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Mutawa stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they're not wearing the headscarves?

Since my colleague was arrested by Mutawa, I couldn't help myself to find out more about this religious police in Saudi.

I was shocked when I've found the following news:

Is the news true or just western's scum against Saudi?

Any written rules on how one should behave so that he/she will not have the problem with mutawa? From what I've heard, what is condoned today may not be condoned tomorrow


The problem is there's no written law or standard codes as a reference for everybody in order to have law and order. So each region, each city, even each individual muttawa can have their own interpretation regarding sharia.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i totally dont believe it

    this s wht the western media do

    sabotagin anythin related with islam

    and now all westerns are brainwashed

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That had nothing to do with Islam. That had to do with the stupid Muttawa and the Government. In times of emergency like fires the women are allowed outside without being covered in order to escape a burning building or other disaster so long as they immediately cover once they are outside. Don't show skin if your a woman, always be covered if your a woman, don't interact with the other sex out in public and respect Islam and Saudi culture.

  • 1 decade ago

    I cant imagine that this is true, but they don't always think things through very well.

    A friend of mine and a small group of friends went scuba diving in the red sea from a hotel beach access on day, when they came out from diving the mutawa were on the beach and came up to them and demanded their igamas and passports.

    Of course my friends kind of looked down at there wet suits and then looked up at the mutawa puzzled as to where were they supposed to hold these documents, they (the mutawa) kind of giggled at themselves shook their heads and walked away.

    I guess they realized it was a stupid question..

  • 1 decade ago

    As others have said, this story is old news.

    The mutawa tend to interpret their role in a rather liberal manner; that is, they believe they have more authority than they actually do, especially when dealing with non-Muslims. I was adviced by a regular policeman in Riyadh to come to the regular police if mutawa were harrassing me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not know if this story is true or not. But as a westerner, you do not have to cover your head. I just wear the abaya. My husband said sometimes the religious police will say something to you about covering your head but it is a religious practice for them. So, I do carry a headscarf with me. The Saudi children stare at me and some of the other foreigners living here do too (Filipinos, Pakistanis, etc.) but no one bothers me and I have been shopping downtown, the grocery stores, etc. It just depends on what city you are in as to how strict they are.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That story is true, but not new. It happened 5 years ago! That does not make it any better but.........bad things happens all around the world.

    The CPVPV denied the charges of beating or locking the gates but the incident and the accounts of witnesses were reported in Saudi newspapers such as the Saudi Gazette and Al-Iqtisaddiyya. The result was a very rare public criticism of the group.

    In July 2006 it was announced that the committee would no longer be allowed to interrogate those it arrests for behavior deemed un-Islamic. Prior to this commission members enjoyed almost total power to arrest, detain, and interrogate those suspected of violating the Sharia.

    You know that the Mutaween Police is taking action in KSA. Either deal with it or leave. If yo go strict by Sharia law you won't have to worry about a thing.

    Take care and stay out of trouble.

  • 1 decade ago

    The story is true but not new. To deal with the mutawwa simply be on your best behavior in public it will keep you out of trouble most of the time. If they happen to stop you as them what you did wrong and explain to them that you are a foreigner and you are unaware of the local customs. Do not intimidate them by arguing and cursing as many people do including Saudis.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes the story is true..why would anyone make up something like that?

    See this is the problem with saudis,they think the whole world is against them.Why are you reading western news anyway if it's scum?It was all over the news here.

    Btw I don't mean to offend anyone..just my opinion

  • luci
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i would not think of much less of you, i might basically desire which you probably did no longer provide up something alongside with the headband and persisted dressing and appearing respectfully. in case you stopped wearing it and started appearing in an extremely provocative way it would not be something i might harbor on my standards. Insha'allah you're making the alternative from on your coronary heart and characteristic given this a number of thought.

  • zxcpoi
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    "Mutawa" is not the right word

    Their name is "Alhay'ah"

    the accident is true but it is old. The problem was not totaly from Alhay'ah. The firemen, school,.. etc all shared the responsibility for this mess. Alhay'ah was blamed because the media dont like them.

  • Mintee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with the 2 posters about just behaving while in Saudi.. Look. why do you come here then if you want to stir up problems..

    Think of the country as someone elses home, you are on your best behavior as a guest in that home and abide by the rules that person has.. You dont just waltz into someones home hooting it up, acting stupid, flirting it up with their daughter etc, so you dont do this in SaudiARabia.. If you want to go work in Saudi, you are a guest and should abide by all rules. You know there is no drinking, partying, dating, pork, drugs, mingling with opposite gender etc.. There are many healthy fun and fine places one can do or go for clean intertainment. Almost all the foreigners who come usually have gatherings and get togethers to socialize amongst themselves.. You can easily find any group that had your same interests.

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