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Do you know how to hack your brain? How in your way.?

If you need to make your brain recall certain informations or program it to do certain things like wake up at certain time or remember certain thing at certain times when you need it. Or achieve a sense of confident when you are playing sport game or speaking in public,etc..

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think your brain automatically wakes up at the time you want to, after several days. It always works for before school, I wake up at the exact time. You can try an alarm clock at first. As far as remembering things, it is good to be mindful by living in the present and training your thoughts to be in the present not in the past or future which most of our thoughts are. This enhances your life when you are in the present. For feeling confident you can set a trigger. Check this out:

  • 1 decade ago

    It's called focus, concentration and lots of mental effort.

    When i talk about focus, i mean really picking out information from your senses that matter, and blocking out the rest. This is also called filtering.

    The brain is a multi-tasking machine. Minimize all the tasks you dont need, and focus all your mental effort on the task you want.

    I might have made it sound easy but in reality it is very difficult. Most of these processes are automatically done, and some are done without you knowing about it. Sometimes its the automatic processes that work best!

    So find a way to make the task that you want, become an automatic process

  • 1 decade ago

    I have (accidently) reached these sort of things as a result of making sure that I have a certain amount of quiet, 'nothing' time as often as possible. I believe it is like 'powering-down' my personal computer and allowing the maintenance to occur without disruption. Then I run my brain at its best and most uncluttered - with room for wake-up calls to myself, energy etc.

    Lots of people have trouble thinking of I make the 'nothing' into a something' ie: I imagine I am floating in a starless part of space, just drifting in blackness. When I come back into me, I am refreshed and clear and calm.

    Hope you find the route to your particular 'control panel'.


    Tina Louise

  • 1 decade ago

    Meditation for training your brain and an alarm clock to wake up at a certain time. Practice and mentally replay scenarios in your brain. Read. Memorize.

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  • kenn
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    principle and discipline

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