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ONE of their FRIENDS ??? Can this really be given much credence??

Here is an excerpt from an article on Sky News...

'....On the evening of May 3rd, one of their friends who was on holiday with them in the Algarve had seen a man carrying what appeared to be a child, outside the McCann's apartment....'

Do you give much credence to this?


ASH F - didn't you understand the question then? .......Lol.

Update 2:

The bit about '...what appeared to be a child..' is just so stupid.

Update 3:

Lesroys and Dave S sum up my thoughts on this...thank you for expressing them so eloquently. Whenever I seem to come across McCann 'supporters' there is little sound argument and, indeed, most resort to one or two liners along the lines of 'Get off their backs!' The current one going around slagging people off is the not so eloquent 'Angela F' - I wonder exactly why these people get so worked up about a few home truths?

The public has a right to question the anomalies in this case - let's be honest, it is littered with them! I won't repeat them all here as they have been covered extensively in other posts. Suffice to say that I am still waiting for some answers from the 'supporters' as to what exactly the McCanns have done right and why all the things they have done wrong do not matter !!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just a point of clarification.

    The Portuguese police did follow up this thin lead, but did not make it public because it came to nought. The description of the man was too sketchy, although I believe originally the physical description of the man was published (5'11, dark hair, dark jacket, light trousers), but the claim that he was carrying "something that looked like a child" is a new twist, which I doubt was reported originally.

    The McCanns are grabbing at straws - and in the process actively interfering with the police investigation. Not only did they threaten to sue the police, but they got Gordon Brown involved. Why is this? I can only think of one reason. The McCanns are aware of the criticism being levelled against them and are trying to silence that criticism by coming up with phantom suspects. Robert Murat, his lover, her husband and the Russian man who worked on Murat's website look like they are going to be cleared soon (no evidence against them - at least nothing that would stand up to scrutiny), so the McCanns need a bogeyman to deflect blame away from them.

    As I have said so many times before, if the McCanns had actually dipped into their own bank account and hired a PI on 4 May, we would probably know what happened to Maddie by now. I will continue to ask the McCanns why they didn't do this, and until I hear an answer, they will continue to be suspects as far as I am concerned.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Absolutely no credence whatsoever. If this isnt a wild goose chase then I shall eat my hat in front of a live studio audience!

    It was one of their friends that saw this, so common logic is that they told the McCanns early on so the McCanns knew about this.

    Now if the information was deemed worthy, im sure the Portugese police would have followed it up by now but no, theyve been mentioning Robert Murat and that Russian guy but nothing about this mystery man carrying an object.

    But considering the friend who saw this person cant even tell whether the man was carrying a child or an object when presumably this friend has seen Maddy before so knows what she looks like, then what does that say?

    Also lets assume for a second it was a child this man was carrying, I thought the resort was 'family friendly', so therefore is it not in the realms of possibility this was some father who was carrying his child because they had fallen asleep particularly as it was late at night (for children - 9:30pm)

    Sorry, but I almost dont know why the McCanns threatned the police with legal action if they didnt release this latest sighting. Its almost as though they want to distract the police from looking at certain other angles .........

  • Kes51
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The only thing about the Morrocan story that surprises me is the apparent lack of any credence given to it by the authorities.

    I've yet to hear anyone explain why this apparent witness has been ignored.

    The McCanns, must have enough in their "jolly holiday fund" by now to go and see for themselves - Perhaps they're saving it until someone reports seeing Maddy on a small island in the Caribbean?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The trail is already cold. The search has now gone global.

    The reality of the situation as I see it is simply this, if a missing child is not found in the first week following an abduction, then that child is never likely to be found.

    I hope and pray, knowing that it may be just a lost cause.

    I no longer watch this story on the news or read of it in the papers. The media had better wake up to me and millions like me. We have prayed. It is all we can do. Now please, can we just get on with life?

    The news media are already losing audience!!

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  • momof3
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The Mccann's insisted that the police release this "new" lead and they got Gordon Brown to push it with them.

    I just find it "odd" it was one of their party who saw it for goodness sake it may have been just an innoccent man on holiday with his daughter and being a RESPONSIBLE parent by having the child WITH THEM AT NIGHT!!!!!!!!!

    Is that so hard for the whole of team mccann holiday friends to understand bearing in mind they all dump their children at night?

  • 1 decade ago

    I saw that and thought it strange because I thought the friend was saying.

    "That's odd why is that man carrying a child so late. Shouldn't it be tucked up in bed on it's own."


    If the friend did see someone like that why didn't they say something and make EVERYONE get up and look closer. If it is a true sighting I cannot imagine the horror of now knowing you watched and left someone to walk away with someones child. My stomach is turning over at the thought.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wonder are the police just issuing this as a mask of the truth so they can bide there time in pouncing on Gerry. I am sick of seeing him walk up to the cameras pulling his stetford wife behend him. He is reminding me of Ian Huntley.

    They got Murat for hovering and pushing himself into the scene - well that is what Gerry is doing - trying to control everything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    vague description?...that's a laugh! description what so ever! down my street i could see lots of blokes that fit the description of 35-40, 5'10 and the other odds....and like anybody is going to remember his clothes...hell i cant even remember what i was wearing yesterday let alone if i was asked what a total stranger who passed me by 3 weeks ago was, the most i could muster is "i think he was wearing skin?"'s ridiculous!

  • 1 decade ago

    Why didn't they tell the McCanns at the time?

  • 1 decade ago

    yeah i know!Just seen on sky news that robert murat said that still doesnt rule him out.when you think of it,it rules hundreds of blokes in!Its hardly significant with a vague description like that.How come this friend wasnt getting rat arsed with his doctor pals at the tapas bar anyway.just happened to be outside at 9.30.pull the other one its got bells on,

    Source(s): my brain
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