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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Why is everyone so aggressive towards Islam?

People keep posting about how intolerant Islam is, are THEY themselves being tolerant towards Islam? Sarcasting and attacking Islamic teachings and beliefs is just a sign of pathetic prejudice and ignorance. Some people and nations do wrong things in the name of Islam, due to ignorance, not because of Islam itself. & if we wanted to judge Christianity based on its followers, well OMG! It would end up an intolerant religon which is ok with crime, rape, homosexuality, and all other sick things spreadout in Christian nations much more than they are in Muslim nations. How about the torture and killings of iraqis and people of other countries? does that shape the Christian faith? No! and nor do Islamic nations and Muslim people perfectly represent the Islamic faith, so think twice before proving yourself an ignorant, intolerant, prejudiced person.And pls people stop making up fake hadiths and Quraanic verses to support your bull****. You'll only be followed and supported by ignorant people.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    100% Correct...

    Over the time, the enemies of Islam have always sought Cheap, dirty tactics to malign the name of Islam....

    While they CANT get anything straight forward from the Quranic verses and the Hadith, they tned to quote verses out of the context and blame islam for Terror...

    And they get full support from the Biased western media like the Reuters, CNN, BBC etc who are always anti-islamic. A Dog dies in any country and they blame Islam...

    True there are fundamentalists everywhere... but only Islam is taken to task for these fundamentalists... But the response it, the more they try to stop the growth of Islam, the more it is being accepted by thousands everyday as their way of life...

    There is a saying, 'Lies and Rumours will travel 3 times across the earth while the TRUTH is just wearing its shoes'

    Since these people are alarmed by the growth of Islam, they keep hurling baseless arguments, lies and blasphemy on Islam and ask the media for the mass-support.

    "But say O prophet, TRUTH has come and the Falsehood is perished, Verily the Falsehood has to perish"

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I don't know. I used to want socialism, but that was before adequately studying up on the history of Russia. I would like to see everyone have equal rights, healthcare, etc, which should still put me in the Left. I don't think that letting the government control everything will solve things because governments are inherently corrupt. Does that mean I'm a Leftist with no place to go? (maybe that's why I have no party affiliation)

  • 1 decade ago

    Im not and wont be, I have found some commonality, between Muslim,Christian,Jew,Hindu, and Buddest,

    we all share a few things that we all over look to quickly,

    Faith, Friendship, and Good Will, in general we all beleave in these simple things, to bad we are all to busy pointing fingers at right or wrong to learn from each other, about each other, and with each other

    the thing that I learnd from Islam= respect self, know self, love self,

    Christanity taught me= pray, repent, forgive, have faith no matter what, God is always with you,

    Buddism taught me, Meditate, see things not only threw your eyes, Mental strenght and foucus

    Jewish people taught me, strugle can be overcome by presistance and determination

    I am still trying to understand the hindu faith(reading lots)

    but the key is I am a christian,by birth and faith, but I understand,accept and tolorate all as the common bond is one thing, FAITH

  • 1 decade ago

    Those very same people are adamant that Islam is a load of crap, and they will not cease to unjustly attack it. If they want to spend every waking moment unleashing their fury against Islam and Muslims, then so be it. They're only making themselves look more ignorant. They're not hurting Muslims; they're hurting themselves. Their attacks are only causing others to want to know more about Islam, and possibly to embrace its teachings.

    Personally, I believe these people are paranoid and not very knowledgeable about their own beliefs. If we Muslims are so dumb, then they couldn't be too smart. If they "know" so much about Islam, then they shouldn't ask us questions in the first place. They won't believe our answers, anyway. Those who sincerely and truly want to know what Islam is all about are the ones we should concern ourselves with. If they don't embrace Islam for themselves, then at least they will have the correct information.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Plain ignorance... Ignorance among and towards all religions. Who know with absolute fact what is right? It's called FAITH! What would the world be like if we all believed the same thing? Would it create world peace? I don't think so. We would find something else to fight over and disagree about. We MUST respect each other and each others faiths. That's the only way Christians, Islamics, Pagans, Buddists, Hindues. It dosen't matter, we are all humans. ~~ respect each other~~

  • 1 decade ago

    I am Pagan but having been a Christian I know all about intolerance in that department. Christianity has a terrible history of violence and bloodshed. Unfortunately , today, that is also the way Islam appears on our TV screens, though I do feel that as a religion it is no worse than Christianity and if it was followed as it was meant to be I would say it is a good way to live.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you for posting this question!!! I am an American that has converted to Islam from Christianity, the other day I was told "WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE". Where do they want me to go, America has been home for my family since 1802.

    I pray, that people will acknowledge that a few so called "Muslims" are causing havoc in the world. Believe me, they are making more trouble to the Muslim society instead of the countries they are bombing. I cry every day when I see the suicide bombers, blowing up families, men, woman, children, all in the name of a religion that I love being a part of. It pains me to see the terror that these ignorant people are causing. That is why, being a Muslim, it is my goal to share the kindness, peace, and above all, love to all my fellow citizens, no matter what religion, race, or any other factors.

    In other words:

    We are all human beings that just want to live in peace and prosperity TOGETHER!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Dearest sister,

    I agree with most of what you said, and I can understand being a little irritated at the level of "dialogue" that one finds in here. A lot of people seem to have an axe to grind, and maybe it can be difficult to not become one of them.

    Even still, don't give into the attack mindset. Another person's barbarism or ad hominem attack isn't worth getting infuriated at, especially on some message board. All we can do is give the invitation. The rest is up to Him.

    Take care of yourself.

    Wa salaam.

  • 1 decade ago

    Utter ignorance.

    The thing is, if they were to actually read the Qur'an, they'd either accept it or find real things to dislike (rather than false hadiths, etc). But instead, they attack Islam with no knowledge of the religion or its teachings, and with no intention of learning.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Muslims are the latest bogeymen for rednecks and hillbillies to hate. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union the government needs a fresh hate figure to justify the obscene amount of money it spends on the military. Similarly the press need another bunch of people to make us scared of so they can sell newspapers and airtime.

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