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Do you fast? If yes: How often do you fast? When do you fast? What is the nature of your fast...?

Such as do you only fast from certain foods, only take water, or have a complete fast (no food or water)? Why do you fast?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I sometimes fast fromt he computer or some other thing i enjoy to show God how much Iove him and devote that time in prayer. fasting is not only with food but all things we enjoy wordly. I have fasted from things for 5 days and some 3 days. I let God lead me--

  • tas211
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    As a Christian, just fasting does no good at all. It's fasting and prayer that brings the victory. The Bible says that we should fast when we are seeking a miracle. I have no set time or number of days I fast. I fast when I need a miracle. For example, I prayed and prayed and prayed for my husband to get SAVED. Then one day I knew that some men from my church were going to come over to talk to my husband. I figured that since prayer alone was not working that I'd try fasting and prayer. So, I fasted from food all day. I also fasted from music, the Internet, television and talking any more then I had to. And that evening my husband accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior...he got SAVED.

    Every year our church has a week long camp meeting. Many of our members fast from something for that entire month. Many give up television or sweets, the Internet or something else that they enjoy. And then some fast from food and pray for the entire week before camp meeting starts. That is because we are fasting and praying that God will work some miracles at camp meeting and that many many people will get SAVED.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, during 'Ramadan' (festival month for the Muslim around the world). It is a complete fast (no food and water) while restraining ourselves from doing anything which will affect the 'spirit' of the fast.

    Fasting is the third fundamental in Islam. Beside affecting other spirituals believe in Islam, fasting will boost up your health. Your digesting system is put on rest from dusk to dawn after the whole year of hardworking.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I fast for specific intentions ... and combine fasting with daily Mass attendance, and once or twice daily reception of holy communion.

    The length of the fast will vary, and might last anywhere from 2 to 7 days at a stretch, with water, and the body and blood of Jesus Christ, as the only sustenance.

    For fasts that will go longer than 2 days, I take a daily no-calorie fiber supplement to keep all my insides working, as the digestive tract tends to shut down after a couple of days, and it can be tough to get back to normal, once that has happened.

    The experience of relying so totally on God ... and surviving on what appears to be only a tiny piece of bread, gives a whole new meaning to that portion of the Lord's Prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread ..."

    In my experience, prayer combined with fasting works amazingly well, and done properly, it helps a soul get closer to God and makes our prayers and petitions more effective.

    If you're healthy enough, give it a try. Start slowly. Work up to longer time frames as necessary, and see for yourself.

    There's no shortage of good things for which to pray, and there's certainly no paucity of evils to oppose.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am Muslim and I am supposed to fast, but due to medical reasons I am not allowed to do so. If I could, I would be expected to fast during the entire month of Ramadan, from sunrise to sunset every day. This means no food, no water and no sexual contact during daytime hours. We are also expected to fast other times throughout the year. It shows us how those less fortunate feel, it gives us an inner peace, it brings us closer to God and it is a sacrifice. Because I cannot fast, I can do other things that acceptable (provide food or money to those less fortunate, usually).

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I fast. I fast before Mass on Sundays. You should fast at least an hour before recieving the Holy Eucharist. I also fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday and I try to fast on the Fridays of Lent.

  • Jan P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Currently once a week. I'm usually do a Daniel or partial fast miss eating lunch and spend my lunch hour in prayer, praise, reading His word and LISTENING. (Being still and knowing that He is God.)

    I fast as a cleansing and clearing out of my mind in order to be able to be more receptive to what He is telling me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm 15 and I fast once a year for a holiday but the name slips my mind, I'm Jewish and its the day where you ask for forgiveness from all your sins.

  • 1 decade ago


    I'm in a fast right now (1 yr).

    I am fasting from pursuing women.

    Why? Because I need to; for God, my future girlfriend(s), and for myself.

    In Love

  • 1 decade ago

    I go fast all the time

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