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Has your life have more trials since you became a Christian? Why do you think that is?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I became a Christian when I was young, but I must say that yes as a Christian, I suffer more trials. When I've fallen away, or am not as close to the Lord as I know I should be, it is not so bad, but when I am trying to "walk the walk" and "talk the talk" it is always tougher. I think as we grow in the Lord, we continue to face trials, they are just different because we've grown past some of the petty stuff. Of course, we are supposed to lay it all at His feet. Phillipians and James are both good books to read on this subject. Also, there are many Psalms that can bring great comfort. But, Jesus said that the world hates Him, so we should expect the world to hate us, and therefore, the trials will come. I hope everything works out for you if this was based on personal experience. Just remember, no matter what, God is always in control and He will see you through and carry you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES.. extremely so. I think it's because I jumped on the Jesus band wagon very quickly, before I understood everything about all the denominations and what they believe and how they practice. I personally seem to be able to live the best as a Messianic Christian, because they really let you know

    what G-d's laws are and how important they are to practice. If a Christian is mostly just taught about G-d's grace, and how much they need that grace because they are so sinful, and they keep saying what a sinner they are, it isn't good. I have seen that if a person internalizes that mindset it can become dangerous.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think God brings trials into our life to test us and see if we seek Him during trying times. I think I have had many more trials since I became a Christian. I think it makes you stronger and molds you into the character that He wants you to be. We all strive to be more Christ-like, and through trials, we move closer to that goal. I hope this helps:)

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes!!! there are so many more decions to choose!! now that i know the different between right and wrong, i try to be very careful in everything that i do. Sometimes being a Christian is hard in such a fallen wrld, but with God all things are possible. the hardest things are tring not to be pulled in and confused by worldly ways. and choosing the right friends and the right music is kinda hard to. i think that all the terrible things that happen are tests from God and/or humans not using their brains correctly. We can't forget that God gives up a free will. it's kinda complicated(i think it is). i hope one day we will all understand....everything.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes! The devil will try to fight much harder for your soul once he knows GOD has it! This is a fight that never ends, even when a christian dies, the devil is still trying to win their soul. That is why we have the prayers to St. Michael, as well as other prayers to help us fight off the devil! God never leaves us, he is always waiting for us, and promises eternal life! What was it the devil promises???? NOTHING BUT TORMENT FOR ETERNITY!!! Work through your trials with the LORD, he will carry us when the burdens are to heavy to bear. EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE WITH THE LORD!!

  • Darren
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yes.And the closer you try to get to the Lord the more things seem to bog you down.But thats where faith comes in.

    Stand in Faith....I remember an old preacher who said something like "you dont kick a dead horse"....

    So if your saved trials will come if your lost and complacent why would the Devil bother you? Your doing what he wants!!

    Keep living for God, you'll be fine!

  • 1 decade ago

    on the average... the amount of trials - saved and unsaved - have been about even for me.

    before i was not a happy camper, but now i have comfort, strength and help in God to deal with every test and trial.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is a trial of your faith to see what is on the inside of you

    If you will be true to Jesus and to see what you can be trusted with

    If you ask for gift's, ministry ext

    God will see if you can be trusted

    The trial of your faith is more precious than gold

  • 1 decade ago

    I was moral before I became a christian and I'm still moral now that I am no longer a christian

  • 1 decade ago

    We are to learn from our trials, not to give into them, but to learn from them, And we are being tested as we go through our Life by our own self's, Meaning, what you cause you will get the effect of and what you allow in your life to go own and it is not of good you will reap what you sow, , The quicker you learn right from wrong and bad from Good, and self control and have the Highest self esteem ,and compassion in your heart and Learn to forget and to forgive, and have a spirit of a child and read the wisdom of the Bible and let the words of God lead you, and you trust in Him for everything, and Learn to fear nothing you come up against, And if you start to fear it then that moment place it in Jesus hands and He will Handel it for you. If we dont then we drop faith in Our Lord and cause the suffering our self's that we put Our Ourselves through, Christians fight the Evil and the wrongs of the world with prayer, And the ones who chose the worldly things and not God will all suffer in the end, , the resion their Lives seem with out trials, is because they give into what it is we Christians fight off every day,the evil of this world, It is called standing strong in Gods words...Jesus is always own time not Our time but His time and what ever we ask of Him He will do in His own time, I have come to understand that why we have to wait sometimes is , Their are Others who are in worse shape than others, But Jesus was always own time.Keep Jesus own your mind and in your heart and safe in your soul, and you will always beat what you come up against in your Life's Journeys. that will be filled with trials ...your trials will build your wisdom , Learn from all your trials, but always remember this that no matter what you face, face it with Jesus own your side because with out Him we will all Lose...God bless you and All...

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