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Favorite Answers24%
  • How bad is the flooding in Illinois?

    We are on standby alert for disaster relief for flooding in Ill. This means we have to be prepared to leave within 12 hours of call to get to Ill. for disaster response work. I can't find much on the news about how bad the flooding is or where it is the worst. Can anyone respond to me so we can help prepare to leave for response?

    1 AnswerWeather8 years ago
  • Who in the Bible was the one who walked around the desert for 40 years?

    he was tested again and again for his faith but at the end of the forty years God lifted him up and gave him many gifts? I don't know my Bible but need to find this for my own faith!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What do you do when someone is outright rude?

    This happens repeatly at family events with the same person. I have decided not to go to future events. The worst part is I always think of the right thing to say in response after the event. I wish I were quick with a response but I am never expecting what she will say or do so I cant.prepare a reasponce in advance. What do you do when this kind of thing happens?

    1 AnswerFriends10 years ago
  • Photos of ex would you be hurt?

    We went to BF,(2years) sons wedding out of state this past weekend. His ex wife and children were there staying at same hotel. His family has never accepted me and he refers to his daugter as his exs twin. Basically every move I made was critized by his family to him. He then told me. I finally told him to either tell them to stop because he loves me or to stop telling me since it hurt my feelings. Regardless he spent a great deal of time with his family as most live out of state. This I could understand.Here's where the problem comes in. he had my camera and took alot of pictures of his kids and grandkids Thats good. Problem comes in when I looked at tne pictures on my camera I found 6 pictures of his ex by herself. There were none of me. Needless to say this hurt me more than I can believe. His ex lives nearby and he has frequent contact with her because he pays no spousal support but will help he "when he can". This happens at least once a week.

    The main reason I am so upset is he took all those pictures of her and none of me. They are together in all the official family photos wnich I was not. I haven't said anything yet other than that I am very upset about something and I'm not ready to talk about it. I needed to say something as an adult. After the wedding he spent the reception with me. And it was very clear we were together. But I'm tired of being 2nd to his family. Out relationship is very serious an we are planni.g to elope soon. That way we keep all the family drama out of it. Thats a mutual decision.

    So after a long story I just dont know how I should camly tell him how much he hurt me. Also am I over reacting . Dont tell me to leave him as I love him to much and know he loves me if anyone has a good way to handle this I would appreciate it. Thanks

    9 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Does any one know why my swypelllpl stopped working?

    I have a samsung galaxy and my swype stopped working. It was fine last night but doesnt work today. Did I some how turn it off or have any advice on turning it back on? I am not very tech smart so please direct your response in easy terms. Thanks. I would really appreciate some help.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How come I lost my top contributer status?

    While I don't have a high percentage of best answers I have lost my top contributer status at 19% in marriage and relationships. I have switched almost completely to health. My percentage of best answers is now 21% which has gone up but I lost my status I was proud of. How is top contributer status determined? I am a partialy disabled Nurse and enjoy keeping my fingers in it

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Stood up for Easter dinner. Would you be mad?

    Boyfriend invited his family to EAster dinner. This included his soon to be x wife and her boyfriend. We have invited his daughter/son in law/baby 4 times in past and she cancelled at the last minute. I swore I would not invite the daughter again and it was her turn to invite us. BF felt we needed to invite so all of us could get to know each other better before a family wedding in 2 weeks. My BF and I have been together 2 years. His divorce has be ongoing for 3. I had nothing to do with it. So the million dollar guestion is would you be upset they were a no show 5th time. Did not call till 6:30 and of course dinner for 8 was made. Would your feelings be hurt? And is BF right in telling me I am angry over nothing? How would you deal with this other than not invite again. Btw his daughter is angry he doesn'T come over to see baby enough. Hes invited but not me sory about any typos. Just got a tablet computer a few days ago and learning! Also don't want to dump the BF but he feels I am over reacting Thanks for any good hpcull answers!

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • I am working out daily and need some advice for abd. exercises.?

    I have great legs, great but and great breasts but my down fall is my abd. Always lok a little bit pregnant. I am 5'6 and weigh 158 pounds. I go to the gym daily 30 minutes on treadmill, 100 crunches, 50 straight leg raises holding 10 seconds just above the ground (ouch) abd. twist with a medicine ball. I use all the machines I can, leg abduction and abduction, leg curls, back leg curls, back flexon and extension. and any other machine I can use with out using my arms. I have 2 tears in my right rotator cuff and cannot do arm exercises per dr orders. I am on a 1200 calorie a day diet and have only lost 4 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I need to get firmer and better before a wedding in one month. Does anyone have any other ideas out there? I use a program on my Iphone called My fitness pal which helps me to keep track of calories in and used in exercise. Don't let those change the 1200 in. Help! PS I used to weigh 212 and have been stuck in the 150s for a year.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How come so many people ask questions and then don't pick a best answer?

    I've read alot of these answers from every catagory. It seems as though many people ask the question and don't pick a best answer. Some of these answers have obviously had alot of thought and effort put into them. Since that is the case why is no answer chosen?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why is the US flag flying at half mast in South Carolina?

    Usually this only happens with the death of a political person and there have been none of those here. Could it be because of whats happening in Japan?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Wedding coming up and the cat fights have already started!?

    My BF (2 years) son is getting married soon. Wife #1 is hosting a prewedding party for the wedding party, no spouses, immediate family only. Originally I was invited. Wife # 2 is having a fit that she was not invited to this party. Groom was step son for 22 years. She is not invited. I have been dis-invited (no problem for me, I have only met the groom once) but wife # 1 hates wife#2 so she is refusing to allow her at the party. ME, I agree wife # 2 should be at the party and I have no place being there. BF tying to fix this.

    2nd part. I have met his children for about 1 hour each. His daughter lives locally and every time we invited her over she backs out at last second. I had met wife #2 prior to meeting my BF and she has her claws out about me. As result (BF agrees) she is badmouthing me, and refusing to let the kids see us. As part of the story we had a robbery outside of our house, garden equipment, deck chairs, jet skis. Police said community property nothing they can do. About 3 weeks later the jet skis were dropped off at our storage place. My lawn things appeared.

    I feel very out of place going to this wedding because I really don't know the family. M BF really wants me there but agrees there will be a cat fight (which I want no part of). Ex#2 Will be the starter.

    I am Ready to say leave me home, its to complicated for this and that this is his son's day and he doesn't want a cat fight. My BF says if I don't go the #2 has won because she ran me off! I say this is the bride and grooms day and they don't ned any outside drama between the 1,2,3 of us women. I know I would just excuse myself if something started.

    What to do?

    6 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • I had a man make a VERY rude comment to me yesterday.?

    Yesterday while leaving a gas station store while my husband was asleep in the car I was confronted by a black man who stopped me from leaving the store until he put his face about 12 inches from my breasts and said "those are beautiful, wanna play? I didn't know quite what to do except say "thank you and get to my car. The reason I bring up his being black is there were probably 15 other black people (i was the only white) at the store. We were in a very rural poor area on a 2 lane road. He pulled out of the gas station and followed me for a while until I hit a more populated are with more cars to get lost in. It was night and its harder to folllow a car at night. How would you have handled this? The area this happened in is a very busy road in the state but the entire state is very rural area. The road takes you to the biggest town in the state.

    PS This really creeped me out and I am still upset about it!

    11 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • I hear the word disrespectful used all the time these days?

    I hear this term used all the time. Never used to hear this. ex. That's disrespecting me" she was disrespecting me. I'm wondering if this is a "new" word or has just been put into the current language. If it's not a new word what did we use before. "She didn't treat me with respect?" "She could have used more respect"

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • I am very depressed and angry about medical reports and affect on my relationship?

    To try and keep it short and simple I was treated about 10 years ago for a lung illness. I went into remission about 5 years ago. In Oct. I started having difficulty breathing (same as 10 years ago). I was hospitalized in Jan for 10 days fro pneumonia. Went to Dr who originally treated me 10 years ago. (Hes at the closest medical school). After he got most of the testing back he told me that it could be 1 of 3 things, infection which it wasn't, malignancy or my prior illness acting up. He also said that my prior lung illness would cause ifficulty breathing. My boyfriend was with me (both 50's) because what ever was wrong was going to affect the rest of our lives. The Dr. then said multiple times that my obesity (I'm 5'''6' 163 pounds" was causing me to have difficulty breathing.. As we all know this Weight is not obesity. However my boyfriend who has been after me to lose weigh (I weighed 212 before) has latched onto Obesity as cause of breathing problems. Prior to this he has told me that what I was eating was "fattening" an even said this in front of other people. We have had many discussions about the embarrassment this causes me. So now I am angry with the Dr. and with my boyfriend. I am very depressed about this too. Took multiple antianxiety agents (not beyond Dr. orders) yesterday and spent the day in bed. My boyfriend now feels like I am open target for anything "fattening". I'm still crying about this. I feel that we have planned to be together forever. There were 2 ground rules , no lying and no cheating. Both were deal breakers. This may become a deal breaker. As a side note he always comments on young skinny women look. I tell him he got me at 56 and fat(!56 pounds) sorry charlie. I am at a loss as what to do..

    Telling him he hurts my feelings doesn't seem to help. Other than this issuse he is the perfect boyfriend. Everyone around us thinks we have the perfect relationship. I am at a total Loss as to what to do. I haven't eaten since the Dr (friday) because of this. I know this isn't healthy but I am so angry and confused I don't know how to deal with this. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Looking for a great beach vacation spot?

    We are 50s and there are going to be many things to celebrate in march. We want a beach vacation in the Caribbean. I like beach, boyfriend likes casinos, both like to drink but not really into partying with lots of people. Love really good food, much privacy for room. want to keep costs down. Any great ideas will gratefully be appreciated.

    3 AnswersMiami1 decade ago
  • Whart are some good tips from former smokers?

    Today is day 33. I had to quit because I spent a week in the hospital with lung problems. I get the full workup to find out what it is for sure but the working diagnosis is COPD. Yes I am highly modified to quit,I'm "only" 57 and have family I want to stay with.But better than that is how sick I was for 3 months before I agreed to go to the hospital. I knew something was seriously wrong but didn't want to find out.

    So, now for some tips. I've moved the computer, started an exorcise class, brushed my teeth, Altoids, changed the activity, started on a vitamin regimen, my psych dr increased my antidepressant yesterday because I am so depressed. I will cry over the littlest thing(any one want to come over and change the cat litter) I know every time I have quit in the past I get crazy about the 1 month mark and then things cool down until the 3 month mark where you would want to lock me up.

    knoe the fastest cure is to smoke but that is NOT an option.

    Any good advise would help. THANKS For your help!

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases1 decade ago
  • What should we pay as parents of the groom?

    My Boyfriends son is getting married in a few months. My BF was quite wealthy until the market and real estate crashed. Income was in the 500,000 range. Now he makes in the 50,000 range. He has told his family that I am quite wealthy on my own. I don't work but do have a guaranteed income of about 50,000 tax free yearly. His son called last night and told us that we should expect to pay 8-9000 for the rehearsal dinner and another 1-2 thousand for the morning after breakfast. The family seems to feel that I can afford this and I should pay this. My income is mine, We do pay our living expenses out of BOTH our incomes. I do not feel that I should be expected to pay for any of this. One reason he is my BF and not husband is he is still married (the divorce has taken 5 years to date). His ex feels he should pay her his salary since we can live off mine. He is my BF and I have no obligations to his family. I don't even help my own children out. What to do? I have already explained my money is mine and I am not responsible for any of his bills.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Can a new husband be added to my COBRA?

    I've been reading and reading the COBRA info from the gov. site. I can find no info that if my future husband who will lose his COBRA under his ex's plan on divorce. If he does lose his COBRA and we marry will he be eligible to add on mine? Under normal insurance this is the case.

    2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago