What bill or law forced banks to loan money to poor people?

    Many people blame Clinton, but what law is that?

    Or are the Republicans on this board just repeating stuff they heard on Rush, Fox News or the Presidential Campaign without knowing if it's true or not.

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Why are Republicans boo'ing McCain?

    McCain is telling it like it is and the crowd boos him?

    That's crazy!

    29 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is this a Debate or Top Gun?

    With Palin constantly using the word "Maverick" was she thinking of the VP debate or the movie Top Gun?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Ethnic Cuisine in the US?

    In the US, we have restaurants that serve foods from many different countries.

    The claim is that many restaurants tone down the food for Americans.

    Also, I have coworkers from Italy who hate Italian food served here - too much garlic, strong flavors that overpower the real taste of the food. If the chef is Italian and knows my coworkers are from Italy, the chef actually cooks differently than what's on his menu.

    Supposedly it's the same with Chinese food. Chinese people get different food vs what's on the menu.

    My question... Without making special request of the chef which cuisine served in America is close to what is served in the "old" country? Chinese, Indian, Thai, Mexican, Japanese, etc, etc, etc?

    Any opinions?

    12 AnswersEthnic Cuisine1 decade ago
  • Pick One: Nutrageous or Take 5?

    Candy sale at the supermarket: Nutrageous or Take 5

    Which would you buy? Why?

    5 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Why do the Republican still bring up Bill Clinton?

    The Republicans controlled the House and the Senate for 10+ years and the Presidency for 6+ years.

    Yet, when Bush or his cronies get caught they try to blame Bill Clinton.

    Face it... The Republicans have been in power and lead us to where we are now. Yet, they still obsess over Clinton.

    I find it sad how out of touch the Republicans are and humorous, that the Republicans whine like little children.

    "If Bill Clinton could do it, we can do it too."

    19 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Morbidly Obese How/Why?

    I've noticed around my area that there are a lot of very, very heavy people. Also, the local radio station was talking about obesity and some caller claimed it was due to a thyroid problem.

    I'm of the opinion the thyroid is just an excuse for people to not do anything.

    Don't get me wrong... I have weight to lose too, but come on!

    Do you know anyone that is really obese?

    How did they get that way?

    Are they doing anything to lose weight?

    I guess I'm trying to understand the mindset or medical condition.

    Serious answers please!


    15 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Toilet Paper?

    1. When you're putting in a new roll, do you put the roll in so that

    a) the paper rolls over the top? Why?

    b) the paper rolls from the bottom? Why?

    c) I don't care or pay attention?

    2. Also, when you're at someone else's house... have you taken the toilet paper out of the holder and put it the way you like it? (I have) :-)

    16 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Pittsburg Stealers?

    Considering this is the last game of the season and Pittsburg has a losing record so far, 7-8:

    1. Do you think the refs helped Pittsburg win Superbowl XL last year?

    2. Who do you think will win Superbowl XLI this year?

    12 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago