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myspace question?

i set up a myspace account for my daughters dad, he was murdered ....i have tried everything i can to keep it private, but these nasty sluts keep inviting this dead man to view there nasty pics, i blocked the users and they still get through, what am i doing wrong. one user has changed her name 5 times so she can message him. how do i set the account for recieving messages from friends only?

ps my daughter really wants this myspace for her dad, she gets to talk to him that way. thanks to all.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are ways that you can make this profile viewable to those that are only on the friends list. I don't know personally how to do it, but it is doable. My myspace profile has been visited recently by waves of these sluts trying increase their "friends" list, and I just repeatedly denied them every time. Good luck to you, and my condolences to the family.

  • 1 decade ago

    Usually, it has soemthing in your Account settings where you can change it to people who only know her Fathers last name or email address, if they enter the email or surname correctly that the only time you will get a Friend Request.

    As for the messages, Im not sure you can stop them.

    Good luck though.

    + Im sorry for your loss.

  • 1 decade ago

    if you only want friends & family to have access to the profile, you have to go to settings to set the profile to private - so that only "friends" on myspace can view.

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