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Doc Watson asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 decade ago

A Question For Women Only: Do Any Of You Display A Price Tag?

If you’ve single and dating and will only go out with men who make a certain amount of money, who are ‘financially secure’, or if, when meeting a man for the first time, you instantly start prying into his life to find out what he does for a ‘living’, what area of town he lives in, what kind of car he drives (if you’re in a parking lot) to get an instant measure of his income or worth....aren’t you really saying to yourself, to single men and the world in general that you have a price tag, a specific level that your affections, your love, your companionship, can be bought for?

Is his ‘finacial security’ paramount in your dicision to date him? Or is it one of the less important things you consider when getting to know someone?

I’m not talking about extreme cases here, like dating a homeless guy or Bill Gates. I’m talking about average guys vs. doctors, lawyers, etc.

Be honest.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I honestly dont care about the "price tag" as you call it. Just cause someone might have the money and the clothes and job doesn't mean he has the personality or the love. he could be a complete *** and no amount of money will change that.

  • 1 decade ago

    i personally do not judge let alone go out with someone (when i was dating) because of his pocket book , bank acount , job , etc , but i do feel that if a woman is looking for a guy to possibly settle down with they should know where his prioritys are , a gal shuld not ask these questions on the first couple dates maybe on the 3rd if there seems to be a conection , but it dont always happen that way . pepole can have all the nice things that money can buy but all in all money cant buy you true love or happiness . so no not all girls have a price tag but some out there do , and those gals in my opinion make it harder on the gals that are not into the material things to find the right guy cause most guys after they come across a gold digger assume most gals out ther e are like that when infact there not

  • 1 decade ago

    I married a very "poor" man. It didn't matter to me. What I saw was everything else, but also his drive. So, in other words, no the amount he makes is not a concern at all. ( I am now single again- nothing to do with money), but what he sees as his potential and his drive - not whether his skills make a lot of money or not - is most important. If he is an artist, but does what he can to be the best he can but sells very few paintings, or if he is an MBA but is still working his way up and may never "get there", its his belief in himself that he is a viable self sufficient person with full confidence that is attractive. Hell, this is 2007, women have been earning enough on their own to ever look for a mate to "look after them"., Those that do, need to rethink their own worth, not the men who may date them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think this will greatly depend on the various phases of that woman's life. Women are a bunch of sophisticated lot and not even us women, have US figured out. Honest.

    Well consider this - she may be in her early to mid 20's and have just started out in her career and having her first taste of financial independence, a promising mate could be someone "financially secure". Let's say she still had no luck with those "financially secure" ones by the time she's in her 30's (and probably moved up her career ladder as well) she will start looking for other qualities such as companionship, affectionate romantic and so forth. And for women in their 40's, they may just want someone to have fun with, and won't care what he earns (cos she will most likely foot the bill herself)

    So there you go... it really depends on a lot of factors. So if you can narrow down your expectations, you may just find the right fit for you.

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  • 1 decade ago

    honestly, women shouldn't feel the need to do such a thing at all. We should be just as independant and as equal as men.

    We should split up the country between men and women, and women should have the upper social class and political class than men, because they have totally failed in the human race for such a long, long time. I think we should bring ourselves up to the next level and take over the world!!!!!! MUAHAHHA!!!

    Ahem, back to my sensible side:

    If women are to do such a thing, then we wouldn't be financially independant for our own accord. What happens if you end up divorcing? You're husband just passed away due to an accident or something relevant to death? What happened if both of you are financially-unwise and end up becoming broke even though you both run very successful career lives (it has happened many times with people)? What if a business failed? Economy is at a trough at the near corner? Whether your spouse is wealthy or 'looks' as if he is financially independant or what some call the "goldmine" it doesn't make anymore difference from a middleclass to a highclass family with a financially-challenged wife/husband, in both ways, you still don't know how to manage your money!

    I recommend all women to read "Smart Women, Finish Rich" by David Bach, a financial advisor.

    and to answer this question, No, I don't go doing that stuff.. what I do is look at their genetics and decide if I want it in my gene pool or not.

    Source(s): Smart Women, Finish Rich by David Bach, personal experience, other people's testimony.
  • 1 decade ago

    there is a small number of woman that are into the "Social Standing" of a male before they date them these people are often shallow and only want to lead the good life. Most of us normal woman date men that we truley like for the sake of themselves and not their wallets!

    I used to date men with money and I found them to be arrogant and rude most of them. And also if you standards for dating someone are just their income details and what they drive then you are not going to have a meaniful relationship with that person becuase in you time of being together they could loose their job etc and end up being poor too.

    I will stick with the guys that are broke or near broke have some baggae and have lived life!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Before I married my husband, I didn't look at the amount of money he had or what his assets were. I paid attention to what his goals were.

    When I met my husband he drove a beat up old truck and was living in his mother's garage. He was driving a cab at night and going to college in the day. Because I knew he had big plans in life, I didn't sweat the fact that he was dirt broke and was living at his mother's (even though he was almost 30 at the time).

    Since then he finished college, we bought a house, and his beat up old car truck is long gone :) My point is, I didn't let my husband's lack of money bother me when we were dating because I knew that wouldn't last.

    Now, now my husband NOT been going to college at the time or not had any plans laid out ahead of him for what he was going to do in life, I probably wouldn't have ended up with him. Not because I was looking for money in a man, because I wasn't. I probably wouldn't have ended up with him because I would have been scared away by what I would have perceived to be a lack of drive, lack of motivation.

    I have always been independent with my own dreams for the future. I wanted to make sure I found someone with those same dreams.

    So to answer your question, I had no price tag on me, unless you consider my requirement of motivation/hard work in a mate to be a price tag. I would advise any woman to ask the same of her future mate. The phrase "love won't pay the rent" is absolutely true. If you end up with a partner that does not want to work very hard in life or does not ever plan on leaving his bottom-tier paying job for one that's more challenging, it almost always hurts the relationship. There's no smooth sailing in a relationship when you're both fighting all the time about money.

    Source(s): Experience with a guy who had no goals or drive in life. If he got out of bed at all to go to work, I was damn lucky. Young and stupid I was (18). Learned a lot from that, let me tell you.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess it could be interpreted that way.

    I'd want to know where he lives and what he does for a living, and I'd give that information too.

    It would be a less important thing for me. If he's dead broke, I couldn't support the two of us so I wouldn't pursue a relationship, out of fairness. However if he was rich, I wouldn't automatically go after him. Okay, he has money. But do I like him?

    True, some women are shallow gold-diggers but not all of us are.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't usually do those things. I mean, I do ask what he does, but more to start conversation and because we kind of conflate what a person does and who they are in this culture. There are women out there who are more interested in money than anything else, just as there are men who are only interested in arm candy. May they find each other and be happy. Most of us, though, have some depth to us, and, shocker, many women actually make their own money.

  • 4 years ago

    i don't recognize. in keeping with probability for an identical reason the Palestinians bomb college buses finished of infants? a minimum of the Israeli soldier admitted what he did - in assessment to the cowards at the back of the rocket assaults and suicide missions. i could extremely somebody stabbed a sack of making cloth than a man or woman!

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