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Anonymous asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Isn't it a shame that some people ruin yahoo answers for others?

Isn't it a shame that some individuals seem set on ruining yahoo answers for other people? I've just answered a question from Suzy who answered a question asked by an absolute nasty piece of work and he responded to her answer in the sickiest way.

I just wondered what everyone elses views are on this, there does seem to be some people who seem set on causing as much offence as they can. I dont mean someone that totally disagrees with what you have said, or someone that answers a question in a joking manner but those who purposely set out to offend in the worse possible way. What does everyone else do if you see a question that totally offends you, do you answer it and say how you feel or ignore it? Whats the best way to deal with it, do you report the person and does it do any good?


Thanks for all your replies so far, i totally agree with you all so far, its great to know that you all feel that way. Sorry i didnt put a link in, i dont know how to do that! sorry!

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hi trixie...yes i read the reply that suzy got and i totally agree with the added edit she one deserves that kind of mindless..childish...insensitive ..moronic abuse....if i get a violation just for saying Sh*t...that guy should be banned for life...i hope suzy doesn,t leave...she is one of us good guys and i,ve always said this no matter how many slimeballs there are out there we good uns outnumber them 1000 to 1 and unlike them we can rely on each other....who have they got????bri

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a shame. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you are highly sensitive you may choose to avoid Y/A.

    However if something is really vulgar, crude or unnecessary it should be reported. The way I decide is looking at the question asked and the answer provoked. I always think that my mum or my little sister could be reading it and would I like them to see that answer.

    Obviously a crude question is going to attract crude answers and that doesn't bother me too much (within reason) I'm not a prude. It is when the innocent harmless questions receive abuse that I think it is mean (when people are blatantly just doing it to annoy people or create a reaction).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is a big thing happening here in germany at the moment aswell

    there are a crowd of about 10 users getting all the top contributors accounts deleted

    my wife is scared to answer or ask questions anymore

    she has just reached level 7

    and it is people on level 7 it is happening too

    they get abbusive and threatening emails

    we have written to yahoo abbout this and named and shamed a few of them

    they too have had there accounts deleted,bu the next day they are back with a different name

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    not everybody is the same & that's what makes us individuals. Unfortunately some people can be mean & nasty for no reason at all....who knows...???maybe they had a bad day at work or school?or had just had a big argument with their spouse? I NEVER come online when i've had a bad day as i know myself that i wont have my thinking cap on!!

    best way, is to ignore these sad/sick people, and try not to take what you read personal!

    this is a site where one can express their opinions! we have to be wise enough to weigh ourselves what's good or bad!!! if we start being nasty to whome is stupid,sad or seick...then we are in the same boat as them!!!

    2wrongs never made a right....!!! SO LET THE RIGHT SIDE WIN!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    There are always going to be arseholes in this world....there is no shortage, nor will there ever be.

    All you can do is brush it off and ignore it. If someone is rude i do report it but i dont waste another moment on them.

    I think it's because manners are forgotten. Or simply some people are just miserable, and seek pleasure in other peoples pain - they are sadistic. So let them be miserable, and you have a fantastic day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its really easy to be nasty via a PC, these people who do this are probably also aggressive over the phone. But face to face they are totally different.

    I agree that there are some people who think this service is a way for them to:- display there body part, quote racist points of view, discuss there sexual prowess Etc.

    This is not the reason for this site but hay the world is full of strange people.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I even have on no account tried pulse, yet I hear it fairly is an imitator of facebook, and since the hot facebook took an entire turn for the worst, so Yahoo is following facebook's strikes in the direction of the worst. I even have observed that with yahoo email. each time they convey about out a sparkling email it fairly is worse than in the past!

  • 1 decade ago

    Some guy had a question like "Who wants to date me?" I told him he belongs in a yahoo chat room, and not question and answers which is for people who actually need help in something. I take this site seriously when I have a question to ask I want a serious answer, not some retard making fart jokes! So when I go to answer someones question, I give them my honest answer.

  • Dixie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Report them yes. But don't ever answer the stupid,bad,gross,disgusting questions either. You get people of all kinds on here and some just should be banned for life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i have answered things that have offended me and i have been reported for no apparent reason, i get thumbs down when i give a fine answer to a question and i have had questions written about me in a cruel manner..all because i answer a few questions and stand up for myself and others. yahoo should keep a bigger watch over this as some of the stuff that goes on in here is appalling and unfair.

    the people who are on here to offend obviously havent got a life and would never argue with anyone in the real world so they just do it on here, behind a screen where no one can get to them. its incredibly sad.

    i did get angry about it but now i just pity their small mindedness.

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