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What do you think about the use of "Bait Cars" to trap car thieves?

Do you feel it's entrapment? Would they steal a car if it wasn't left sitting there, unlocked, with the keys in it? Does it seem unfair, or fair to you? I'm curious.


Isn't it kind of like leaving cookies on the table, then whacking the kids for eating them?

Update 2:

lol, obviously, I feel it's kind of unfair.

I've never stolen a car, and wouldn't, but it seems kind of mean.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is a silly plan. You will not catch reel car thiefses with it. You will catch silly thiefses who are not able to resist temptation.

    Silly. Dragon is smarter than that. ;)

  • cleora
    Lv 4
    5 years ago


  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutley, 100% fair. I'm sorry, I don't care. They are thieves. What, just because someone leaves their keys in the car then it's their fault their car gets stolen? My girlfriend had her car stolen, both car seats in the back. She was stuck with two small kids, one not yet 6 months the other just turned 3, and her husband had to go buy two new car seats before he could pick her up. With the new car seats, the deductable etc., THEY ended up paying over $500, not including all the CD's etc. Just because some CREEP is too fricken lazy to get a job. And I don't care what the reason's are, we all have stories of hardship. There is NO EXCUSE for someone to steal. People work hard for what they have, and even if they don't have to, it is still their property. I can't stand people that steal, as far as I'm concerned, when they cut the engine and lock the doors, it should give them a huge zap, just enough to make them **** their pants. They should also have a tattoo on the top of their hand that tells EVERYONE they are THIEVES.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If someone stole your car and it was never found and neither was the thief wouldn't you want him or her caught as quickly and easily as possible? Too many people in this country are way too caught up in how badly and unfairly we treat our criminals. Not that I'm saying you are one of them.

    I don't believe it is entrapment though, it's just a car sitting there, no police officer is making the dumbass get in and steal it, and about your comparison of leaving cookies on the table and smacking your kid when they take one. It's the same for both cases....they knew better than to do it so don't whine when you get caught.

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  • wizjp
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Stealing a car ain't taking a cookie. If the area is so bad it's not safe to leave a car out unprotected, grab a few car thieves and see if things get better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it's great. In areas where they do this car thefts have dramaticaly dropped. (Mpls as an example) If you're gonna steal a car you're gonna steala car. How would you like it if your car was stolen. Mine was and not only did I not get enough money to pay for it and a new one, I lost all sorts of things that were in the car.And I had to have the locks changedon my house and my security system updated since they had acess to all sorts of personal information. I had o cancel credit cards, stop my checking account and start a new one, that created problems with direct deposit from my job, direct pay for cable, electric mortage, and phone. Car theft is not as simple as the car only.

  • 1 decade ago

    No I don't think its entrapment because you shouldn't be stealing cars in the first place.

    Imagine how you would feel if you forget your keys in the car and when you come back outside someone has already taken off with it.... They deserve it ...

  • Alf W
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    They should put ink pads on the seat backs saying "I tried to steal a Car" I am sure real car thieves aren't caught in these, probably mostly kids. But hey, nobody puts a gun to your head and says STEAL THAT CAR.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bait cars are a fabulous idea. Any adult should know better than to steal a car. "Honestly officer, I was just on my way to the station to bring in these drugs I FOUND"... is there really an excuse for criminal behaviour?

  • 1 decade ago

    Stealing cars is a crime. "stealing" cookies is not.

    Yes, it's fair. Anything to put a stop to it - or at least make some kind of a difference is fine with me.

  • i think its SOOOOOOO funny!!! i know i WOULDNT steal a car EVEN if it HAD the keys inside.

    im more the type to sit and watch the car until the owner came out. im more of the protecter type.

    how funny! i'd be guarding the 'bait' car hahaha!

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