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I refer to Zim$'s Q to Ayiza...Once again, Ayiza ......?

Tell me one thing, you say you aren't racist, yet you once said that the whites in South Africa must take their things and leave South Africa,mmm... RACIST!!!

You say:"It irritates me when the white people say we must just forget apartheid, we must stop blaming apartheid for what it did. What it tells me is that the whites that say this have never really tried to understand what really happened, they never tried to imagine and put themselves in the shoes of black people" ... OK, PUT US THERE...

"crime is directed at white people only" WHO SAID THAT??? ANY IDIOT KNOWS THAT THAT'S BULLSH!T


And just for the record, it's not for as how little we think of black people, but YOU! YOU BUILT THIS IDENTITY..What do you want to hear: On behalf of ALL whiteys, we're sorry you feel what.., neglected..discriminated? WHAT DO YOU WANT!??


Alfie boy,

You are missing the point, I never said South AFrica is racism free, white and black experience that every day, but coming from someone not living in SA, I could expect a comment like that from you! Anyway, I am talking about Apartheid, living under the birthmark of it.... So there, get of that poor podium and let Ayiza answer for himself!

Update 2:

Oh and I agree, I would appreciate his honesty, you are right Alfie!

Update 3:

Ayiza, once again you didn't read the question.... I say it is little think of YOU, Y O U!!!! And what does my marraige got to do with in your shoes as a black person? Let me spell it out for you, GIVE ME YOUR STORY ON APARTHEID, WHAT DID A WHITEY DO TO YOU, NOT OTHER BLACK PEOPLE, BUT ONCE AGAIN THE Y O U WORD, YOU!!! Urgh, read the question again?

Update 4:

Oh and I never, N-E-V-E-R said that ALL black people are bad, did I mention that I've got a black friend who;s my bridesmaid???? I've never said that, you on the other hand are quick to show your little black finger towards our white people, who by the way, aren't all bad you know!!!! I think you are very narrow minded now!

Update 5:

Ayiza, you S-T-I-L-L don't get the point do you!!!

Come, let me explaine once again...... forget the marraige thing, because that is TOTALLY DIFFERENT!

In your shoes..... Apartheid... how did it affect you!!! I get the idea that you are quite young and it didn't, you never had one of those little books and you never had to be of the street by 21:00???? Unfortunately I can't put myself in your shoes there because I never knew apartheid, I wasn't brought up like that! Lina who worked for us, used OUR toilet, had the same food, ect ect.... I was tought to RESPECT ALL PEOPLE, NO MATTER THE COLOR! No put me in your bloody Apartheid shoes! Or do you need another explination!

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    O.k. Poepies

    1st part part of your question.

    I said they must leave because, they(whiteys) are always complaining about everything, why should anyone live like that, obviouly you are not happy

    A person like that is not productive and will poison others.

    2nd part of your question.

    I must put you in my shoes?!

    If you don't see the need to look at things from another persons point of view from time to time, then I can't help you.

    If you ever get married then may all the gods help you?

    3rd and 4th part of your question

    You said it yourself that you don't read all the responses you cherry pick what you like.

    So you must have missed it.

    5th Part

    So I made you think "little" of black people?

    Thatt may be true but I am an individual I don't represent all black people, why can't you think little of me and not all black people.

    That is what I am against just because a black guy stole from you it does not mean every black guy is a thief.

    Stop painting everyone with the same brash.

    You have to look at the individual.



    That's not the way I understood you.

    Let me quote " how little we think of black people, but You! You built this I identity.."

    What I just quoted means that, I made you think little of black people NOT you think little of me.

    So I read the thing maybe you should read it.

    Your marriage!

    What I am saying is you have to sometime look at things from another persons point of view without the person having to give you their sob story some people are not comfortable with that, especially men.

    In a marriage in case you did not know it's not what your husband and kids can do for you, its what you can do for them and the same applies to him too.

    That means you must try and see things from your point of view and his point of view and he must do the same.

    Thats why is SA there is such a high divorce rate people do things to benefit only themselves not the whole family.

    By seeing things from another persons point of view stops a person from being judgmental.

    Pointing a finger

    I agree not all whiteys are bad.

    I was painting everyone with the same brash just to prove the point that its not fair and a lot of whitey's paint everyone with the same brash!

    I am glad that you can see it clearly.

    Now you will think twice before you say "these black people", "these blacks" and "the blacks".

    Narrow Minded!?

    Then I am.

    Because you said so.

    But I would like to think that I am not.

    Whose decision is it? :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    What people like Ayiza don't seem to realise is that nobody wants the apartheid days back for the apartheid. Even if we get a white government in again, that will never happen. We've come too far for that kak to happen again.

    Ayiza, for what it's worth... I'm not a racist. I don't hate all blacks. I hate illegal immigrants and the problems they've caused in my beautiful country. And I hate the ATTITUDES like the ones you've shown in this forum. They're counterproductive. And I admit that I hate taxi drivers. But who doesn't??

    I apologise if I've personally said anything to offend you.

    I don't want to see you apologising just because you're outnumbered. Justify yourself - you have a right to feel the way you do, just like the rest of us do. If you have a statement to make, then back it up. But that one question you posted about the bottled water was unecessarily antagonistic (not racist, don't get me wrong. Just looking for a fight.).

    Your views are just as welcome here as any of ours, Mfwetu. And I believe I can learn from you too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are living in LaLa Land if you think Racism is dead in South Africa.

    Mbeki said the only people complaining about crime are Whites.


    Nqaqula said those complaining about crime should pack their bags and leave.


    Whites must go.

    Ayiza is merely repeating his political Masters so your anger is misdirected. In any event I would rather his honesty than the snakes who Govern you saying one thing and doing another.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    good this can be a relatively best Q .. i consider ... same twins do not proportion the identical patronus despite the fact that the proportion the identical DNA ... it doesn't matter what existence has to difference no less than something of their features .... i do not consider J.K ever stated their patronus ..that is relatively an intriguing inspiration ... ^_^ for i consider your patronus is established to your soul ... and personalty Fred and George do not need the identical soul !!! or the identical personalty although it's alternatively near ^_^

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mouth is shut!

    **The H grabs the lawnchair and the beer to watch this monitor! High expectations that the POEF is going to crack the screen once again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i'll just sit back and watch the kak hit the fan - again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ayiza - here is your sign...

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